Famous Dad

Reports & Blogs by VitaminVee about Venetian Las Vegas Posted

My wife and kids were going to be on vacation without me until after the 4th of July, so I thought it would be a great idea to go to Vegas, play some live poker (I live in Austin, TX, so live casino opportunities are very limited). I had enough comps to get 3 nights (Fri-Sun) at Imperial Palace, but the right price for flights only allowed me to arrive Friday night, leave Sunday afternoon.

I originally planned on playing 4/8 limit on this trip, and based on recommendations from the site, was going to play at the Venetian. When I got there on Friday night, there was a 16 person wait for 4/8 tables, so I decided to play some 1/2 NL (I have had good success at 1/2 NL, but am still not entirely comfortable with it - not really sure why). It only took about 2 orbits at the table before I had a pretty good feel for who the action players were, who I wanted to play against and who I wanted to avoid. Hit 2 big hands - one where I had k/q, had raised preflop, 1 caller. Flop was A/rag/rag, I c bet, call. Turn was a 10, I bet, call. At this point, I think he has a weak ace, so when the J hits the river, I bet he calls and mucks - about $100 profit on that hand. Other hand was nut flush, not sure what the guy went all in with, but he was one of the players I was targeting, so at best I think it was 2 pair (had nut flush on turn)...about 120 in profit on that hand. Played for about 2-3 hours, ended up $275 at the table, when I decided to play 4/8 limit, which had opened up. No remarkable hands in the session, but I was paid off numerous times when I kept my foot on the gas pedal when I flopped a straight/flush/set. I found it funny when people were shaking their heads at the aggression, which only told me that I was sitting at the right table. Ended the 4/8 session (at about 5:30 in the morning) with $175 profit.

Day 1 - +$450

Day 2, I slept for about 2 hours, showered up and then back to the Venetian for some more 4/8. The morning session was definitely a regulars game, with mostly older aged players in. Another session with no remarkable hands, had earned up to about 140 in profit, but then went very card dead, and ended the session up only 19 (still profit I know, but I'm a greedy SOB). I'm not feeling poker at the moment so I grab some grub and catch a quick nap (it's about 5:00 p.m.). I wake up about 6:30, and decide that I want to play in the 7:00 tourney at the Venetian ($120 buy in, 20 minute levels, $7500 in chips). After first 3 rounds, I'm still at starting level (twice had KK busted by weak Ace calls). Move to another table, quickly double up, but still have limited info on the players. Player to my right has a pretty big stack, and I've seen him limp in with k/10, k/9 etc. Blinds are at 600/1200, I have about 17K, when the first 3 players limp in. I have JJ, decide to push all in...all folds, until the guy to my right calls and shows KK - doh! I blank, out of tourney. I'm not unhappy with my push, as the blinds were going to quickly escalate, and I wanted to try to make a play there to accumulate a decent amount of chips. There is only a short wait for 4/8 limit, so I join a table (this is about 9:30 at night). First hour or 2, I am completely card dead (bad enough that I don't even have stuff to just limp in on, see a pot). At one point, I'm down about $80, but I decide to stay at the table, because there really isn't anyone at the table who is a good player to be fearful of, and feel if I just get a few hands, I can make some cash - good decision. I start getting some nice hands, and get paid on them, over and over (very obvious these people either weren't remembering that they were only seeing premium hands from me, or just didn't care). Biggest hand happened when I was holding q/j, it was a limped in pot with 7 players. flop was 6/8/10 rainbow. Early position bet, pretty much everyone called - I call, praying for a 9. Prayer answered - turn was the 9, there is a bet/raise prior to my action, which of course I raise. Raise/reraise, and the turn betting is capped. River is a K, so I'm still sitting on the nuts. Raise/reraise in front of me, I raise, call/call...2 other players had a 7 - I didn't add up the profit on that hand, but it was huge. After a couple of hours at the table, an older gentleman joined us - found at after a bit he was Antonio Esfandiari's dad. Very funny guy, and he kept the table loose. He was fun to talk to, and he's very proud of Antonio and his other son (forgot his name). Table lasted until 6:00 in the morning - closed up shop with $560 in profit.

Day 2 - +$460 profit, trip total up $910.

Day 3, I pack up after a short rest, head back to Venetian to play until I have to leave for my flight (about 4-5 hours). No 4/8 games going, so I join the 8/16 Limit game. Get up to about $210 in profit, then get a few premium hands busted. One that I really remember is when I have A/Q, raise preflop. Guy to my left (V), who talks a good game but had shown some hands/made some plays I thought were questionable, had called, along with a few other people (raises meant almost nothing in this game). Flop was Q/6/4, with 2 hearts out there. I bet, V raises, folds around, I reraise, he reraises, I call. At this point I actually have him on the flush draw. turn is a blank (9 i believe). I check, he bets, call. turn is a 4...I think, and lead out - he raises, ends up having 4/6 off...oh well. I actually get down about $140. I battle back to get only down $10 until I have to leave.

Day 3 - -$10, total profit for trip +$900. After expenses (including airfare), I have a net of about $500 - good enough for me to talk the wife into allowing more trips (or pay for hers I guess).

This was the first time I had played at the Venetian, and was really impressed. Drink service was great (didn't drink any alcohol, but they kept things moving), management was great at keeping tables occupied (I've never seen so much action in a room), and most of the dealers were above average (a few below, but odds are that's how it's going to be). Definitely my new favorite (had mostly played at Bellagio, Caesars and MGM before).

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  1. nice report....and result! Antonio's brothers name is Sasha....and had some tv time in last year's main event.

  2. Enjoyed reading that. The Venetian is a great room.

  3. Enjoyed your report. I live in Austin too. I use a SWA Visa card in order to get free trips, which I use sometimes for Vegas - like my upcoming trip at the end of August. Between that and some comped nights at the Flamingo, can't beat the price for a nice little solo Vegas getaway.