48 hrs in Vegas

Reports & Blogs by ChicagoJim about Venetian Las Vegas Posted

I really enjoy reading these trip reports so decided to post a detailed one myself. This is a long one.

I was invited by a buddies wife to go to Vegas with him to celebrate his 40th B-day. She extended this invite to a bunch of us guys while at dinner with a bunch of couples (all of us guys play on a softball team together). She told us she wanted to send Doug to Vegas but she didn't want to go..she wanted him to have fun :). Even though I had a Vegas trip planned with my wife a week after this dinner (this would mean going to Vegas twice within a month) I had to step up and help out a friend by going again. I was itchen to get back since when my wife and I went, I hardly got any action (poker action, that is). On that trip we mostly just did shows, dinners, checked out the strip and downtown hotel etc.

OK, back to this trip. Doug and I leave Detroit at 7:30 pm on Thursday night. We met up at the airport with another buddy who had a flight to Denver for skiiing the same time. Had a couple of beers together then off we went. I fly Northwest a lot so I was able to snag a free upgrade to first class (sorry Doug I know its your B-day but I'm not giving you my seat). So, with complimentary drinks I ended up having about 5 more beers before getting to Vegas. I really wanted to refrain since I planned on hitting the tables as soon as we arrived, but what the heck, I was pumped up to be heading to Vegas.

We get in right on time at 9:20 or so Vegas time. No cab line so get to the Flamingo by about 10 pm. Quick check in (got one of their upgraded rooms). Dropped our stuff in the room. By the way the upgraded room at Flamingo are pretty nice...50" Plasma, another TV inside the bathroom mirrow, cool shower, etc.

Dropped the bags and headed out the door to Treasure Island. I had never played there before and after reading about it on this site I wanted to check it out. They had a tournie that started at 10. We got there around 10:30 and were seated immediately (they still let you in the tournie up to an hour late so longs as seats are available). Now, I was tired..been up since 3:30 am Vegas time and a little buzzed from the beverages on the plane. Still played pretty well. Outlasted Doug but got KO's in like 15th place. I can't remember too many details of hands...no bad beats or anything, it was just getting to a point in the tournie that I needed to double up or I was going to get blinded out. Anyway, the tournie offered nice structure for the buy in and I will definitly play there again the next time I visit. I didn't stick around to play any cash games since it was now about 2:00 am or so. I was starving so grabbed a quick Subway sandwich at OSheas on my way back to Flamingo. Resisted the urge to play a little at Flamingo pokerroom. Off to get my 3 hrs of sleep. Down $65 (TI buy in) for first night in Vegas.

Woke up Friday morning about 7 (why is it you can't sleep in Vegas even if you try)?. We headed out about 8:30. Went over to Ceasars since they had a tournie starting at 9:00. I had taken the tournament info I found on this site, pasted it into an excel spreadsheet, added a column with the tournie details and casino phone numbers (it would be great if this site would to that for you). I then deleted out the tournies that we wouldn't want to play in then sorted by start time. The room at Ceasars was dead at 8:45 am...they had 2 no limit tables going. We decided to forgo the 9:00 tournie because they told us it normally lasted until about 2:00. The main thing I wanted to do on this trip was play in the Venetian noon tournie..this is why we decided not to play at Ceasars. We thought about jumping into one of the cash games, but Doug wanted to ease into cash games by playing some limit since he had never before played in a casino.

So, we left Ceasars and headed over to Mirage. I figured they would have a 3-6 going that we could play in until the Venetian tounie. They had one going but it was full...we were first on the list. I decided to play a little blackjack while we waited since it didn't look like anyone was going to leave that table soon. Played for about 10 minutes (winning $15) before the poker room announced they were opening up another 3-6 table...enough players had showed up to fill the list. Started off cold dropping my $115 buy in down to about $20. Bought another rack then ran it back up to $220 by 11:00 am. Left Mirage up $20. Ran accross the street and ate at Panda express.

