Vegas Women - Join our Sin City Poker Hotties Club!

General Discussion by PokerLupe Posted

We have formed a poker club - Sin City Poker Hotties Club - where we can play once a month together!

Palms Poker Room 6:30PM
$40 + $10 (house) + $5 (dealers)
$3k in chips + $3k for $5 bonus
20 Min Levels

First 4 dates: Mar 26th, Apr 30th, May 28th, Jun 18th

Please feel free to invite anyone you'd like to join us. Just give me a heads up on who's coming. =)

There is no membership dues or anything... just a fun way for us gals to get together and have a good time. =)


  1. can some canadian women join in the fun on our next trip?

  2. Absolutely! It's for all us poker gals to enjoy in Vegas!

  3. @PokerLupe
    Great! I live in Costa Rica in winter but back home in May.
    Will try to get a group together.
    Sounds like WTMF (way too much fun)