21st birthday Vegas Trip

Reports & Blogs by aktaskmaster about Bellagio Casino, MGM Grand Posted

When I turned 20, my buddy and I joked around how we should go to Vegas for my 21st birthday and play poker at the stroke of midnight. We laughed and didn't think about it. A couple months later, we bring it up again, and we plan out the adventure.

The day finally comes and we board the plane. We are coming from Alaska so we took the red eye to Seattle then Seattle to Vegas. Leaving Alaska at 2am and getting to Vegas at 11am, we didn't care about having little to no sleep. Both being from Alaska, the hottest weather we had was 75 degrees at the time, at Vegas was 106 so we got our rental car and cranked up the AC and headed to the Rio.

The room was nice and clean. We got a free upgrade because they noticed it was my birthday the next day, (I was hoping to try the $20 trick but I didn't need to hah) My friend being older than me, rushed to the casino while I sat in the hotel room counting down the very seconds. It seemed that time would not go any slower! Tried to sleep but just the fact that I was in Vegas kept me wide awake. Went down to the Casino to watch my friend play blackjack, roulette, and a poker tourney at 9pm. Both being from Alaska, again, we had no casinos only home games, but we tend to do pretty well. He got knocked out at 3rd place so he didn't cash.

After a grueling long wait, it was 11:45. I got ready and very excited to play some Vegas poker. Slammed down a redbull and headed to the Bellagio for the 2am tournament. Watching the Oceans 11 movie where they shoot inside the Bellagio does not do justice until you actually see it with your own eyes. Very nice and classy. Ordered my first drink but wasn't carded. I don't know if it's a Vegas thing but I was a little disappointed that I wasn't carded. Anyways, off to the poker room!

When we get to the poker room, we were greeted by the manager and tells us that there is no 2am tournament, that the internet was a typo. We shrugged and decided to play here anyway at the $1/$2 tables.. We both were sat down at different tables and I bought in for $100.

Sat down at the table, laid down my chips, and posted the blinds. Then it happened. Hands began to shake, heart beating off the charts, suddenly became very nervous. Some people looked at me as if I was a huge dripping chunk of tuna for the sharks. I swallowed and tried to get into the game. First hand I was dealt KQ Spades, I limp in for $2, the guy on the left of me raised to $15. Everyone folded, shaking I called. The flop was Q 5 8 rainbow. I lead out with $20, he re-raises to $50. At this point, I just think to myself, "He's just buffing. Don't let him get you!" Thanks to jet lag, and a few drinks I push all in. He insta calls and flips trip Queens. Next card was an, 8 and I'm drawing dead. POOF goes $100. I honestly couldn't believe that it was my first hand out, so I re-buy for another $100. Only this time, not to be knocked out the first hand! Things go back and forth for a few hours. Watch a guy get aces cracked twice when I sat down. One hand, I had 10 8 off and checked the big blind with little blind. Flop comes 10s 10d 3s . Little blind bets $10, I re-raise to $25. He looks at me and calls. Turn card is an Ah. He checks, I bet $25 again. He insta calls. River is a 3s. Little blind checks. I go all in with $20 more. Insta calls and flips over A3 off. I show a 10 and he grumbles and throws it away.

At this point I have $143 and look over at my friend. He's gone so I assume he's busted out. I get up and leave to cash out. Down $57 but could have been worse. I find him at the blackjack table, saying he lost to a slow play. We end up leaving and going back to the Rio from being tired. It's around 3am when we get to the Rio and my friend asks to borrow $100 for a cash game at the Rio, I say sure and let him borrow it. I sit down at the bar and have a drink. Literally less than 3 minutes later, he said he lost it. Picked up trip jacks and pushed all in and lost to a runner runner straight. Sleepy and angry, we hit the hay and hope that a good nights rest will help our luck.

The next day we wake up around 1pm and I suggest to head over to the MGM grand. He agrees because it's my birthday and we head over. Again, we both do the $1/$2 game and buy in for $100 each. I could really tell this casino was a lot softer than the Bellagio; people limping, checking down, etc. At this point, I seem to be a little more calmer with my nerves and can really think about the game. About 30 minutes go by and I pick up K4 off. I limp in and big blind checks. Flop comes Kc 9s 10d. Big blind leads out with $10. 2 people fold, I call. Turn card is a 4h. Big blind bets $15. I reraise to $35. He glances at me, and calls. river card is a brick (2) big blind checks. I bet $30. He calls, I flip over 2 pair. He nods and shows AKs. Ouch. After a couple limps and chases, I get back to even. Then it happens: pocket rockets in dealer pos. I raise to $7, little blind folds, big blind re-raises to $20. I don't hesitate one second and shove my chips in. He insta calls, and flip over jacks. I don't want to say I slow rolled, but I din't show my hand until the river. I flip over aces and the table goes ooo and ahh. My aces held and scooped a medium pot.

After that hand I decide to go look for my friend. Again he's at the blackjack table, with a story to tell how he got busted. After the MGM, we go back to the Rio to get some food and drinks. Being 21, I decided to have a couple hard drinks and live the moment of being in Vegas with my friend. Around 9pm, my friend tells me that we should do the $80 tournament at 9pm. Being slightly drunk, I agree and stumble over to the tables. I should have thought twice of playing because the cashier kept telling me that it's an $80 not $180. So we sat down and its about 27 people into the tournament and we begin. Folded for the first level then picked up ace 5 suited in the big blind. my friend across the table raises. everyone folds but me. I laugh and call. flop comes 9 k 3 rainbow. I check, he bets the pot. I insta folded, and he flips over aces and told me he'd feel bad to take money from the birthday boy.

I'm becoming short stack and my friend isn't far behind. He goes all in and I look down at pocket 10's and go over the top and go all in as well. The guy to the left of me starts to tank and just doesn't know what to do. He shrugs and calls. He flips Queens, I show 10's, and my friend shows AJd. The queens held and we both leave the poker room.

I ask my friend about blackjack and if it's an easy game to pickup and win. He says yeah and we both head over to the blackjack tables. I had a really fun time talking with people and the dealers, slowly winning my poker money back. After 8 hours of blackjack, I get some of my winnings back and decide to go to bed.

The next day we head to the airport, back to Alaska.

Overall, the trip was a blast. Had a lot of fun, although Vegas Casino poker was nothing what I ever expected. I do plan to go back one day and hopefully do a little bit better at the felt than what I did on my 21st birthday.

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  1. Ahhh, to be young again. Glad you spent your 21st in Vegas. Good story.

  2. Reading your TR was almost like being young again, but I would have commented on the cocktail waitresses! :grin:

  3. great choice for a 21st birthday!!!

  4. @aktaskmaster
    Good story,thanks. When I was your age I was youngere. Happy Birthday.

    I ask my friend about blackjack and if it's an easy game to pickup and win. He says yeah and we both head over to the blackjack tables. I had a really fun time talking with people and the dealers, slowly winning my poker money back. After 8 hours of blackjack, I get some of my winnings back and decide to go to bed.

    The next day we head to the airport, back to Alaska.

    Overall, the trip was a blast. Had a lot of fun, although Vegas Casino poker was nothing what I ever expected. I do plan to go back one day and hopefully do a little bit better at the felt than what I did on my 21st birthday.

  5. Thanks for posting! Glad you enjoyed your birthday here! I spent my 21st birthday in Vegas as well, with my Dad (it was many years before we moved here).

  6. Sounds like you had a good time! I spent my 21st birthday in Fairbanks...not sure why, but I did!

  7. @AlaskaGal

    Just admit you had a Moosehead Beer while Ice Fishing.....

    Glad you had fun in Vegas on your 21st....