Bachelor Party with Poker

Reports & Blogs by VitaminVee about Bellagio Casino, MGM Grand Posted

The purpose of this trip was for my brother's bachelor party, with a group of 10 of us coming in from different parts of the US. My other brother (who is the Mustache Man - anyone who played at MGM at the weekenand probably had a good chance of remembering him - dude is 6'5", rocking a sweet stache and likes to talk). I flew in late Wednesday night (3/24). We were staying in Excalibur that night, but after seeing the Excalibur "room" (wasn't impressed), decided to check out the action at MGM. We ended up playing $1/2 NL. I typically play limit games, but they only had 1 $2/4 game going, and I really only like to play $3/6 or more, so I decided to give NL a shot. No distinctive hands, but ended up with $125 profit. The table I was at was a mix of solid players and the drunk give it a shot players. Through the weekend, this seemed to be typical of the tables at MGM. Thursday was when the rest of our crew rolled in, and spent that day getting us checked in to the Signature at MGM. I had heard good things about the Signature, and it definitely lived up to the billing. Great place for a large group to stay, and got groceries/alcohol delivered to the room. Played some $1/2 Thursday with my brother. Memorable for one hand that my brother was involved in. He called an all-in (A/K off) with 4/9d - not the best call, but so be it. Hits a 9, takes down the pot. Mr. A/K reloads, but starts whining and crying about the call, proceeds to start ripping on my brother about his mustache (guy has a beard - sort of like ripping on himself, but whatever), and then some mom jokes flying. My brother isn't going to sit there and take it, and the jawing starts. I will give the MGM dealer/floor props - they handled it well, and eventually the guy (and his buddy who also started jawing) left. I can understand the frustration of losing, but it doesn't give anyone the right to berate someone in what was to that point a friendly game. Ended up that session down about $50 - decided to go play some blackjack/drink with our boys. Friday was a morning and afternoon session of $1/2. The morning session was fairly brutal for me, but could have been worse. Had 2 two out rivers hit on me (one was a situation where I played it bad, trying to set a trap), and one more hand where my AA ran into an eventual quad 10's. Was down to about $75 (from $300 buy in), got doubled up through a gift from a young TV wannabee, and ended up the session only down $100. Afternoon session was quicker - had about an hour to play before the Michigan State game (I'm an alumni) started. My brother and I actually ended up seated next to each other, and both took down $100 profit. Saturday was another grind - kept running into a player who I always knew had the range of AK-AJ. Had KK, QQ, and 1010 against this guy, and every time he hit the Ace. Guy bets, I fold, and he shows everytime the Ace. Just one of those sessions where patience was key, as well as trusting my reads. Frustrating when reads are spot on, but not much I can do about it (btw, this guy would shove with those hands if I pushed more preflop). Ended up the session down $125. My brother played the Bellagio $500 rebuy tourney, and took 4th in that for about a $2300 profit (never had to rebuy) - I obviously made him buy a late dinner for us. Sunday was my favorite session of the trip. $3/6 limit was finally being spread, and we had about 5 hours to kill before our flight out. A few hands in, ran into a guy who capped preflop with j/10d against my kk, and gutshot river straight comes of course. Told myself to be patient, as the table seemed VERY soft. That patience worked well, as the deck started smacking me nicely, and with the combination of people calling down with hands they should not, ended up that session with $292 of profit, which I will take anyday when playing $3/6. My brother finished his $1/2 session nicely (about $400 profit) - it was really too bad for both of us we had to leave for our flight. Overall, I liked the MGM room (location is great - lots of eye candy at night). I thought that they managed their tables and waiting lists well, and 9/10 dealers kept the game moving efficiently, and were also friendly to chat with.

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