3 day birthday Poker trip with an almost fist fight, tourney cash, spearmint rhino visit and winning!!!!!!


We touched down in Vegas at 11 p.m. on Saturday night perfect timing for some serious poker action. We had a room at the IP which is obviously below par but cant beat the location and 3 nights for 70 bucks is best value on the strip hands down. You just sleep in the room anyways.

We quickly made our way to the bellagio because I have been to vegas 4 times and never played in the place and when I got there I remembered why. The best part of playing in vegas is playing in easy games and the room took itself so serious and was so full of grinders why on earth anyone would play here is beyond me. The low limit games are probably still beatable but by far the most serious low limit high limit game i have been to is in the bellagio. We walked the room and waited on the list for about 20 mins and then unanimously decided to take our talents to the mirage.... Ahhhhh much better drinking, talking, and collared shirts, all the ingredients of a good poker game.

Then comes the hand. We have been playing for about 3 hours and I am up about 70 dollars to 220 the V in this case is a good experienced player but EXTREMELY aggressive raising alot calling alot of raises in position and taking down pots. he has about 500 in front of him. Him and his buddy next to him are also is commenting on other peoples play saying how awful they are and acting like they are pokers next great gift.

Well I show up with AKs in the BB. V is in the cutoff 1 limper and like usual he raises to 10 (which he does about 70% in position) his friend folds and the drunk loose European in the sb calls.
I typically dont 3 bet AK but this seemed like a great spot so I make it 50 in the bb happy to take 20 for free. Surprisingly he calls and everyone folds. I have been playing tight and I know the V knows this so I'm worried. I still throw out AA because its just not his style to flat here especially with the euro behind him and flatting AA takes alot of skill .
Flop comes KQ6 rainbow. I wait for some time deciding what to do. I really dont know where I am. If i lead out and get raised all in I will probably have to fold to an aggro in position. KK KQ QQ AA are all possible and I cant find a hand he calls or bets with that I beat. I elect to check and see what he does. HE SAYS ALL IN. Well that knocks out QQ and KK and probably KQ and brings in some semi and pure bluffs thinking Im JJ or 10 10. I start thinking we have the same hand and I really cant put him on a hand. I honestly dont know where I stand but I cant find a fold to an aggro like him after I eliminated most of the hands I lose to. its either KQ,AK,AQ or bluff. I CALL. I turn my cards and ask if its good and he says nothing and it looks like it is. turn blank. river K. Goodbye AA if thats what he had? and he just instantly mucks and looks pissed as i rake in 450.
I instantly ask the dealer to see his cards not realizing he has position and I called so i dont think he has to. the dealer calls floor and says I cant flip them over and him and his friend start flipping out. I wanna see the hand I say. and they start cussing and saying that is the most disrespectful thing they had seen and how can I say that when I just won a 450$ pot. I tell them your not the only ones playing poker and I wanna see the damn hand. the floor takes awhile and I dont wanna hold up the game so I just say forget it but the dealer pushed the cards back to him and the V still didn't show. He then continues to act like what I did was the most disrespectful thing and every hand for the next hour him and his buddy say can I see the cards. Eventually I cant take it and I say "shut the hell up, sorry you couldnt bluff me and I took 200 off you but just let it go" He then replies "did you say shut up?" I say "let it go dude" trying to tone down the situation plus he was kinda big lol. He goes "sorry I thought you said shut up" sarcastically, I reply "I did say shut up so let it go" at this point I think its on and he stands up and looks at me and I look back, but thankfully he just walks away and smokes a cigarette cus Im winning right now and I dont feel like brawling with a buff guy night 1.

Day 2 Aria overall I would have to say is the best room in vegas. This is the first time I played here and me and my friends came down to the sportsbook and on opening sunday it was obviously PACKED!! but we stood around watching our bets. Were from indy and we know what losing Peyton means so we took Houston for alot. $$$$$$. We couldnt stand much more so we went to the poker room to watch our games and I sat in the cash game and just value bet myself to up 170. It seemed like their were a few good regulars, a few bad regulars and then your mix of tourists. I dont like 1-3 cus im a poor college kid but winning the night before helped. We were going to head to binions to play the 100$ 5k guarantee but this guy at my table sold me into just staying at aria and playing their 125.

So we all bought in and the structure was good. in comparison to strip normal. 25 dollar rake is killer though. I can see why no pro can play tourneys in vegas at this level. they play was bad. and I ended up going out on a squeeze attempt with 88 in the BB but both my friends MADE THE FINAL 6 he said he never had two people from the same city do that and they got 700 from that
they did the most ridiculous chop though giving the two chip leaders 2000 and 1800 while everyone else got 700? first place paid 2300 and second payed 1600? lol they did have big stacks though but i thought it was dumb. while they were grinding to the final table i also went back to the cash games and value bet my way up another 250. I also made a good call with QQ on a KK6,9,2 board.

