hand evaluation--Venetian

Reports & Blogs by Boatontheriver71 Posted

This hand involved two players at a table that I was playing.

The game is $1/$2 NL.

UTG is a rock, unless he has to pay $1 as a SB or could play as a BB, he hasn't play a pot for probably almost 65 minutes.

Me: i was loose aggressive on this particular day.

The button is a tight aggressive player.

UTG bet $15. Everyone folded to me, and I called with [6s][6d].

The button raised to $47. UTG called. I folded because I have to give respect to UTG and the button having a high pair even though I have the pot odds to make the call.

Pot = $114

Flop: [6h][10d][Jd]

UTG bet $72, and was called by the button.

Pot = $258

Turn: [2c]. UTG and Button both checked.

River: [Jh]

UTG checked and the button checked as well.

UTG turned over [Ac][Kd] and the button turned over [Ad][Ks] for a chop.

i still consider myself to be a novice at this game playing less than 3 months. Even though AK is considered a high hand, it is still not a made hand. So, for the rock to play like he did and the tight aggressive to play like he did, it just didn't make sense to me.

Knowing that I could have won if I had invested another $32 pre-flop and hitting my set, I wonder if I had made the right move by folding or should I have made the call against the rock and a tight aggressive.

Also, should UTG or the Button have played their hands differently on the river?

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