2 of the greatest folds in poker history(NOT) or

Reports & Blogs by Santa Fe Rail about Horseshoe Las Vegas Posted

day 1: 6p-8:30p @ Mirage: lost $60,saw trip 5's win a hand and after my pocket ladies help against a flush draw i called it a kinight and went 2 Ballys where i again lost ahain but only $52 in 3 hrs.

day 2: only 1 game going @ Ballys so i went 2 the Mirage where aces cracked does not start until about 9:30ish for lack of players. i did c 1 player RIVERED A ROYAL. can someone say bonus! played about 3 hrs,bought in for $200 and left with $148. went to TI poker room and could not hey into a game but did play $1 VP and on second hand got quad ladies and a $23 profit. dinner time. evening @ Mirage,6-9p,bought in for $200. after a bit a new player set down female,but gender does NOT matter,and i am in the BB and get the BB special "pocket rockets" and the new player is 2 positions 2 my right. action to her and she bets $40 and i think she cannot have anything better so i raise to $80. i am willing to go. action 2 her and she calls and e1 else folds. flop with three blanks for each of us but she shoots another $40 and i raise to $80 again. bullet proof? she calls. k i have her covered and i have position i think i am in the drivers seat? turn has another blank for each and she bets $20 so i push her all in with a raise and she calls. the river is another blank and she turns over CBOYS. thats why the heavy betting and i wine,cheese please, cry,hollywood all the way and moan finally the dealer tells me to show my cards, u mean these.rotflmfao a sweet $2XX dollar profit and she had the "deer in the headlights look". academy award nomination for my acting on this 1. left with only $240 profit. dinner money!!!!
Ballys 10p-1a 9 tables. my cboys held on 1 hand and i got rivered on another hand with rockets,oh well it happens. session +$113 but it could have been better as i totally misplayed my cboys,thanks for the cboys and a K on the flop Gianna but WTF was i thinking took over and i folded to a large post flop bet. i had neither position or V1 covered. after i folded like a deck of cards. V1 showed me he had flopped a pair of Ks but folding was not so smart. i took my $113 profit and went for a long walk.

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  1. Your hollywooding and slow rolling in the AA hand is terrible. If I were at the table, I will have a few choice words for you, whether I was in the hand or not.

  2. three things: slow rolling is low class, punctuation, grammar would help.

  3. This is not the first time you have done this. Your not a poker player, your just a low life

  4. The "deer in the headdlights look" was just her expression of shock on how much class you lack. To hollywood a winning hand after all action is complete is tasteless and shows your true lack of poker knowledge. In the old days, people like you were found in back alleys bleeding from the head and crying for their mommies.

  5. You're lucky I wasn't the woman because I would have kicked your ass. That is really low. But you reap what you sow. What a jackass play.