We then went to Tender at the luxor. It was good but idk if it was worth the 250 we spent. Dont get the shrimp cocktail and get the ribeyes if you go.

Next up was MGM grand and the 1/2 tables and we had the Patriots on Monday night. Seemed like a lot of good players which is different from the past and maybe because they are advertising on here or maybe just because its a Monday. Only bad player at our table i had KK all in on the flop after preflop raise with a 10h 6s 2s board.. turn Ah (Damn!!!)... river Qd for 10h 6s 2s Ah Qd... somehow im good. Plus 200

We won the patriots game then head to Olives in the Bellagio which we awesome. Lasagna on a special menu amazing!! calamari stunning!! ravioli good! 14 dollar drinks are a killer though!! View, Priceless!

After dinner We went back to the Mirage for a nice +200 session till about 3 a.m. nothing significant except set mined someone

Next up is the Spearmint Rhino which had the sexiest damn girls I had ever seen. I had been to Sapphire before which had some really hot ones but Spearmint Rhino just had more. and in any flavor Asian, Black, White, Latino, big tits or big ass. Even at 4 a.m. on a monday. I couldnt imagine a weekend. It was packed too. didnt blow my whole wad there just 2 dances is enough for me then i gotta get out before they empty my bank account. and they certainly try.
Our cab driver on the way home tried to get us to stop by a massage parlor but we showed some discretion and just called it a trip.

Total poker for trip +200+175-125+250+200+200=900$


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  1. good report.

    but asking to show cards after you win an all in/felt someone/scoop a big pot, is quite rude. it's like rubbing it in their face and he actually had a reason to be pissed. if you called, make him flip or muck (i'll do it sometimes when I have very strong, nonnut hands, because it's just my policy. i've actually had a player say "two pair is good" after i made a river call, got me to flip my cards, then says "bigger two pair" - closest i've ever been to a cardroom fight), but if you decide to show first and win, it should just be over. i'm kinda glad the dealer called the floor if his cards were near the muck: i've had some shty dealers in some places just flip my cards over immediately when someone who isn't even in the hand requests (yeah, places like that exist).

  2. im curious as to what the real rule is here. if he is the one who went all in first, can't you ask to see his cards? I think you technically have a right to see the cards.

    anyways, i guess if you are dying to know what he has the best way is to not table your cards until he shows his.

    normally when I play , I just show my hand as I don't want anybody else at the table to know that deep underneath my foolish looking exterior I am secretly studying everything. I don't want to viewed as serious 'cause then people will pay more attention against me so if villain doesn't show his I won't ask to see it.

    sounds like a fun trip and thanks for sharing. the Rhino rocks but I always seem to lose money there.

  3. Technically, asking to see the hand is allowed unless the room has a rule against that. Good rooms have gone that way.

    I am about the most calm easy going guy you would ever want to meet and not much gets me wound up but this one thing does. The main reason for this rule it to prevent two players from colluding so when you ask to see that hand you are basically accusing him of cheating. That is the way most player will see this. Some do not and do not care but I can guarantee you there there a re plenty of people who will see you calling them a cheat by pulling that crap.

  4. I don't agree that this is the equiv of suggesting a guy is cheating but it is most easily dealt with by not showing your hand until he mucks or shows. If he played 72o it is worth the intel value to get him to show by letting him show first or muck.

  5. iim with lester. I think u guys are being a little too harsh. I am sure OP was just curious as to what the guy had. I don't see where this is OP accussing him of cheating. Sounds more like the other two guys were just a bunch of arrogant tough guys.

    A suggestion to OP next time just say "if u show ill show and wait for him to table his hand"

  6. translation:

    if someone not in the hand requests: "i want to see if you guys are colluding, i'm a douche and i may flip over a winning hand and totally ruin the other guys day, but that doesn't matter because i want to know everything about every opponent because i'm so good, but not good enough to know the other guy was bluffing, i'll be able to use the information on what specific two cards he had to my advantage. it's just like when i play online poker in my mom's basement i can study hand histories. btw, why hasn't anyone punched me in the mouth yet?"

    if someone in the hand requests: "haha, sucker, i want to see your hand even though i'm stacking all of your beautiful chips. oh, you play that sht? loser. you're obviously a fish, let me see if i can piss you off enough to get you to leave the table. bingo! awesome! the only fish in the game left, now we can play REAL poker. why doesn't ANYONE like me? i just got them free info."

