Annual recreational player's Vegas poker tour June 2104

Reports & Blogs by markturner Posted

A mix of tourneys and cash over five days provided a mix of experiences and results. Here is my report from my fifth Vegas visit room by room.

Monte Carlo - evening tourney at almost by local casino (staying at the Vdara) and first one off the rank. Usual friendly staff and room and a relaxing way to put the journey to Vegas (from the UK) behind me while enjoying a beer. Two tables only but fail to make the cash positions.

The Quad - normal jet lag problems meant I was fully awake in the early hours and thought I might catch some drunken cash game action at 5 am. Not disappointed but drunken players still managed to outmaneuver me/catch better cards. Miles better than old IP in terms of surroundings.

Golden Nugget - one of my favourites (along with Binions) and after total wipeout playing cash (can't recall any of the painful details) I played in the $135 noon NL tourney. As a 'senior' player (55 years old) my default is that I prefer to play against older players for the normally better social opportunities (and less hoodie/sunglasses/ earphones) but after the first hand two older guys had to move closer together to let another player sit at the table which suddenly resulted in a raised voices and the f bomb about 'invading my personal space' or something equally silly. Surprised no management intervention took place.

TI - cashed when the tourney suddenly stopped after sixth level and all remaining players survived based on chip count. Not sure this is the way to finish a tourney but at least got some cash back.

Binions - played normal morning tourney plus the classic $140. The latter was a nice tourney with a real variety of players on the table but after a lucky double up I struggled to build a stack and busted about half way through.

Mirage - played 1/2 NL cash on my Saturday night in Vegas. One of the highlights of my trip - very friendly and fun table in a buzzy poker room enhanced by having a nice return from the session.

Luxor - sat down with $200 for 1/2 NL cash and looked down at 88 on my first hand. I raised and got a caller on the button. Flopped trips and bet out and was called. Board paired on the turn and I bet out with my FH and was called. Bet out again on the river and was raised by the button (happy days). I went all in and he called to show a lower FH (he had 44) and immediate double up! However, I lost a big hand later against slow played AA to finish down on the session.

Rio WSOP deepstack - entered the £235 event but experience was poor - chilly and soulless room with generally non-communicative table. Greg Raymer was on the next table at one point.

Venetian - 1/2 cash in busy room and quickly hit some cards and flops to increase my starting stack of $300 to around $500 within an hour. However, main donor was constantly questioning my play and so got up and cashed in.

Ballys - after the Venetian experience was pleased to sit on a friendly table with very friendly dealers. Room is a bit dull but staff more than compensate.

Manderlay Bay - cash NL 1/3 and one of my best sessions. I always like it here and the dealers are extremely friendly. Some friendly regs added to the experience in what was my biggest winning session of the trip. Just played tight (probably passive tight) poker and the hands and flops came to me. I kept out of trouble with marginal holdings but when i went big I got paid. For example, I limped from the SB on a button straddle hand with AA, BB raised (at the very instant a massive roar came from the sports book when USA scored their opening World Cup goal in the first minute) and I called. Checked the flop and the BB went all in with his overpair to the board (99) - easy call and AA held up.

Aria - played $175 tourney but quickly went into crap shoot mode and got knocked out when my AK failed against QQ.

Ceasars Palace - last cash session before I had to leave for the airport and first time at CP. Nice room but ran very bad and kept getting drawn out against.