Now, off to the Venetian. My wife and I had quickly stopped at the Venetian poker room when we were there in December, but I didn't play (we had dinner at the Venetian but had show tickets at 9:00 so no time). As you can imagine after seeing this room in December without playing, I was really chopping at the bit to get back and play. I had the noon Friday tournie highlighted as the tounie I HAD to play in during this trip. I had seen the structure on AVP and this one looked awesome. Lots of starting chips (7500) and very slow blind levels and increase (every 30 minutes). Forked over the $150 on got my seat assignment. Doug played also...we were not at same table. We made a "last long" $10 bet (I wanted to go higher but he knew better). They had about 130 players to start, but they let people show up late and get in...they actually left it open a little longer because they had receive phone call from players who were having trouble getting in (locals who were driving) because of the Monte Carlo fire. They ended up with 161 players, meaning about 1.2 million chips in play. I play solid poker but decide to limp in in late position with hands I normally wouldn't since the large starting stacks. I pick up some early pots and start accummulating chips. One big hand I remember was when I held pocket 4's. Hoping for a set to hit on the flop. It does A-9-4 rainbow. Early position pushes all in. I'm like holy crap...I had him covered but not by much. I am hoping he doesnt have 9's for the overset but make the call. He has A-9 for 2 pair and my set of 4's hold up. Now I am off and running. Chip leader at my table. Before I know it we are down to 4 tables. There was an older Asian man to my right. He didn't seem all that strong of a player but was hanging in there due to some suck outs. He called himself all in with pocket 7's on a flop with 2 over cards. The guy who pushed had Kings...of course this guy hits a river 7 to take the pot. Then I get involved with him. I raise preflop with Jacks. Safe flop with no overs and not coordinated. I was like 3-4-10 rainbow. This guy pushes all in. I was pretty strong in chips. I believe I had about 60000 and he about 15000 so it was an instacall. He turns over pocket 6's. You guessed it...the olld runner runner trick of 5-7 and he sucks out with a staight. I take it in stride since I still have plenty of chips but now this guy was about even with me. He was out the door twice but miracles kept him alive. Now we are down to 3 tables. I am now middle of pack with chips and no longer chip leader at my table. I just wasn't picking up any hands and started playing real close to the vest. I knew I could make it to the money. I know this is not the best way to play if you are trying to win the tournament, but, I normally like making the money first, then opening up my play. The tournie payed the top 18 so not too much longer to go. I was sitting with about 50000 in chips and blinds were at I believe around 1k-2K. There are also antes so it was starting to get expensive each round. They finally break the 3rd table. 2 players had gotten knocked out on one hand so were were "in the money". 16th-18th paid the same (about $200). My stack is getting whittled away but blinds and antes and I am now sitting on around 30K. Just nothing I was willing to risk and no big or small blind specials. I knew I was going to have to double up soon to have a chance. Now down to 12 players. 