10/18 -10/21 Flamingo, Ballys and Paris

Reports & Blogs by Dogchew Posted

I started off playing at Bally's. Very nice room especially like the electronic name listing. Was playing ok when a guy a sat down and cashed for $120. I went in with A10 unsuited. Flop cam KQJ. What more could I ask for. I checked and the new guy bet $15 and I raised to $30 and then he went all in. He had the low flush and just walked off when I showed him the Ace high straight. LOL It was great. Ended up $200 that day.

Wednesday wasn't so good. I could not catch a card for the life of me. Lost $600 that day.

Thursday was better went to my old stomping grounds the Flamingo. Played some 2-4 won a few bucks then played NL. I went in with K9 of spades. The flop was J10spades and a 3. The turn was nothing. But the river produced a Q of spades and I hit the first high had of the day. King high straight flush. Won second high had that day for $300.

Rest of the week was ok. Played at Paris which was not bad. Ended up about even for the trip. I got a very bad cold there but it did not stop me from gambling. Ha Ha.

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