
I love Vegas, and try to visit at least twice a year, so i'm always looking online for the cheapest possible flights. I found a great one on SWA. $209 roundtrip nonstop from Phila. My other goal is to try a different hotel every time i go. This time it was Bally's only $40/ night.

I landed in Vegas at 6pm on Sunday and got a cab to Bally's, driver was friendly and didn't give me the tunnel tour. haha. I lucked out with a great view from my room (looking at caesars/mountains/etc.) I decided to stay close to my hotel the first night so i crossed the street to the bellagio for some 4-8 limit, there was a mix of miserable locals and drunk tourists like me. I was doing pretty well, up about $250 at one point. I started to hit some bad luck with suckouts though. Left up $165.

My routine for the whole trip was pretty much like this...Imperial Palace 2-4LH from 9am-11am, to try for aces cracked or high hands(never hit), Caesars noon $85 tournament, Venetian 4-8 or 8-16 (get a buzz on), then back to Bally's for 3-6 to try for some high hand jackpots, and get real drunk!

On my third try of the Caesars noon tourney, I hit first place for $1,231. The turning point of the tournament was about three hours in, i had about 12 bb's left and had to pick a hand to go all-in with. I was way behind with A-J vs. A-K. I got lucky and split the pot when a 10 hit the river for a straight. I got hit with the deck after that. and when i saw the oppertunity made good moves stealing pots at the right moments. When i got heads up, the other guy (with a much shorter stack wanted to chop 50/50 1st prize was $1,231 and 2nd was $785+/-. I sad nah i wanna play it out, he was cool about it but said he was gonna play real aggresive, i said ok. He went all-in the first hand with A-3. I called with K-10, hit the 10 on the flop and it was over. I played with that guy at three different tables throughout the tournament, and i think we developed a mutual respect for each other, kinda staying out of each other's way. I always go to the MGM Grand for my last day of the trip, because it's close to the airport. I'm not a very good 1-2nl player, but i play because it's the last day and figure i can make some fast cash before i leave. Not this time! An hour into the session i look down at AA. I raise to $8 and get re-raised to $40. I re-raise all-in for my remaining $140. The idiot calls preflop with Q-6 and hits trips. I walked away and called him a f****** a******! I guess I'm a sore loser. I did have a winning session of 1-2nl at the Venetian earlier in my trip though.

1-2: +$240
2-4: -$280
3-6: +$375
4-8: +$50
8-16: -$370


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  1. I can't even begin to imagine putting $180 on Q6 preflop. I guess I am just not that advanced.

  2. The Q6 hand was disgusting, but nice to see you had a tidy profit for the whole trip!

  3. I'm coming back to Vegas on Friday (3/19)! I can't wait to see Aria. Last time i was in vegas, they were just getting ready to open. Their $120 1pm tourney sounds like a wet dream! 8k chips and 30min levels? is this true?