Cash Explosion!

Reports & Blogs by SolarCarrot about Aria Casino, MGM Grand Posted

Just back from 5 nights in Vegas from the UK, 2 days of sights followed by a few days of non serious poker, myself Solar and my fiancee Yorkie74. I first hit the tables as Yorkie was unwell and had an early night, as it was midnight I hit O'Sheas but there was no 1-2 NL playing so I registered for the 12 midnight $45 shoot, 10 players, 4 Europeans, 6 US, down to the 4 Europeans I ended up splitting with Marcel from Holland for $165, stayed on for the 2am and ended up splitting with Martin from Ireland for $75, total +150$, took my money to Harrahs for a little 1-2 NLHE cash and ended up doubling my money to $390 after I hit a straight flush with an unfortunate soul holding the K high flush and pushing me all in. After an all nighter my $390 profit was nice work!

Next day Yorkie and I played the 7pm $80 buy in at MGM Grand, after an hour I pushed a short A4 into JJ and failed to hit, then proceded to watch Yorkie as she took out the same guy 3 times! Confidently for a small stakes online player she worked her way to the money where they split 4 ways, she ended up with $351.

I had promised myself the $120 Aria tournament as a treat and boy did this impress me, I played poorly and was out inside 30 minutes after an ace high straight became another guys ace high flush on the river, I had earlier thrown away AK on an A K Q board when I realised other guy had J 10. AA failed to win me much and that was that, Yorkie played well as she navigated to 13th before dead cards let her down. I played a little 1-3 NL cash at Aria and finished $90 to the good in that!!

The main action was at Treasure Island where in 20 minutes we both had a night to forget as did the cardroom! We both bought in to different 1-3 NL cash tables and Yorkie never got a good vibe from hers, my table was ok but a few loose calls had the place simmering, unluckily for me I picked up J J and when a J hit the flop I was getting the money in but my opponent turned Quad 5's and as he scooped my buy in he also got to spin the wheel for another 25 bucks, I sat back and watched for a few more hands and then the whole place exploded as a lady player who raised pre flop then popped it to $100 with a diamond flush draw on the board, a guy called and the turn brought another diamond, he then moved in for $200 and she was very angry, a lot of talk about how could he call if it was a flush draw, eventually she folded leaving around $100 in front of her but he then showed the A 7 diamonds to her and she really exploded, another guy defended his call and a real bad vibe hit the table, Next hand she tilt pushed the $100 after an ace high flop and as a large stack considered the call another guy told him to be brave, she then exploded that this guy was influencing the call and now poker room manager was involved. A couple of players cashed out as did Yorkie and basically this argument ended the game for the night at TI. The chap eventually declared he could make his own mind up and folded AK up, she lifted her chips and left.

So to summarise we had great fun at O'Sheas as usual but were disappointed at the lack of 1-2 NL cash there, I cashed nicely at Harrahs and we loved the new room at Aria, hated TI.


O'Sheas Tourney - chopped for $165 (45)
O'sheas Tourney - chopped for $75 (45)
MGM Grand - Lost (80)
O'Sheas Tourney - Lost (45)
Aria Tourney - Lost (120)
Harrahs Cash - Won $395 (150)
TI Cash - Lost $200
Aria Cash - Won $290 (200)


CASH - UP $ 135



MGM Grand Tourney - chopped for $351 (80)
O'Sheas Tourney - Lost (45)
Aria Tourney - Lost (120)
TI Cash - Lost (19)


Loved Aria and got a pic with Joe Cada at the Heads Up


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  1. Thanks for the post dave. Sounds like you guys had a nice time. Are you going to post the picture for us to see?

    Best wishes at the tables. Tabbyc

  2. Always great when you are on the positive side! Nice post!