Aria Afternoon Tournament #6: When it really matters...

Reports & Blogs by mj luvvy about Aria Casino Posted

so as usual i am flat out broke... had enough three weeks ago to play four $125 tournaments at the Aria Hotel. made final table twice but only doubled my entries due to the following hands:

final table #1: my AK vs. AJ all in -- he caught his gut shot 10 (9%) on the river to make a straight (a win makes me tournament leader and in line for at least $2000).

final table #2: my chip count is slightly below average -- he barely covers me. so in 9th place i bet a quarter of my stack. he raises -- all in. i'd been playing with this guy all afternoon and caught his tells so i pretty much knew he didn't have the nuts.. I call.

my 99 vs. his AK.(57% to 43%). flop shows a K and it was over. a win puts me in a tie for tournament leadership. it was a big entry day so about $3000 bucks on the line. i got $250.

ahh, but for a turn of the card...

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  1. Curse of playing the Aria, love the tournament but some of the beats are sick....Min cashed there about a year ago when my aces lost to AK...J on the flop, 10 turn, Q river....sigh

  2. I don't think anyone that plays poker hasn't get a bad beat yet. It is part of the game. Sometimes, we are on the winning end, and sometimes, we are on the losing end. That is one thing that I love playing poker. Unless you hit a Royal after the flop, there is always a chance of losing.

    It looks like that you are doing pretty well with your tournaments. Not that many people can make the final table as often as you had. Better luck next time and don't let the bad beats discourage you!

  3. I second boat here. It's one of the things that keeps people playing, the uncertainty. But in saying that it hurts for a while if you're on a ft or close to it. Unless you wanted to work to get to ft then just ladder to say 3rd you'll have this happen but just think without these bad beats happening to anyone you'll never get any chips