Elite poker or 101

Question by Smart Posted

Why is there no reviews for Elite poker houston or 101 but every other room shows reviews. Hmm


  1. Because they are illegally raking and don't want reviewers sharing that info publicly

  2. LVG
    • LVG

    @DonMoselysHappy all poker rooms illegally rake, it’s part of the business. Rake is rake is doesn’t matter if you prepay hourly rake or if it’s table rake. The DA doesn’t care either way, all poker or any gambling is technically “illegal” in Texas but some DA’s just don’t care. Poker rooms have been around Houston since the 80’s-90’s and mid 2000’s you’d find 2-3 in same parking lot or corner. There’s no poker room permit or certificate to get, no legal way to pay taxes etc. Anyone can open up a poker room anywhere they want in Houston area. The only way for it to be truly legal is if house doesn’t profit from game meaning no rake or tipping. If a room does zero rake but you tip the dealer for pushing you a pot the second the dealer takes the tip the game is illegal. If they do make poker legal all these hourly rake rooms will be gone quick.