Day 1 - leaving minneapolis


I am on the Delta flight from minneapolis to Vegas. I am set to arrive in vegas around 7pm local time. The day started with a quick visit to work this morning then played in the 1030am at the local card club in Minneapolis. If your in Minneapolis you need to look up Canturbury park card club. It is a horse track that as 32 poker tables and roughly 15 "casino games" tables. The mon, we'd and fi 1030 am tourney is a $45 buy in. Starting chips of 4000 and 20 min blinds that move fast with no ante. With 110 players I finished around 50 th. With Vegas on my mind I did not play well after I was able to get my stack around 17 k. I was able to double up with AQ off with blinds 100-200 raise to 600 I called. Flop AQ4. Raised checks
and I know he either hit A or Q. (played with him many times). I bet 750 knowing he may shove and he does, I instant call and he shows QT. I win. Very next hand i get AA and raise pre flop to 800 caller then an all in for 3400 I call and caller folds. All in player had QQ I win and go card dead. Get many QJ off, KT, JT etc but nothing great. I have average stack and have KJ off I raise 4 x BB and one caller J high flop caller checks I shove and he calls QQ I'm out.

I bought a buddy into tourney with hopes he would win and be able to hop on flight with me. First place was around 1k. Not bad for $45 buy in. He gets a monster stack early and gets it to 10% of chips in play with 20 left. I go play 6/12 limit as I wait for him to bust out or Vegas money. He makes final 10 And goes out 6th with AQ suited vs AK off pre flop. No Vegas money but I got my $45 back. I win $35 playing 6/12 so I am cool. It 2pm and. Have a 515 flight. So giddy up.

I am a very imaginative and sneaky player. Like playing all suited connected cards. Love the 68,57,47, 45, 79 suited cards. I will even go all the way to 5 bets pre flop with them. One thing with limit poker is you always have pot odds, no a huge fan of limit poker so Vegas cash games will bring out my best the next 5 days.

I plan to play at mirage, ceasars, harrahs, imperial palace, belagio

I plan n playing tourney at aria on Monday, ceasars on Sunday.

Landing in Vegas in 60 minutes then off to imperial for comped night then to flamingo for comped nights sat-wed.

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