Aria 1pm Tournament #2: "Tex schools Mr. Penn"

Reports & Blogs by mj luvvy about Aria Casino Posted

sat next to "Tex" today at the Aria 1pm game. Tex is a fellow regular who is in his early 80's wears a white cowboy hat and his WSOP black wind breaker.

guy to Tex's left today was a yokel from Pennsylvania in his mid 40's with three kids and a wife (i noticed his worn gold wedding band squeezing his now pudgy finger). as is a common tourist habit Mr. Penn starts chatting up ol' Tex.

"are you famous?" he asks. wondering if the old man who "has been playing poker for 61 years" is friends with Doyle Brunson, et. al.

apparently even old men have egos. Tex's squirms in his chair and grudgingly calls his hand "not really" he says.

then Tex hands the Mr. Penn his business card which apparently reveals that he is a poker teacher. or more precisely as he puts it "i don't teach people to play poker, i teach them how to win tournaments."

The conversation pretty much ends when Mr. Penn askesTex how many of his clients have "World Series Bracelets?"

"One or two" Tex represents. A bit of gibberish from the table so I can only catch Tex saying "and i forget the name of the second guy."


Just preceding this dialog I am in a hand with Mr. Penn. I am the big blind well into level 2 and have yet to win a hand and wake up with A-3 off suit. checks around and the board flops: Q33 rainbow. checks around. then another Q hits the board and Mr. Penn bets $750 (average stack is 11,000ish) i smooth call, fold by third player. river is a 9. he bets 1,250. i call. he has 99. spiked his 22.5 to 1 shot.

by level 6 he had bad beat five other players and had woken up with AA twice and KK once. but got his back broken by an obvious boat who strung him out hunting his flush/straight draws.


i opened level 7 with 2650 in chips and on life support. i go all in on my 800 blind with A2 suited. guy on my right caught his flush (all in), the guy on my left had his boat on the turn (calls the all in).

after 7 rounds and approximately 120 hands i realized that i was probably the only player left in the tournament who had yet to win one hand.

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  1. after 7 rounds and approximately 120 hands i realized that i was probably the only player left in the tournament who had yet to win one hand.

    That's because some of us had KK (first playable hand) after 4 rounds and ran into AA.

    You do know the odds of you flopping trips with your A3 was 73:1 against? Not horrible play, IMO if he put you on an A.

    I had fun, but was pretty much card dead and couldn't win a coin flip and/or bad timing.

    1010 against AA no good.
    KK against AA no good
    1010 against AK no good

  2. @varnco

    That's because some of us had KK (first playable hand) after 4 rounds and ran into AA.

    You do know the odds of you flopping trips with your A3 was 73:1 against? Not horrible play, IMO if he put you on an A.

    I had fun, but was pretty much card dead and couldn't win a coin flip and/or bad timing.

    1010 against AA no good.
    KK against AA no good
    1010 against AK no good[/quote]

    i have had the same experience. get to the third break with no outright wins and a few ante steals... oddly i get perverse pleasure out of seeing how long i can go without winning...