old lady keels over

Reports & Blogs by mj luvvy about Aria Casino Posted

so am at level seven in the daily Aria $125 holdem tournament. am half stacked with $10,000 (got spiked three times on the river with a bullet).

old lady keels over at another table... paramedics are called in... she dies a slow 1 hour death on the spot...

and of course all anyone was really thinking about was whether or not her $30,000 stack would be pulled from the game or chipped off to that table...


emailed the above to poker friend. his response:

Best. Story. Ever.

Q: was she in a hand when she fell over, and did anyone call a clock?


My Response:

she was in a hand... (one of the guys from her table folded into ours a round later).... apparently somebody raised into her and she was thinking...

floorman stopped the clock immediately -- apparently it had happened once or twice previously...


while a Clark County EMT is pumping her chest hard, an old man (85ish) to my right says to me "that's the way i want to go." and i said "i'd rather go in the saddle..." he then gave me the wistful "i can't ride that horse anymore" look.... then the dealer and i looked at each other really weirded out by the growing old thing...

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