Final 4 Weekend

Reports & Blogs by The Equalizer about Horseshoe Las Vegas Posted

Here is a trip report from a few weeks ago

Day 1 catch flight to vegas at 8:30 am and get to the hotel at 10 am. Stayed at IP and they gave me an early check in without trouble so drop the bags off at the room and head to Ballys. Played at Ballys for about 6 hours pretty card dead and cashed up $121. Went to eat at Ellis Island then head back to IP and play for a couple hours with 2 interesting hands. First one I get dealt KJ off in the cutoff UTG a solid and fairly agressive player raised to 8 I call and big blind calls. Flop comes K88 rainbow and it is checked to me I lead out for 16 the blind folds and the original raiser calls. Turn card is a 2 completing the rainbow board. checked again to me I check behind. River comes another K and UTG bets 50 into me so I move over the top of him for 130 total which he calls and shows A8. I take down a nice pot. Next hand I pick up 8d10d and 2 limpers to me I raise to 12 get 2 callers a total donkey from UTG and a new player in the big blind flop is 8c4d2d. Flop is checked to me and I lead out for 30 new player folds and the donkey shoves his stack and I call. turn comes 8s river is the Jd and I lose a healthy pot to Ad9d. not much else exciting I cash out +148. after food and cab I was up exactly $250.

Day 2 get up early and meet up with a friend of mine that lives in vegas to play a few hours at ballys before he goes to work he got aces craked in small pots 2x for 100 each time during the aces cracked promotion I did nothing notable until I got AA in the bb with UTG raise to 8 and 5 callers I made it 70 to go UTG calls everyone else folds. Flop J 5 2 rainbow and I shove into the snap call of top set. He had about another 80 behind after that and few small pots I ended up -230 then went to eat at hash house a go go which is pretty good ate their 3 times and the portions are enough for 2 large eaters to split a plate. At this time I am even for the trip and head to planet hollywood my favorite place to play now. I buy in for my normal $300 and never in 6 hours played a hand past the flop and stack was down to 200 so i reload another hundred. just after I reload a guy 2 to my left hits the spade royal for $599 and has a stack of about 900 in front of him. about 20 minutes later I see a flop with KdJd and the flop comes Ad10d3d not positive of the action but i know myself and 2 others called a bet on the flop turn came the 7d everyone calls another bet and the river comes Qd making my royal. Checked to me and I bet 125 and get a call from a guy with no diamond in his hand and get $599 for the royal. 2 hands later I flop the nut str8 with KG and a guy shoves his stack into me in a 20 dollar pot and I take the 400 he has with my stak at 1500 now I get into a pot against the other guy that hit the royal and I flop 10s full on a 10 8 8 board with him having A8 not much else reeally that night but i cashed out 1800 so was + 1400 for the session all said and done +1400 for the trip after 2 days.

Day 3 I bring 700 dollars with me for the day and never play poker all day pretty much went and used a few match play coupons here and there drank beer and fat tuesdays drinks from 10 am until about 5 pm. When in my drunken state I decided to play Pai Gow for a while 6 hours and many many beers later I cash out for $202 in which I had bought in for $200 a huge $2 profit. Go get something to eat I believe then stumble back to the room. The next morning I check my wallet to see what I spent the day before in total and am amazed to find that I had exactly $700. Total cost of a day in a drunken stupor $0 a little wear on the liver and a slight headache.

Day 4 I get up get some food at Dennys then head back to PH buy in for 300 at the most wild game I have ever played 3 guys had stacks over 1000 and one guy had a stack over 2500 with a max 300 buy in. I played tight and mostly watched for a bit to get a feel for the game and cant believe what I am seeing these guys are playing passive preflop and betting and calling 100-300 bets after with middle pair. so I start limping into pots hit a few flops pretty hard and go from 300 to 1300 in about 2 hours when the guy with the 2500 stack starts screaming and bitching and finally gets thrown out with less then a rack of red left at this point the game tightened up and i lose a few small pots end up cashing out $1123 and go get something to eat. After I eat went back to PH bought in for 300 had very few playable hands and cashed out $327 and went to bed. total for the day after all expenses +800 total for the trip +$2200

Day 5 got up ate and went to PH sat down around noon with $300 buy in and was card dead until about 6pm at which time I went on the most sick run I have ever had I flopped 3 full houses in a row and had people shove into me all 3 times.Saw socalmike here and introduced myself nice guy enjoyed playing poker with him. I then steal a few pots here and there and this asian guy with a habit of overbetting calls my 9d10d raise and the flop is JQ4 rainbow and he bets $10 I call 8h is the turn and he bets 50 I raise to 125 and he shoves his final 250 and shows 44 river is a blank and my stack is at 1200. The very next hand I see a limped pot with 33 and the flop comes QQ3. I lead out for 15 and a guy moves all in gets around to the girl before me and she moves over the top of his raise for her whole stack and I just say I call and both of your queens are not any good 2 blanks come and my stack is over 1800 I end up leaving a couple hours later after a few small pots lost because I need to checkout the next morning and need some sleep. End of the day +1450 total for trip +3650.

