Cash Around Town

Reports & Blogs by Javer about Aria Casino, Venetian Las Vegas Posted

A quick stop in Vegas on my way home from vacation. I played 1/2 no limit at the Monte Carlo and Venetian. Also 1/3 no limit at the Aria.

My first stop was late one night at the Monte Carlo. 3 Russians playing against each other. The dealer had to remind them several times that "English" only at the table. Everyone else at the table were mostly spectators because you couldn't see a flop for less than $12 and a $30 plus continuation bet on the flop. I waited patiently for the right opportunity. I only had one opportunity when I decided to take a stab with J 10 suited. I flopped an open ended flush/straight draw. I called the $30 continuation bet. The turn did'nt help me but I called the $50 bet. The river was a blank for me but I guess he thought I was'nt going away. To my surprize, my Jack high won.

Next stop was the Aria for 1/3 no limit. I sat there for 2 hours and caught nothing, but saw another player get slaughtered. She was about 30 years old and very attractive. She sat down with $300 and lost it against the guy to my right in 20 minutes. She had good hands, but he had better. She reloaded twice more in the next hour for $300 and $300. She was peeling off hundreds like there were singles at a strip club. She barely winced when she lost huge pots. It must be nice to not have to worry about money. I have to look for her next trip to Vegas.

Last stop was the Venetian. My first and last hands are worthy of discussion. I sit down at a 1/2 no limit table and ask the dealer if I can buy in at the table or do I have to go to the cash window. He tells me he will cash my first $100 and get a chip runner to get $60 more for me. I said great and asked if the whole $60 can play now. He replies, you can play the whole $160. Now to the hand. First to act makes it $6 to go. the middle postion makes it $12. I look down and see KK, Gidde up!!!! I make it $30 to go. Both raisers call. Now I say to myself, please - no ace on the flop. The flop comes K 10 4 with 2 harts. Now the action - check, check. I'm concerned about the flush draw so I make it $50 to go. First to act calls and the middle position folds. The turn brings a 2 fo harts. Damn, the flush, but first to act checks. Great, I check too. The river brings a 4. There's my boat. First position checks. Now I figure he's got AK. Time for a value bet. Wile I'm pondering what to be, the chip runner comes back with my $60. Perfect. She puts the chips down in front of me and I slide them foward. He calls and turns over AK and I show my boat and sweep a $280 pot.

Now the last hand. I'm in middle postion with AJ offsuit. The big blind is fairly new to the table, but I notice he always defends his big blind. So I know i'm going to get at least one caller. I make it $8 to go and he calls. We're heads up with a flop of J 4 4. Not bad for me. He checks and I bet $11 to test the waters. He calls. The turn is a J. Full house for me. He checks and I get an uneast feeling, so I check. The turn is a 3 - no consequense. He pushes all-in for $300. I ponder for a moment and decide to call, hoping he was either trying to steal the pot or he also has a jack. He couldn't have 44 because he would value bet them. No such luck. He turns over 44 for quads. That's poker.

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  1. Nice report. Tough luck on the quads. Hard to get away from your full house.