12-15 paid the same so one more player on payout moves up to around 300. At this point I am wishing they didnt pay out so many places since 300 for finished 12th in a 161 $150 buy in tournie seems kinda low. We finally lose a couple players, again 2 at the same time so we start the FINAL TABLE with 9. I was very happy to make the Final table in this, my first ever Venetian tournament. I know we were playing with lots of local regulars...the Asian gentleman (Sam) I spoke of early I found out plays in this tournie every day. He has also made the final table. Blinds are up to 3-6K and I am shortstacked at about 20000 chips. A few hand and Sam doubles up a couple time and is now crushing the table. He has about 300000 chips (remember, 1.2 M in play). I now have about 15K and we are down to 8. Its one before my big blind so I know its now or never. I get the super strong 6-8 suited and push. Button, sb and bb fold (I really cannot believe the BB didnt call since he must have had about 80K chips and he already had 6000 in the pot. But he did and I took down blinds and antes (phew). Next hand I am in the Big Blind. I had since discovered that the players 2 and 3 to my left are also from the Detroit area (one guy was wearing a Michigan hat...I had on a Michigan jersey). We made a joke about Detroit coming to Vegas and crushing the Venetian tournie. Back to the hand. I'm in big blind. Michigan hat raises to 15K. Folds around to me. I look down at A-K os and push all in. Michigan hat thinks, I make a comment that its OK to lay it down since were are both from Michigan. Of course he calls with A-9. Big slick holds up and now I am up to around 90K and feeling good. We lose another player...despite Asian Sam's horrible play. The short stack had gone all in and got called by Sam and one other player. Flop comes out both Sam and other guy check...figure cool, they will check it down and hopefully eliminate this player. Turn card comes and Sam bets out...enough to eliminate the other caller too. The guy make a comment like "what are you doing", then very irritately throws his hand in the muck. Sam and the all in guy turn over their hands...freakin Sam had Ace high. The short stack doubles up and the other caller chastises Sam since he had the short stack beat with a small pair! I stay cool on the outside but on the inside I'm like WTF, this moron just cost me at least a couple hundred in real money. Now I am at about 85K and we are down to 7. I know I can fold my way to a couple more but now I think I have a chance to take this thing so its time to go. I'm in the cutoff. Michigan hat is first to act and raised to 25K. Folds around to guy on my right who hesitates says "I call" and puts 12K into the pot. Dealers tells him, no, he made it 25 to go...the guy fumbles a bit saying OK and puts in the other 13K. I wake up with A-K os again. Here we go again...I come over the top all-in. Its about 60K more for them to call. Michigan Hat reluctantly lays it down. I am hoping for the other guy to lay it down too (I'd be happy picking up the blinds and antes plus their 50K). He had me covered but barely. He calls. Turns over A-J of diamonds and I am inside like "yes"! I didn't even have to sweat out the turn and river since he flopped a freakin flush!! I am out, and not happy. Again, keep it cool on the outside, get a few handshakes and the obligatory "that sucks" for the guys. Oh well, go and get paid $800 for my efforts. Again, I am pumped and happy for taking 7th out of 161, at this somewhat prestigous tournie...I say prestigous because its known around Vegas as the best tournie at that level buy in and lots of regulars play in it. At the same time I'm upset thinking about the "what ifs"...first place payout was over 6 grand. If the AK would have held up I would have had over 200000 chips and been close to, if not already, chip leader. As it is I walk away with Sam (Mr suckout) still sitting there.

