Binions Classic, Caesar's MegaStack, and My First WSOP Event

Reports & Blogs by Bikom about Caesars Palace Posted

This is my first trip report, so I hope its worth a read. I wrote some of this in a thread about the Caesar's Mega Stack.

Well, the plan was to play 2 tournaments in 2 days at 2 different casinos, and try to satellite into the PLO event at the WSOP. I'm not much of a cash game player, so this is the best time of the year to head to Vegas for tournaments.

I drove from LA the morning of Sunday,June 8th, and checked into the South Point. I had already booked the Orleans, but switched to the SP when I got an online rate of 50 bucks a night. Its new, very clean, and the room and bed were great. I didn't gamble or eat there at all this trip, but if you have a car, and are looking for a bargain, I recommend it.

I took a quick dip in the newly re-opened pool, (very nice), then headed for lunch at Pop's Cheesesteak, which was pretty good. I finally got to Binion's around 2:30 and registered for the $150 PLO event. I noticed there were a couple of low-limit PLO cash games going, and their regular 2 pm tournament was packed. The tournament had around 180 players and I felt I played pretty well despite not having a lot of big hands. I busted around 60th, so I outlasted 2/3s of the field, but was still far away from the money. Had a real mix of players, good, bad, and terrible. This was the third time that I've visited downtown, and its just not for me. The sleaziness factor, even in the afternoon, gives me the creeps. Being on the strip reminds me that I'm on vacation, when I'm downtown all I think is "There but for the grace of God..." However, the players in the tournament were mostly nice, and I had no problems with the staff.

After busting, I decided to head to the RIO and play a satellite and eat dinner. I ate at RUB, had a BBQ brisket sandwich, which was great. I'm sure my stomach really appreciated having steak for lunch AND dinner.

I love walking around the RIO and seeing all the pros sitting at the tables. The satellite line wasn't too long, and I got into a $175 NL one right away. You get 1000 chips, blinds go up every 15 minutes. On the second hand, I pick up pocket eights and call the UTG's 100 dollar raise. Flop comes with an eight, UTG bets 350, I go all-in, he calls with pocket aces, quick double up for me. I knocked out another player in the second level, then just when I probably should have put more pressure on everyone, I tightened up when the cards got cold. Then, with about 5 players left, I pick up pocket nines, make a standard raise, BB calls me, and the flop comes all low cards. BB goes all in, I call, he turns over A J off, and spikes a Jack to knock me down to about 4th place. I ended up busting in 3rd.

Next morning, I head off to Caesar's for their $235 Mega Stack. I had played a PLO tournament there in November and really like the room. I first had to try the new Payard bakery near RAO's and had a delicious croissant and coffee.

The tournament went really well for me, and I thought it was very well run. They had almost 500 entrants, and they started on time, with a huge line still registering. You get 7500 chips to start, and can absorb a couple of beats without being out of it. The first few levels were terrible for me, I'd get a few chips, then give them right back. Couldn't hit a flop, no big pairs, etc, but I never felt desperate because of the starting stack. Finally, I started playing, and the deck started hitting me. I had one very well timed suckout when my pocket 10s were behind a set of 8s, but the river gave me another 10, and a very pissed off opponent. Right before the dinner break, 2 players went all-in with decent stacks, and I pick up pocket Kings and have them both barely covered. My kings hold and I almost triple up. I think dinner broke with about 80 players, and 45 would make the money.

After dinner, I continue to pick up a number of pots. My tight play is getting my raises respected, and I'm taking advantage of it by raising weaker hands and re-raising people I think are making moves. Then a case of deja-vu, 2 players go all-in in front of me, and I look down at pocket kings again. This time, I have a pretty big stack, but there are 2 big stacks yet to act. I push all-in to get them to fold, and the BB agonizes before finally folding. My kings hold again, and the BB tells me she almost called with Ace-rag, which would have ended my day. I sailed into the money, and ended up 18th overall after 13 hours of play, for 648 bucks. My bustout hand: I had pocket eights and a pretty low stack, got called by a big stack with Ace-8, but the 3 outer hit and I was done. And exhausted. The final 11 players came back the next day and first place paid 27000, which is pretty good for a 235 buy-in. The staff did a great job, I thought, and I only had 2 tiny complaints. Our table played with 7 players for a few rounds while tables around us were playing full at 10 players. This is a big disadvantage to smaller stacks and we were getting close to the money when this happened. The other complaint is tied to this. When the regular 7 pm tournament starts, it seemed like the staff abandoned our tourney for about 45 minutes. Although its understandable, we weren't getting updates needed relative to players left, average stacks, etc, and tables weren't being balanced properly. But, again, it was a small blip in an otherwise well-run event, and I will definately play the MegaStack again if it continues next year. Its the perfect tournament for lower bankrolled players.

I usually go to Vegas with a buddy, and when I don't,its just not as much fun, so after playing for 13 hours, I thought I'd check out early and head back to my family in LA. When I woke up, I checked out and figured I should at least head to the RIO and play one more satellite to see if I could play in the $1500 PLO event. They actually were seating a PLO satellite and I ended up winning it! Pretty decisively too, if I do say so myself. Now, when I went to the WSOP a couple years ago, I cashed in my satellite winnings and left Vegas with about an 800 dollar profit for the trip, but I always regretted not playing an event. So this time, I marched right over to the cage, and registered for the event and even missed the first couple of hands.

It was a real blast. Tons of pros all around, Max Pescatori at my table, and there is nothing like the WSOP. I played pretty good, especially after the early nerves left me. This tournament, though, only give you 1500 chips, and you must win early or goodbye. There were 759 entrants, and after the first 2 levels, 40 percent were gone. I had a mid-stack most of the day and right before the dinner break got rivered and saw my 15000 average chip stack lower to 7200.

After dinner, there were only 120 left, with 72 making the money, and I knew I had to make a move soon. On the second hand back, I'm in the small blind (300-600) and 4 players call a 1900 raise. I pick up 5678 double suited and decide to put 1/3 of my stack in the pot, which now has 8000 in it. If I hit, I push, if not, I save my last few chips. Flop comes 8 7 10, giving me 2 pair and a low straight draw, so I push. The big stack, who ended up placing 4th overall called, and showed pocket kings. But he hit another 10 on the river for a better 2 pair, and I was left to take the long drive back to LA dreaming of what might have been. I had a great trip though. Felt very positive about most of my play, and saw some things I need to work on.

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  1. Quick correction- The WSOP event gives you 3000 chips, not 1500.

  2. That was a very good and interesting read. Sounds like you play quite well. My only question is that the payout for 18th in that Caesars tournament seems sort of low for 500 plus players - it must be a very steep curve. I'd rather they flattened it out and 1st place only gets say 12 or 15k but the top thirty or forty get 1k each or better. Lot of work to get that far.

  3. Thanks, I'm not sure how good I am, but I feel I'm getting better, so thats something.

    It is a top heavy payout structure, people that just made the money made a profit of 30 dollars or something. I think you had to hit 11th to break 1000.

    Thanks for reading.