Fun time of year for poker players

Reports & Blogs by max-out about Caesars Palace Posted

A friends wedding brought us all to Vegas. One of the few things that happens in Vegas that Does go home with you is a wife. The last friend to be dammed.
Day 1
Trip starts at Pittsburgh airport for afternoon flight on Thursday July 10th. Land and off to Flamingo. Check in get a bite and play craps for a push. Wife wants to play Blackjack we each hit for $300. She heads to bed I head over to poker room. I get in 12:30 am tourney. At my table 2 maybe 3 good players and 3 really bad. Table was crazy is understatement. Even a few players who I thought where good crazy all ins. Exmp: bb is $200 player 1 raises to 400 - player 4 calls -player 5 raises to 800 - I call with Ah Qc on button- player 1 re-raises to 1600 - player 4 goes all in 4k - player 5 calls- I fold. Now flop comes 4h 8d 9c. player 1 all in player 5 calls. turn 2h river Ad. player 5 shows 9d-10c wins with 9's. player 1 had 2h3c, player 4 shows 5c7d. wth kind of play is this. lots of hands like this. must be the 12:30 am drunk game. Nothing special took me out all in with set of 10's after flop to set J's. Day one down been up 23 hours time for bed up 225.
Day 2
Get some breakfast at buffet so so. play some Blackjack up $100. Head to 10 am tourney at flamingo. Little better crowd. Cool guys from Jersey. Made a really bad call lost most of chips out after 1:45 minutes,. So should I go to pool with wife and friends and drink? Head over to Rio for wsop. May have been one of the neatest things I have ever done in Vegas. It was Friday and I think they were at 650 maybe 630 they started getting paid. So there was a little buzz going on. Sat front row watched main table for half hour. Brunson was there so it was neat. Headed back to flamingo for pool time with wife and friends. They were smashed it was only 3.
12 of us head out to dinner at Tobey Kieths and I get very sick before dinner. To the point its a night. up 125 hit on slot machine.
Day 3 Saturday
Up early do a little Blackjack up 50. Wedding at 12:30 at Ceasers so we head over. 10 minute Wedding my man does it Quick. Now 2 hours till Dinner. Try to play poker cant get in game. Watch mega game I think 1100 buy in see Phil Lock playing. Down 50 no poker for day.
Day 4 Sunday
head over to Ceasers for 9 am tourney. No game not enough. Would stay for cash but that was full. Over to Planet Hollywood for 10 am. 4 real jackass at table look like have not gone to bed yet. Dealers were not good and these guys were a pain. Out after 2 hours nothing special,. Head back to ceasers for mega stack tourney 135. A lot of really good players. 170 players. I really don't get much but stay alive. Bad players got picked off early and often. I never spent much time over avg stack. I pushed a lot pre-flop all in. Next thing I know its down to 30 paying top 18. got to two tables 2 players taken out. I finished 14th made a little bit money. 8 hours to that point.
I may have played my best poker and never got cards but stayed alive. Not my style but it worked.
Really want to come out for week next year this time of year. Poker rooms are alive during the wsop.

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