Surprise Poker Trip


What was supposed to be a trip with my wife to party (and most likely little poker) turned into a poker trip for me when she tore her calf muscle a few days prior to leaving, and she was unable to walk. As we were already on the hook for ½ of our MGM Signature condo, and I was able to get her flight back (used Southwest points, love Southwest) for the first win of the trip, a poker trip for me was in order. I flew into Vegas Saturday morning, arriving at about 9 am. Decided some 3/6 at the Mirage sounded good (I’ve always liked the Mirage room), so I headed directly there after dropping my bag at Signature. Had to wait just a bit, then they started a new table. I’ve always liked the Mirage early morning crowd, as it’s a fairly tight bunch of players and I’ve always found it easy to control the action. After a few hours, I had yet to show a losing hand, and played until about 3:30, cashing out +270. I did get to play the video poker promotion once when my aces were cracked, but made out with the minimum of $50. New promotion with aces cracked or high hand of the hour, players seemed to like it even though I only saw/heard of one spin winning more than the minimum. Went back, checked in, quick rest and dinner, and headed back to Venetian for some 4/8. About 1/3 of the table was some regulars that I recognized – I actually like seeing regulars as I have a very good memory of how they play. Unfortunately, the poker gods were not in my favor – first hand, bb I have 9/10s, raise and reraise, with one unknown guy calling, so pot was right for a call. Flop was jackpot – 678 rainbow. I check, bet/raise, unknown guy calls the 2 bets, I raise, one folder, 2 callers. Next card – 9: I bet, fold, unknown guy raises. I just call, thinking chop, river is a blank, he bets, I call – he shows j/10 off for the win. That summed up how the night went – nothing missed against me, to the tune of -$315. About midnight, I head over to Mirage – nothing happening for the first 3 hours in 3/6, then I start mashing, and leave about 6:30 up $170.

Sleep/Breakfast/Shower, and I’m back to Mirage at about noon. Wash/Rinse/Repeat of previous day session – super soft players plus some fun drinkers (love guys like that – keep the table loose and having a good time, while spewing chips to me), and I dominate to the tune of $320, with no jackpot hands in that. I figured I earned good karma, as there was a newer player to my left who had an obvious aces full hand, and was unaware of the high hand of the hour promo. I told him as the dealer was mucking, and he ended up winning it. I think this is where the Mirage can help new players understand the promos a bit better, as a constant reminder helps. Left about 7 to get some grub, and head back to meet up with my brother, who was able to get a flight in Sunday night to join up on the poker trip. We head to Bellagio (he likes 2/5 NL, I’m strictly Limit). I blah my way to +$25 in about 4 hours of 4/8, and he ends up getting smoked in 2/5.

We head back, get about 1.5 hours of sleep, and decide to head to the Planet Hollywood 10:00 am tourney, with the new guarantees. Ended up being about 34 buyins (couple of rebuys, which they let you do), so about a 2-300 overlay. I do nothing, but my brother ended up taking it down for a cool $1k. I head over to Mirage while he’s still in, and once again own the table – about +160 in 3 hours. I head back to PH for the 4:00 tourney to meet back up with my brother – once again, I do nothing, he finishes 3rd. Overall, I like the PH room (first time playing in), tourney with a small overlay is good but does turn into a shovefest (especially after THE single slowest dealer I have ever seen). After I busted, I get some dinner and a shower, and meet back up with him. We head back to Bellagio (mostly out of convenience – I’m not a fan of the guy who runs the limit desk at night – really sorry to bug him to play in the measly 4/8 game). Not much happening in the first few hours, then our table gets combined with some very soft players that I recognized (including the guy from Mirage where I earned some karma). Nothing first few orbits, then after a bunch of limping, I raise 9/10 off from the button – deciding if I’m going to play a pot, it’s a big one. Ended up tilting a good player when I river my straight against his top pair with an ace (not a great hand, but he was steamed). Next hand, I have KK, flop a set and get called down by 2 players. I just started steamrolling at that point, and the table got deflated after a guy to my right decided to throw his cards off the table when his pair of 3’s didn’t hold up on me (classic “muttering” guy, if you know what I mean) – ended up +230. My flight was leaving at 7:00 am Tuesday morning, and both my table and my brother’s broke at about 2:30. We didn’t want to go back to the room, so decide to head to PH for some Pai Gow. This was the first time I’ve played anything besides poker at PH, and I kind of like the casino – seems pretty lively, even though there weren’t many people there (décor, if that doesn’t make sense). After about 1.5 hours, up $200, my bro up about $400, I head back to the room, pack and fly home. My bro was staying one more day, and actually took down another PH tourney for another grand.

Gambling summary:
3/6: +920
4/8: -60
Tourney: -130
Pai Gow: +200
Cabs, Food: -80

Good news is I got comped 2 nights at Mirage, so my wife and I are heading back the Thursday-Sunday of the weekend before Labor Day – close enough to shopping for her so I might get some poker in :)

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  1. Correction first win is ; wife can't make it

  2. Screendoor, if he actually had written that his first win was that his wife couldn't make would have been his last win if she found out!

    Vitamin, nice report. I used to play far more limit than no limit so it is nice to read a report from someone still focused on limit. Interesting how significantly different your 3/6 results were from your 4/8 efforts.

  3. Lol @screendoor - I consider it a push - it gets kind of lonely for 3 days without the wife, if you know what I mean :wink:

    IAPETE - thanks, for some reason, I'm just more comfortable with limit, even though in the past I've had NL success. The players definitely were not much different between the 2 limits - the bad session in Venetian was just the underdogs hitting, but they were doing exactly what I want them to do in chasing bad cards.

  4. Good one VitaminVee! Always nice to start off any poker trip with a win. lol