Donkville USA

Reports & Blogs by yadyaprekop Posted

I was about to end my night when i thought i would stop at one of the local rooms on the strip and see if there was any action at 3am..I get a seat right away and there was at least 6k on the 1/2 table if not more. First hand I witness guy call an all in with 6 high and no draw or even a pair. A few hands later I see him call an all in again with 6 high again with no draws and lose. I'm confused at this point what is going on. A few hands later the man who keeps putting his chips in with 6 high calls an all in bet into a pot well over 400 dollars and loses to yes this is true, 7 high..So just witnessed crazy guy call 3 pots with 6 high and does not care that he keeps losing, in which one of the pots was well over 400 dollars...Still no cards to play with but very entertaining. Shortly after seeing some of the worse poker i have ever seen. It gets worse...Player with 2k in front of him raises and gets called by 4 players. Flop is jt2 two diamonds. First to act bets, call call by next two players. big stack makes it 100 more all four players make the call. Turn is a 6 of spades. Check check check, big stack makes it 500 more and when i think hand is over, all four callers instant call the bet. So now we have 3 people all in and the two big stacks each have at least another 6oo behind. A pile of chips are on the table now. After the flop i tell guy next to me that big stack has a set and he says are you sure and i say yes. River is an ace but no diamond....two big stacks check check..and guy who has been betting the whole time has set of tens and other big stack shows j6 off suit for pair of jacks and rest of table all muck but all say they were on flush draw. The rich got richer and within less of an hour I saw some of the worse poker i have ever seen in my life.

Vegas is no longer sin city....It's DONKVILLE USA and no won will convince me any different.

WOW...Put this stuff on TV because the WSOP has nothing on this....LOL

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  1. Idle curiosity demands I ask which room and what night of the week you ran into this table. I doubt it will surprise me much at 3am on a 1-2 table, but I really am curious about the details.

  2. I'm curious, are these really "Trip reports" or the beginnings of a blog?

    <edit> Actually... the no logic all-ins sound like that guy doing the sociology experiment making his rounds :grin:

  3. Did I miss something here? Exactly what combination of cards constitutes a 6 high with no pair and no draw in holdem?

  4. If you view this thread from the main home page, it says that this trip report is for the Jokers Wild. However, this is a small locals casino way out in Henderson. Also, I do not believe they run a NL game at Jokers Wild. The trip report also mentions a "local room on the strip".... I am both confused and intrigued by the story. I too would like to know where this happened....

  5. actually.... there is no way to have a "6 high"

    it is impossible to have a hand that is "6 high"

    (in normal poker)

  6. I assume he meant "6 high" before the flop, as in this kind of game it generally becomes a preflop shovefest

  7. @Sofa King

    He probably meant that the guy had something like 65 on a 10JQ flop. While technically his hand is QJ106 high, when he flips over his cards and announces his hand, most people would just call their hand a 6 high.

  8. Yes, I think OP meant 6 high in his down cards...