Reports & Blogs by yadyaprekop about Venetian Las Vegas Posted

grinding it out among rest of the tourist on the felt. I wish there was something positive to say about my week but it was just one cooler of a hand after another. It was to the point that I couldn't wait to get on the plane and get out of town before Vegas emptied my pockets. I played at every poker room up and down the strip that week with nothing but one cooler hand after another. I ran into quads, quads, straight flushes, bigger full houses and it went on and on. I was never so happy to get out of Las Vegas than I was that Friday following my Turkey Day. For the next 10 days before my return to sin city all I could think about was how I wasn't going let my handful of cooler hands to screw up my future poker winnings. But in the back of my head I still felt the pain and misery that goes with losing. I don't care if you lose at poker or anything else, losing does take a mental toll on one person over time. Day after day I just couldn't get it out of my head how bad I was running. It didn't matter if I had the nut flush vs the straight flush or if I flopped a full house and was out flopped with quads. The pain and mental stress was just eating away for those ten days away from the felt. But I did return to sin city and took the first day to relax before I tried my luck again on the felt. But I did take the plunge today just to get wet behind the ears again and somehow managed to walk away a winner today. So do I still think about my cooler of a week, one bad flop after another. Yes, everyday since but today was a new beginning and I will be taking everyones money from this day on. Good luck and see you on the felt. Ya, I will be the one who is check raising you all in with nothing. Good luck

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  1. We've all been there. Glad it has turned around for you.

  2. Enjoyed your blog; it sounds so familiar. I"m going to take your attitude with me on Jan.4.