9 hotels and 8 poker rooms, part two


Would have written part two earlier but we had a power outage in the great northwest. The second part of my trip consisted of staying at the hilton for a conference. My friends left town and I went to the hilton to check in. After meeting with my boss and some co workers I went down to the hilton poker room and played some 3-6lh for a couple of hours. bought in for 100.00after about an hour and a half of little gains and little losses started getting tired and found myself with about 30.00 left. ended up with it all in on a wild raise and reraise fest, making a straight on the turn with three others betting their trips. ended up winning a 135.00 pot and quit up 24 after another 15 minutes. I went to the sahara after my meetings were done in the early afternoon and bought into the 7pm tournament ater that took the monorail to the venetian. definitely out of my element here as far as the class of poker rooms that I am used to playing in. the Venetian was the nicest place I have ever played and just didn't feel comfortable there. helped to start a 4-8 limit table and there were definetly some good players. several from a busted 15-30 game waiting to get into another higher limit game. Early on I had my two pair beat by a better two pair, my straight beat by a flush and my flush beat by a full house on the river. Luckily I recognized each one and lost the minimal amounts I thought possible. Found myself in a similar situation as the night before with about 45.00 remaining. Picked up two fives in the big blind and called a raise. made trips on a flop of A K 5. four people in the hand called a bet then had a raise behind and called that. a rag on the turn. after betting durningthat round was all still 4 people in and the A came off on the rivergiving me the boat. and one a huge pot. left a little while later to get back to the sahara for the tournament. I dont really remember much about the hands but after about 4 and 1/2 hours mad it to the final three with all of us about even in chip stacks and we did a three way even chop for 1040.00 apiece. I love the tournament and structure at the sahara. I think the best for a low buy in tourney.
The next day I went to the Bellagio in the evening after busting out of the sahara tournament mid way through the fourth round. Got to the bellagio around midnight and sat at a 4-8 table and did pretty well this time leaving with about two hundred off a one hundred dollar buy in. The high point for me was seeing Phil Ivey, David Benyamine and Phil Hellmuth all in Bobby's room. I liked the Bellagio in general but the Venetian was definitley nicer looking and had better tables and chairs.
I am not sure when I will get to go back to vegas but I had a great time. I will be doing a room review for each of the rooms I went to but all the rooms had something good going for it except for maybe the hilton, which I never would have played there if I hadn't been staying there.

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