Aria Afternoon Tournament #4: The Whispers of Doyle Brunson

Reports & Blogs by mj luvvy about Aria Casino Posted

It was the afternoon after the hangover. The day before I'd got to 22nd place (out of 163 entries, 15 places in the money and $4,000 for first place) at the Saturday Aria afternoon tourney. My AK off-suit-all in against his AQ off-suit. Flop comes down Q10x, turn another Q, then blank (am a 3-1 pre-flop favorite so can't complain).

A round earlier my KQ (46%) spiked a Q on the river against A6. A round earlier i'd made a questionable three way all-in: K10, QQ to my AJ (I read the hand correctly but decided the potential triple-up was worth the risk at this point in the tournament). [Note:20/20 hindsight it was not the correct play as i was only a few places out of the money and didn't really need to gamble at that point].


So now 16 hours after getting bounced near the bubble, The WSOP crowd is gone and it looks like only 60 or 70 entries. Sort of like a bad road team playing a sold out Yankee Stadium and then coming home to 12,000 scattered fans in a seemingly cavernously hollow ball park.

So i sit down at the table a realize that all the good player had gone home and these were the "what the hell I'll play a hold'em tournament for a few hours" weekend warriors. So ten minutes into the first round I peek at J10 suited clubs and make a modest raise of $250 and get re-raised to $600 by the eight seat. Now this guy obviously had a big hand (one of those where you can actually see him make a jerky move due to an adrenaline rush). I call the raise and the flop comes down:

Flop: AcQc8s
Turn: AcQc8s8d

It was at this moment that a thought wafted through my head. 'I think even the best players in their prime have off days.' (Now my subconscious and conscious meet on the mount and wonder why am i thinking this).

River: AcQc8s8d3c.

The made hand bets $2,000. I call resignedly and say. "Aces full boat?"


Lamenting the lost $125 entry fee as i leave the Aria 1pm tournament at 1:20 it only takes me 5 minutes to realize that I just didn't feel like playing and then I wondered if the "real" Doyle Brunson ever has days like this?

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