Brits and Cowboys and Cashes. Oh My! (Long Part 1)

Reports & Blogs by cwebb81 Posted

So my brother and I got a great deal from Northwest airlines to come to Vegas so we snatched it up and with a little Hanukah money (Thanks dad!) we headed for the Bellagio this weekend. Just to stay, not to play. I don't think I'm ready to go up against the Greensteins, Hansens, Lieberts and Trans of the world just yet. Though seeing them all was quite a thrill. In fact as my brother checked us in at Bellagio's front desk, Johnny Chan scurried right past me complete with signature orange. We got a great room with a magnificent view of the fountain and a line pass for the buffet and cafe there. Presenting the $20 to the clerk right away certainly paid off. After a trip to the buffet (where Amarillo Slim was enjoying some food by himself), and a quick rest, we headed across the street to PH to kill some time before their 7pm tournament Sat night.

One thing we noticed as soon as we got to Vegas was the high amount of euro-trash and cowboy hats. That's because the Mayweather/Hatton fight was that night (Saturday) and there is a big rodeo hubbub going on as well. Needless to say after the fight, the Brits weren't too happy. He never had a chance in my opinion. White boxers only win when played by Sylvester Stallone or Russell Crowe. With still an hour to kill at PH though tournaments are our style we decided to sit at a small 1/2 NL table. It did not go well. I sat with 150. And a few rounds in while i was in the BB, UTG (Brit)straddled for 4. Thanks a lot england! I think 6 people limped, including a drunk who was having way too much fun for the crappy cards he was playing and another european drinking coffee. I look down at J2, but figure with like, 26 dollars in there I have to at least call the straddle even if brit is likely to raise it. He doesn't and before the flop is brought out as first to act I check in the dark.

FLOP: 2 2 9 (2 spades)

Wow. Trips. Brit bets 10. Drunk calls. Euro calls. Button calls. Back to me. I need to see where I'm at so I raise my J2 to 50 hoping to get 4 flushes or 9's out of there. Brit folds. Drunk calls. Euro calls. Button calls. There's about 240 in the pot and I've only got 94 behind me. My mind is thinking someone may have 99 but arent too worried. If a none 9 or spade comes, i have to put the rest in.

Turn: 10

Push my 94 and then things get interesting. Drunk calls me. Of course he does. He never met two cards he didnt guzzle down, i mean, like. Euro Hem and haws for a while. Really concerned about Drunk I think. He raises all in. Button folds. Drunk calls. Pot = over 700, well 500 for me. Drunk shows 10 9 for top two, and Euro show A2 for a better 3 of a kind. The river is no help and one round into my trip I'm down 150 dollars. Damn cash games. I but in for another 100 and nothing eventful happens til the tourney. Oh, except that brother had cowboys cracked by ducks. -100 for him too.

The tournament was fine, nothing memorable except for the way this guy to my right kept acting out of turn, lifting the cards off the table, and sloppily handled his chips. I made the FT along with my brother and short stacked in the SB pushed with A3 to be called by 89 who turned a 9. Luckily, my brother ended up cashing to save the family name. After that went back to Bellagio around 11 to eat, place some bets on the Browns and Colts, and watch some of the 5k. Chatted up Hevad Khan. Not someone I admire, but man is that guy huge! He's got to be as big as one of the statue's at Caeser's. Watched John Murphy's table where Mimi Tran and Dan Shak were playing. Mimi got here queens rivered by K10 and Shak ran into Murphy's Aces. Good to here that Murphy went on to 2nd. Seems like a nice humble kid. He was talking with Michael Binger a lot, whom I also respect.

More soon, including the TI headhunter tournament where I knocked out TheOD and ilikecheese along with 9 others.

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  1. Thats why you never play J2

  2. I'm 99% sure Amarillo Slim is dead...

  3. No he isn't. He is old....but he isn't dead.

  4. I dealt to him in June. He never shuts up.

  5. Was he dead?

  6. i think amarillo died some time back in 1999 but with the poker boom they decided to re-animate his corpse, doyle needed some more players for the cowboy hats v/s non-hats last longer bet.

  7. Kind of like Weekend at Bernies?

  8. Looking forward to hearing about my demise in the headhunter tournament. I will set it up by saying I made a horrible read and an earlier hand where you bluffed me set it up.