Doug had busted out early so I called him and he was still over at Harrahs where he'd been playing in a 2-4 game. I was on a high from the Venetian tournie and went to join Doug over at Harrahs. I had never played at Harrahs before so I was looking forward to checking it out. I wanted to savor my Venetian run so decided to play 2-4 with Doug. I actually got seated at the other 2-4 table since a spot had openned up. Asked to be moved to Dougs table as a seat opened. The 2-4 was very soft and fun...tourists like me just out to have a good time. I win like the first 5 hands in a row, seeing $2 flops and either hitting or pretending I did. Won a few uncontested...can't believe this was workign at 2-4. Anyway, I need beers so start pounding. Players start dropping so I get moved over to Dougs table with about $160 (started with $100). Again, fun table. Lady accross from me was one of those Red Hat Society ladies (google it). Basically a bunch of older women who dress in all bright red and wear red hats. She was killing the table...must have had about 300 in front of her. We are having fun talking at our end of the table (she couldn't hear us) about to F wtih the "red hat". A few hands in the guy on my left didn't head the warning. On a flop of 10-5-5. Raise raise red hat calls. Blank turn, river was a heart which fills a flush draw. 3 players bet bet bet...it gets capped. One player had A high flush, guy on my right had pockets 10s for a boat and, you guessed it, Red Hat flips over 5-5 for quad 5's. She won an extra $75 for the quads (Harrahs has side jackpot for all quads and straigh flushes...I think they start at $50 then build until it hits). The table busts out laughing...even the guy with the boat chuckles. I run over and high five the old Red Hat lady (the miller lites were kicking in)...again lots of laughs and table just having a good time. I am still playing loose aggressive...taking down some pots but now they are getting wise to me and I'm getting called down more often. I tightn up a bit...but now a whole heck of a lot...still riding high from the tournie cash. Anyway, after about 6 hrs at Harrahs, I cash out up like $20 buck (should have left earlier when I was up about $100...but it was worth the fun). Doug is hurting...down a couple hundred plus his Venetian buy in, plus about a $100 from earlier at Mirage 3-6. I said lets get out of there and go check out Bellagio. I was hoping to scope out some pros in Bobbys Room (it was late and I didn't plan on playing). There was a game going in Bobbys room but I didnt recongnise the players. Lots of chips $5000, $1000, and $100s on the table along with stacks of $100 bills like on High Stakes Poker. Only lurked there for a minute or so. Then we took off. I needed to stop at Ballys. You will get a kick out of this one. I needed to buy 20 $1 Bally's chips. I went to the pokerroom and asked to buy 20 chips...the guy looked at me like I was nuts and said you can't buy in for $20. I explained to him, no, I just want to buy the chips, I don't want to play. Then I explained...you will love this...that my wife and I stayed at Bally's last month and she is into that Scrapbooking (making custom photo albums) and she had asked me to bring her back 20 $1 Ballys chips to decorated the cover and some of the inside pages of her photo album. We both laugh and then he went back through the stack of 20 chips and removed the older crappy looking chips and gave me all newer cleaner ones. As Doug and I were walking out of Ballys he noticed that Texas Hold Em table game and asked me what it was. I told him it was one of those funky table games designed to remove you from your money. But, the beers told me to show him how it works. I sit down with $100, play a few hand, then get dealt A-9. Flop of 2-2-9 so I push the bet (you just have to beat the dealer so its like getting that flop "heads up" in real poker). Turn 4, river 8 so I am ready to collect a nice $50 win and the dealer turns over 2-4 for a boat...nice. I take my remaining $50 and get out of there quick. Its now about 4 am and Doug and I are starving so back to Flamingo and go to their diner for an omlett...not the best. Try to go to sleep. Up about $600 for the day...I am happy though irritated that I gave back $50 in that stupid table game.

