Second trip to Vegas

Reports & Blogs by J@V about Aria Casino, MGM Grand Posted

Although I only visit Vegas for work (conferences) I include a few days extra's for playing poker. Here is my summarized report on the different casino's.

Monte Carlo
Nice small room and good atmosphere. Tournaments are more "turbo" as blinds increase every 20' with only small starting stacks. I think most of the players are tourists. Some were very tight and any move chased them away. I still don't understand why players let themselves blind to death. The only annoying thing is, that there is no screen displaying the blinds and or time. Played 4 times here. I won once (didn't want to chop as I was by far the big stack and my opponent only wanted a 50-50 deal, some people have no common sense). So I said "no way" and we played. Second time I went out on the bubble with a bad beat on the river.

Although this is a nice room, I don't like playing here. The dealers are a little to close with some of the locals. That can't be good. Only played one tournament and was almost short stacked when I went all-in with 22 to push the BB. He called (2/3 of his stack) with J3 offsuit and hit his J on the board. I'm still not sure if that is a good call. I know I would never do this. Their explanation is that they play reckless untill the re-entry period is closed. That's what I hate about re-entry tournaments.

Used to be my favorite, but not anymore. Also a mix of good and bad reckless players. I made it to the money once. We chopped with 4 players. Another tournament where I was kicked out early, I was low stack, got AA went all-in and got 2 callers. They checked all the way but the board gave me another two A's. My first quads ever. It didn't help me winning though.

Planet Hollywood
This is were I won the most. Although people don't like the room and don't like to call it a room, I think it's ok. There is atmosphere, music around and it's integrated in the rest of the casino. I don't like the cold, sterile overlighted charmless rooms like Ceasars Palace. The surroundings don't distract me as I can concentrate fairly well.
I played 2 tournaments (45 players and 27 players). The 45-player tournament I made it to the last 2 players when we chopped 50/50. The second I ended up at the final table fairly easy. There was a really interesting setup: 5 tourists and 5 locals. All locals where short stacked. One of them (who is also a dealer) proposed to chop with the whole table. What?? He wanted everyone to have the same price? Easy for him as low stack. Me and another tourist could not agree to this. The unwritten rule here is that a chop is proposed by the big stacks. Low stacks don't have a vote in this. This guy however wanted to take the money and leave. I don't care about the money. I come here to play. Off course he can propose, but he should respect my decision for not accepting but kept on trying for the rest of his game. His neighbour (also a local) was also short stacked and pissed off because 2 of the tourists didn't want to chop. So they decided to concentrate on kicking me out. Didn't work :o) I kicked both of them out and next where the remaining 3 locals. The last local (an older woman) went all-in. I called with AK and so did the chipleader. Although I was definitely winning the hand (AK on the board) I checked it all the way through to make absolutely sure we defeated her. In the end only 4 tourists (the ones that arrived at the final table with big stacks) were left and we chopped based on stack sizes. I was disgusted by the behavior of not respecting the chipleaders decision to refuse chopping equally when they have a huge advantage, but it didn't really spoiled the fun :o) Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing and talking with local players but these in particular didn't get my sympathy.

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  1. Nice. Any particular reason why you don't like MGM as much? I'm going down for a long weekend and was planning on spending some time there as I've always done well there in the past. I've heard it's taken a hit with all the back-and-forth relocation though.

    I do take delight in tilting grumpy old regs by refusing chops :wink: