Should I have folded my Full-House?

Reports & Blogs by Boatontheriver71 Posted

It was one of the bad beats ever for me, and at least one if not two other players ever against a somewhat drunk devil.

Me: TAG on this particular day.

MP1: ABC poker--he is at least 60 years old.

MP2: Enter a lot of pots, especially under $10, but tend to give up when someone continues with a big bet.

MP3: A very solid LAG player.

Button: He plays with anything. He was there before I entered the game, but he has re-bought in for $600 since I sat down. He was having a time of his life. He entered the pot for $22 with 7/2 once. He ended up losing that hand on a board of 7, 2, 3, 5, 9 to a player holding Ac, 4c for a straight.

This was a $1/$2 NL game. I was UTG with KsQs and raised to $7. 4 players called. Button re-raised it to $21. SB and BB folded. As I had been card dead for more than an hour, I called and the other 4 players called as well.

Flop: QdQcKd.

I bet $90. MP1 folded. MP2 and MP3 called. Cutoff folded. Button moves all in for about $536.

I was in shocked when he did that. Thinking that he had pocket KK. After all, he did re-raised pre-flop, but then again, he had re-raised in some hands with pocket A, 10 off suit.

After thinking for a couple of minutes thinking what MP2, MP3 could potentially be holding to call my bet. I decided to go all-in as well for $318--win big or go home.

Surprisingly, MP2, and MP3 went all-in as well, but both of them had less than $200.

I turned over my cards. MP2 also turned over his card, which was QhKh. MP3 and the button didn't turn over their cards.

Turn: 4s

River: 4c

MP3 turned over his pocket AA and said, "You guys got it. Good hand!"

Button then turned over his 4,4 for a quad.

That was so sick. He said that he was trying to steal the pot by representing pocket KK.

It made me wonder if I should have folded when he went all-in and gave him credit for holding KK or with MP2 and MP3 having KK when they called me.

But how could someone try to bluff on a flop of QQK with three players calling a $90 bet holding pocket 4,4?

(ignore the link below)

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