As tired as I was, I couldn't sleep. That omlett was sitting in my guy like a brick. I have recently started eating much better trying to lose some lbs. I've got a bet with 8 other softball buds...kinda like the biggest loser where whoever loses the highest % wins. We each put up whatever we wanted to bet...from $10 (Doug, the skinny guy of the group weighing in at a svelt 195 only wanted to risk $10 since he knows he won't win), up to $100 for the high rollers FA's (this is what we named our group...the FA weight lost challenge...FA is short for "overweight donkeys". Anyway, its like poker, you only win or lose what you bet. We have some guys who bet $25 and $50 too. Bottom line is if I win I will bring in about $500. So I am motivated. Down about 15lbs in 3 weeks so doing well...that omlett didnt sit well though.

Saturday morning we are up at about 8:30. Leave the room about 9:30. Wanted to check out the 10 am tournie over at Planet Hollywood. By the time we checked out of the room (we are on the redeye home tonight) and checked our bags with the valet, it was about 10:15. We think about blowing off PH and heading to TI for their 11 am tournie. We end up deciding to PH..figuring we'd still get seated. We did...its a $60 buy in for 4000 chips and 20 minute levels...no antes so its a pretty good structure, especially for $60. About 60 players in the tournie. I start off well winning a few pots and losing a few smaller pots building my stack to over 10K by the first break. Doug is short stacked (not at my table). I am finding it hard to focus...no sleep remember. Its now Saturday afternoon and I've slept for 3 hrs total since about 3:30 am Vegas time on Thursday. I end up donking off my chips...I can't even remember how and get KO'd before 1 pm. Doug is making a comeback and now looking strong at his table. I decide to play some $1-$2 no limit. I buy in for $100 (could have and maybe should have done for the $200 max but only 2 of the starting 9 players did...it was a new table...so I figured the $100 was enough to get going). I played very tight preflop...only seeing a flop with mediocre cards when I could limp. I was tired and not in the mood to be aggressive...I knew I wasn't playing at my best. I won a little bit early on and was up to around $150 when I was dealt A-Q suited. I opened it up with a raise to $15 and got 3 callers. Flop comes A-Q-Q...JACKPOT. I check it. Checks around. Turn card is nothing exiting. This time I bet out $15. Player first to act bets out $25, 2 folds and I smooth call. The bettor only had about 50 left behind. I put him all in on the river and he calls turning over Q-K for trips. He is shocked when I turn over the boat but says nice hand and I get a few "nicely played" from the table. Doug has now made the final table. He ends up finish 6th for around $160 payout. He is happy he has finally won something. He heads out on to the casino floor. I decide to cashout of the $1-2 game (up $125) and play in their 2:00 tournie. Doug comes back from playing in a free slot tournament just missing the cutoff for winning something and he gets into the tournie too. I donk off 3/4's of my chips early by calling down the guy on my rights ever increasing bets. I had pocket 10s. The board was all undercards and not coordinated on the flop so I wasnt fearing a straight or flush from him. He had pocket Kings. I honestly wasn't even thinking about his possible overpair...its not smart to play on no sleep. Anyway, I'm down to about 1200 in chips so of course I push all in on the next hand with crap...get no callers...now I am up to 1350 or so. I decide to bide my time a bit and not push all in with junk since the blinds are still low. A few hand later I get pocket 3's and push again. This time the other short stack (he had me slightly covered) calls. I ask him if he has a pair and he says no and says he is in trouble...I tell him he has overs...he does...4-5 of clubs. We take the flop heads up...no help for him and my 3's hold up. Now I am back to around 3000 and able to play again. Guy on my immediate right was chip leader and raising lots of pots. I decided to take a stand against him when I was in the big blind (which was now 600). I was starving and decided that I wasn't gonig to sit there and get blinded off. It was time to double up a couple times and become a force, or go get some lunch at PF CHangs. He raised to 1500 and I decided to go over the top all in with K-5 (I was just hoping to get him off his junk hand and take it down without a fight). He had JJ and I got no help and was bounced. I went to see how Doug was doing at the other table and he looked to have the chip lead. I told him I was going to get some chow and would be back later. Got PF Changes Kung Pow chicken...it was awesome. Also, as walking through the Planet Hollywood Casino, that the women walking around there were amazing...I mean the clientele totally outshined the cocktail waitress (and believe me the cocktail waitresses were not bad themselves). Plus, many of them were dressed like you see Vegas in the movies, not like it is usually in real life. Later learned that the Miss America pagent was taking place at PH that night. Now, I'm not sure if I saw any actual contestants (though I might have) but their hot friends and sisters were definitely flocking. After lunch back to the poker room. Doug still in...made the final table. I get back in the 1-2 game and give back my profit from the earlier session. Doug bust out out of the money. I was still playing so I call him and he was now at a roulette table. He had signed up for a players card and they gave him a $25 match play coupon. I joined him at the Roulette table and watch him hit his "red" on the first spin to double quadrupal his $25 bet (he played the match play coupon). A few more spins, a few losses, then a hit on straight up 21 for $70 payout. I give him $5 for 3 hands in a row to put straight up on 23. No luck. He cashes out for around $160 for $60 profit. One last word about Planet Hollywood. I liked the room...the manager was good and actually pretty funny. What I liked best about the room was that there was no casino noise, but rather very good music being piped throughout their speaker system...same for the rest of the casino floor...machines volume turned down, music turned up. I think I will try staying there next visit to Vegas.

