24 Hours of Great Poker

Reports & Blogs by yadyaprekop Posted

It was finally nice to have a non stop action and winning 24 hours of poker. Enjoying some other rooms and checking out what the strip has to offer. It doesn't take me long to figure out that there is a few very well run poker rooms and than some that could use some help.

I have encountered that poker personal working the green felt do a very good job professionally especially the conditions they must work under.
Keep up the Great Work.

I'm going to continue to hit it hard the next week and see what the bottom line will be for the 2 weeks. I would be happy with even, but without the word profit it just makes me a losing player.

I love the game of poker and what it has to offer the participant. Every situation is different yet similar and to escape unharmed some days is all one can do. It has no mercy.

I will continue to tread water in this shark infested green felt in the middle of the dessert one hand at a time.

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  1. Any details? Or just poker generalities. I am sure most of us would like to hear more about your topic: "24 Hours of Great Poker"

    Among everything else, you mentioned great rooms you played in....which ones? Why? Thanks.

    Unless of course this is spam. :scream: