room reviews from other states

Question by wjd714 Posted

I have been on avp for a while and I'm having a little trouble finding room reviews from other states. Help . Is there a site map somewhere?


  1. WJD -- there is a pull down menu at the top of the page, to the left of "Table Talk" that will get you to the room reviews. Here's a link to that page:

    When you get there it looks like the list is strictly organized by most recently posted. However, once you find a room you like there is a hyperlink in Green to the main page for that room. On that page, there is a tab for "reviews" so you can see all of them.

    Or, If you have a particular room that you are looking for, then you can also go do a search for the room in the search box. That will pull up the main page for that room as well as all the reviews.