Its now around 6:00 and we head back to the Flamingo. Our flight was at 10:15 so figured we should leave the casino to get our checked bags and head to the airport no later than 8:30. We decide to play some $2-4 at the Flamingo. Flamingo room is about 10 tables. Only about 6 of them going on Sat night at 6 pm. 3 1-2 No limit tables, a 3-6 and a couple 2-4s going. Play for a couple hrs having fun and breaking even. One big hand that had a huge pot for 2-4. I have pocket 5's. Flop comes 5-6-9 w 2 spades. Turn is K of Spades. I am betting and getting raised. I am not feeling good about it even though I have the set. I sensed that I was beat by 6's and now a flush is out there. River is another K. Now I have a boat. Bets and raises. I tell the old lady next to me I know the guy across the table has pocket 6s. But of course, its only 2-4 so I call and he has it. Other guy had the flush. Now I am about even at this table and decide to cashout and try my luck at blackjack. We only had about 1/2 hr left which is the time I will play blackjack knowing that if I get on a run early, I can build up quickly playing $25 min hands. In my mind I know that I will only play $100 so it could be gone in 4 hands...then I am done. I hold my own for about 12 hands before the dealer smokes me. She pulled 21's on me twice in a row after giving me 2 face cards. Oh well, I go get Doug, and we head to the airport. Left Vegas up about $400 for trip so not too bad...I will take it. I'm glad I played some 2-4 with Doug. I was down on because in previous trys I had tried to play it too seriously and got irritated by the no fold em poker. So I decide this trip (or the beer decided) to just have fun and push marginal hands myself. I also did more table talking than I normally do. It was a good time.

Red eye home...watched Super Bad on my computer..even though I had had about 3 hrs sleep in the previous 72 hrs, I still couldn't sleep on the plane. Didnt get upgrade on the way home but at least had an exit row seat. Superbad was pretty funny. Plane landed at 5:30 am Sunday morning in Detroit. Drove home trying not to fall asleep at the wheel...made it home safe and was in bed by 6:30 am or so. My lovely wife and kids let me sleep in until around 11. Got a great night sleep last night, now its back to work.

Thanks for reading my report...sorry it was so long!


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  1. SuperBad is super AWESOME!

  2. Another nice read, thanks!

    And some nice scores in there as well. I can TOTALLY relate to how you feel about that 7th place finish...get your money in right and hope it holds is all you can do at that point.

  3. Nice posting. You talk about the way people were dressed. I was at Planet Hollywood that same night. I walked past the mob of people waiting to enter the pageant--not contestants, but family, friends, etc. These were some of the best dressed people I had ever seen; who knew you had to dress up just to watch the pageant?

  4. @NerveEnding

    When I was last in town, they were filming a scene for CSI in the poker room. I decided to head down for the extras open casting call that morning. When I arrived, I knew I was in the WRONG place! I was SURROUNDED by pretty people dressed better than I could even fathom. I turned right back around and and headed to a place where "my people" hang, like Circus Circus :scream: :laughing:

    I did hear that Photoc made it in though :grin:

  5. Superb report. Thanks for sharing. I have to agree that PH has some appeal. I usually stay at the Flamingo myself. I'm considering MGM or PH on my next trip. Or...back to the Flamingo but try a GO room.

  6. You can't beat Flamingo on 2 important factors:

    1) Location - so many pokerrooms within a short walk. About the same distance to PH in one direction, Venetian in the other. With Bellagio, Paris, Ballys, CP, OSheas, IP, Harrahs, Mirage, and TI (did I miss any?) all in between.
    2) Price - we got a great rate...about $100 per night on a Thurs and Fri(this was regular rate, no special pokerroom rate or anything). About the same as the IP was offering and much lower than the nicer hotels were offering

    Thanks for the condolences on the Venetian tournie, Stray Bullet...nothing you can do at that point. Just kills me that I could have coasted a few more spots up the finishing board (and a couple G more payout) but had to go for it. Damn, big slick.