  7. It is considered very poor etiquette to ask someone to show their mucked cards in this situation. There is no question of collusion here (which is the main reason players are allowed to ask to see the hands). Asking to see his mucked cards smack of rubbing it in, and is a misuse of this rule.

    If you really want to see the other guys' cards, don't show yours ahead of time. Even then, you may have to show your hand first because the money went in before the river. The river is considered a check-check, and some card rooms (like the ones I play in) require the person first to act to show first. If neither of you want to show your cards, the person first to act have to show first in order to claim the pot. This is a moot point in any case because you already showed your cards on the flop. Even in he was first to act, he is still free to muck his hand on the river, and is considered rude to ask his to show.

  8. I researched the whole IWTSTH thing after something like this happened in my home game. Situation was, river was dealt, guy bets, is called, bettor says you win and wants to muck his hand. Someone else says, wtf, lets see em. Guy goes off and leaves the game for about 45 minutes and is pissed as hell. So, I did a bunch of research on the net to find out what the real ruling is, Roberts Rules of Poker say that anyone who was dealt into the hand, can ask to see the cards of a called hand, if it is the person that was live in the hand asks to see, then the hand becomes live(it also says the rule is not to be abused). I checked with our local poker rooms and the rule there is, hands can ask to be shown. The floor at one told me that there are variations at different casinos, such as only people at showdown can ask, etc.

    Over at 2plus2, there are many threads about the rule, and though some say that rule is about collusion, there are some arguments that it is also about getting information.

    I know there are many who have different feelings about the rule, but to me, if you bet, just show the damn cards and move on. If you got caught bluffing or playing cards others wouldn't, it can be used to just as much advantage as mucking and not letting anyone see.

  9. While it is true IMO that asking to see the loser's cards is VERY rude, it's not a good reason for OP's opponent to flip out. Just say "no" if this is important to you and wait for the floor. If the room rule is that IWTSTH is allowed, the floor will explain that if these cards are a winner, OP will be a loser, and he may further explain that it's pretty rude to ask to see a loser's cards. But then he'll flip 'em. If the room rule is that IWTSTH is not universally allowed, OP may or may not get to see the cards depending on the room rule and the floor's interpretation of same. But OP will probably still get the mini-lecture on etiquette.

    And last I knew, Mirage is one of those casinos that does not permit IWTSTH unless the requester can present a case suggesting collusion is a probability.

    Regardless, people, when someone does this to you, act like you've been there before. You can explain why you aren't willing to do it and why the request is rude, or you can just quietly say "no" and force the floor to visit (and usually most players who are asking will drop their request once they figure out the dealer won't just do it and really is going to call the floor). But don't flip out.

  10. Ya, I realized he probably didn't have to show after I asked but I wasn't mean about it. If I just lost a pot I can see how it would be really frustrating as well, but it was such a confusing hand to me I wanted to see what he had and know if I made a good call or not?. Now its going to torment me for poker eternity. Its common where I play to ask to see someones cards and nobody really makes a big deal about it I guess some places are different but IMO if its ALL IN and Call both cards should be turned over at that instant if for no other reason than just for sheer entertainment value. He just went way overboard and if someone goes through the effort to ask to see your hand why not just show it, especially in a big pot? but in everyone's opinion did I play the hand poorly?? and did he have AA? Going back over it he might have. I'll never know

  11. I like how you played the hand. YOu checked to allow the aggressive player to bet. I think it is a snap call. nice hand.

    I personally understand exactly why you were asking to see the cards and would not be offended. I have a different opinion than most on this and just think people should relax and have fun at the table. I enjoy playing poker and besides if you are going to be an ass then you are just encouraging people to pay attention and want to play better against you. So don't flip out if someone asks to see your hand.

  12. I like the way the hand was played, and I promise he didn't have AA. Rest assured you had the best hand by far before the river. He likely had something like JT or AQ, or total air.

    Also, quoted from Vook "the Rhino rocks but I always seem to lose money there." This is classic and I spit water out that I was drinking when I read it. Considering adding it to my signature, LOL.

  13. I guess I've never played an all-in pot where the players didn't flip the cards after the all in and call. So, I've never had the "I want to see it" moment. Of course, most of my no limit play is in tournaments and I think most casinos I've played at ask players to table their hands after the all in and call.

    Still, for the OP asking when someone mucks is sorting of rubbing it in. Plus, it marks you out as someone who pays attention to such things. No point in doing that at the table, just let everybody think you are a fish who only plays his cards.
