Fond memories and anticipation


My first report.

I discovered the AVP-site some weeks ago, and since than I have read a lot of the post trip reports. I fund them both very entertaining and educating.

Me, that’s a 55 year old Austrian, who has found his love for poker about 3 years ago. Since than I played a bit on the internet, and locally in small tournaments and in some cashgames. There is not a big poker-scene where I live, unfortunately.

I have always enjoyed visiting Las Vegas. All together I must have been there about 12 times. Gambling was one of many reasons I went, the others being great hotels at reasonable prices, terrific shows, very many good restaurants, lots of golf courses and mother nature (Lake Mead, the Colorado river, Death Valley, Grand Canyon, …) nearby.
On my trips my game of choice so far was blackjack. Than two friends introduced me to poker, and I have been hooked ever since.

So on my last two trips to Sin City I inevitably hit the poker tables.

Some memories from these two trips:

Trip 1, first week January 2012, together with my wife and 2 daughters

I entered the 2 pm tourney at the Bellagio, buy in was $ 125.
About 60 entries.
I made the final table and lost in the heads up to cash about $ 1100. Nice.
What made this tournament also memorable was the fact, that the 4 of us had booked a show (Le Reve) at 7:30. Given my poker-history and inexperience I was sure not to last long in the tournament. At around 5 o’clock I realised that time might become a concern, and I called my best wife on earth (BWOE) to tell her that we would meet at the theatre-entrance.
At 6:30 I won a big pot, and I decided to forget about the show. I called BWOE to give her the good news. She was not amused, but I promised to meet her and the girls at the restaurant after the show (Wing Lei at Wynn, table was reserved for 9:00).
Needless to say, I did not make it to dinner either and only my winnings saved my neck.

I played some other tournaments without making it in the money, and sponsoring the game of my elder daughter, who is the other one in the family loving the game, I broke about even for the trip.

Trip 2, end of October 2012

We (3 couples) rented 3 motorhomes in Seattle and drove them down the coast to end the trip via Lake Tahoe (beautiful!) – of course- in Las Vegas (5 days).

This time, besides a few tournaments, I dared to play some cash game.

Memorable occurrence (as close as I remember):
Mandalay Bay, 1/2 nl, and I had about 450 in front of me, being up 150. It was 10 minutes to 7:00 pm, and I was about to leave, because we had booked a show (Yes, Le Reve , since I missed it last time, my friends had never seen it and BWOE didn’t mind going again).
I decided to play my last hand. At the same moment I receive a text-message from BWOE to make sure I would not forget.
Seat to my left had just been taken by a kid looking more like 18 than 21, with 180 in front of him. I was the BB and got dealt 66, kid raises to 15, everybody folds to me, I call. Flop is 6xx rainbow. I check, kid raises to 80. Wow! More than twice the pot! I do not give him a higher set, for he would have played the hand differently. But I also do not know him. After a minute in the tank I put him all in and he groans (nice sound), but he also calls. He has middle pair (??), and two bricks later I win a nice pot. Now I am up more than 300, and I really should go.
Except that while collecting all my chips I get dealt one more hand. I have nothing and muck my cards. While looking for a rack and already getting up a guy loses with his boat to 5 quads. The floorman comes over, the guy with the quads gets an extra 50, and someone says “ they are gonna sprinkle the pot”. Not knowing what that means I was informed, that the casino would put another 50 (or 100?) in the next pot.
It was 7:00 by now, and a divorce would not be out of question should I miss that show again, or only be late.
But I am sure most of you will agree with my decision: One more hand!
So I sit back down, now on the button. I get dealt 55. Everybody stays in the game, betting minimum. I think about raising, but decide against it. The flop is 55x. Wow! 5 quads two times in a row! I try hard to keep my poker face. Unfortunately everybody checks to me. I bet 30. Of course this looks like I try to steal the pot, so I get 5 callers. Nice. I hope for some high card on the turn, but no such luck (some low card, can not remember which). I bet 60. one calls, the others fold. River is again some low card, and the last caller folds to my bet (believe 100).

I get some dirty looks, until I show my hand, and than it was quite a hallo. I collect all my chips + 50 for the quads and race to the valet, up around 650.

I know, I know, I should have played one more hand, for of course they “sprinkled the pot” again.
But I love BWOE, and she also can be quite scary.

We make it to the show (barely), and I am still married.

This time I leave Vegas around +800 (made the final table at the Mirage 11:00 o’clock Saturday tourney, the last 8 chop, I make about 460 I believe).
Enjoyed myself very much!
Can not wait to come back.

The best news are:
I do not have to wait very much longer! My next trip will take me to Vegas for 9 days, starting January 31st ! My older daughter will come along for my (our) first real poker trip!
BWOE is called BWOE for a reason!

Since this will be during Superball-weekend I need some advice.
I would like to watch the game, but maybe I should play poker because there might be special promotions? Best would be to do both.

Any suggestions (also where to play during Superball or at other times) would be highly appreciated!

Thanks for reading my report, and excuse my English and all my grammatical errors.
Beware! I might write another report some time in February!

(ignore the link below)

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