    Thought about crashing the pagent to heckle the girls :smile: , but don't think I would have made it in wearing an Illini jersey and Bears hat!

  7. I was @ PH on saturday night and the talent level was at an all time high.
    I was at the Pleasure Pit, playing Roulette and most of the women walking around put the Go Go dancers to shame.

    I still looked at the Go Go dancers! :grin:

    I stood in the taxi line with Miss Texas! Wow was she stunning!

  8. Never be sorry for long report, so long as it doesn't suck. But it didn't. Enjoyed hearing about some details. Reading these reports makes me anxious to go back...Not sure I can make it until summer 2009. Might have to use the two nights of free rooms I randomly get in my email and make a impromptu visit...

  9. @ChicagoJim

    Take some advice from the Yapster and never look to coast. Honestly, if getting a buy-in or two back is important, then the cost of the tourney is probably too high. Please don't take that the wrong way, because I've been on the wrong side of that advice more than not and it CAN/WILL affect your play. I played way over my head last year but I did so, knowing I had replenishable resources.

    Aggression is never a bad thing! As Dave mentioned, playing for hours on end, to bust on the bubble or just sneak into the cash is no way to lead a poker life. Cases in point...

    When they were playing the $660 buy-in at Binions last year and filming the final table, I ended up busting 7 with 6 getting paid, wonderful way to spend 12+ hours of play! They came back the next day for filming, I on the otherhand stumbled out onto Fremont, dazed.

    At the Venetian $1060 during the WSOP we had 550+ runners with 40 getting paid. After 14 hours of play the first day, we bagged up our chips and 50 players came back the next afternoon to finish things up. Once again, just call me bubble-boy!

    I don't play tournaments the same way any longer. I'm not maniacal by any means, but if I hold an edge and am getting the right price, I'm looking to double up early or get the hell outta Dodge!

    On my last trip, again at the Venetian during a $550, we had nearly 70 runners with 6 getting paid. We'd formed up the final table and two players had already busted out. I was in ok shape with over 35k, blinds at 500/1000/100. I opened from UTG to 5k. A player I'd played with at the other table pushed. The bb goes into the tank and finally decides to push as well. I had them both covered, the bb barely though. Now, I guess one could find a fold here and coast in the money, but why?

    If I call and win, I have over 35% of the chips in play with 7 players left. I made an easy call, regardless that I held KK. I was up against AK and QQ, in that order. bb spiked a set of queens and I was bounced on the next hand, bubbling again. But in this case, I didn't bubble-out looking to cash, I bubbled out on a hand that cost me a $6k win!

    Aggression is easier said then done, especially if it's not already part of ones nature, but I damn sure hope it can be learned....otherwise, be we all damned :smile:


  10. @StrayBullet

    When I was last in town, they were filming a scene for CSI in the poker room. I decided to head down for the extras open casting call that morning. When I arrived, I knew I was in the WRONG place! I was SURROUNDED by pretty people dressed better than I could even fathom. I turned right back around and and headed to a place where "my people" hang, like Circus Circus :scream: :laughing:

    I did hear that Photoc made it in though :grin:[/quote]

    When I was out there a year ago with my wife and another couple we hit the Palace Station for their breakfast buffet. In the ballroom across from the buffet they had one of those Junior Miss Pageants going on. Never have I been so horrified and disgusted in my life.

    The 7 and 8 year-old girls wearing more makeup and less clothing than waitresses at the Tilted Kilt literally made it hard to keep the food down.

    Never been stunned by the goofy crap I've seen in Vegas ( A guy playing at our table in the EX had a lit cigarette he was told to put out, he drunkenly slurred "I underschtand.." put it behind his ear like a pencil and caught his hair gel on fire) but the pageant thing may have been the most distastefuk thing I've seen there.

    Enjoyed the trip report and sorry to hijak the thread. But the pageant portion of the report brought back some bad memories.