Final day get up about 10 am shower and eat then head to PH again pretty boring day no notable hands ended up 120 at poker for the day caught a cab to the airport and flew home counted everything up when I got home and had $6721 for a profit of $3721 for the trip.

Will be back June 3-10 during the WSOP staying at Ballys

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  1. Nice trip...I can only hope to run that good some day!

  2. I Declar........Shenanigans! More tall tales in that report than a Doyle Brunson biography.

    Fun read though.

  3. skip the minors and go pro....

  4. I find it amusing that people have to make snide comments just because someone runs good. Yes my trip was a great run but I am in no way saying that I am a pro or that this is normal it obviously is not the case but everything posted in this report was true and I am sure socalmike would remember as well as confirm the truth to the day 5 as he was there when I cashed out and in fact asked the floor to bring me 4 racks. Other then that I dont know of any AVPers that I played with so I guess its my word you will have to believe or not.

  5. Oh i believe u,your the kinda guy i run into every trip,I'm just jealous i run that good for 20 mins and only after i have run bad for 15 hours....

  6. Nice report, even better run! As for the doubters, why would OP make up this report? Making $3K in a few days is certainly possible, particularly with a HHJ. I've done that well a few times myself. The Vegas 1/2 NL games are indeed wild enough and soft enough to make good money if you are running well.

  7. Hey it is possible...the guy on Lucky You took 250 and ran it up over 10K in one night. :wink:

  8. Nice report, Raz.....for all the doubters out there, you think his cash game is sick....try being at his table in a trny! Our denver poker group has proven to be a fine training ground lately. A couple of cashes at WSOP, big success on Pokerstars, a Caesars Megastack win and just this weekend a Heartland Poker main event win! Here's to a successful 2010 WSOP!

  9. Um, this sort of thing happens ALL the time. For you NITS/nut players out there, take a look at the hands he won huge pots with and you will understand why you never have a +$1,400 night because you fold 8T, KJ, etc all night. Of course playing the LAG style can also net you some -4 figure nights too...

  10. Hey good for him if he ran well.....I am not hatin', but getting hit with the deck helps too!

    Posting only wins makes people wonder, but it's all good.....I hope to do as well in June. :grin:

  11. I actually want to hear from people winning big. Kinda disappointing that people would rip on someone or doubt their word just because they won big. Kudos to OP :smile:


  12. @Stevus

    Well for me its the old saying "misery loves company" when i'm running bad i want to hear about someone who has worst luck then me.........

    and its kinda like this if u go fishing everyday for a week and never get a bite,then the one day u don't go this guy tells u "how he couldn't bait the hook fast enough,caught the biggest fish he has ever seen,and they were even jumping into the boat" u believe him,but isn't your first reaction "SERIOUSLY jumping in the boat"

  13. Fun read, I'm hoping that I'll get on a run like that in July.

    My son and I went in July of last year and he won a tourney at TI the day we arrived for $1000, came in 4th at The Orleans for $400 and chopped at Harrah's for $1200 all within 24 hours. Besides that he made a few BB bets and picked up another $200 during the same time so it can happen.

    Congrats on your success!

  14. @Grange95

    Point taken Grange. I agree the run could indeed happen and have seen similar runs even without HHJ. Other commenters correctly pointed out that my own style is probably too tight to anticipate 4 figure swings at 1/2 tables. Now I'm inspired to win or lose 4 figures when i fly in from Baltimore on Thursday for a company trip.

    To be honest though, I was most surprised that no one objected to my inferring that Doyle Brunson's biography included tall tales.

    OP - contrats on your win and i assure you I am not a hater or a doubter, even if i take a sip of hateraide now and then. My day job is a fraud auditor so I can't help being a professional skeptic.

  15. @highli99

    Now you sir, have more job security than anybody else in the world...

  16. Congrats on your big score. I too love Planet Hollywood. I am sure I will be spending some time there next week... 2 days till I arrive.

    - Vook

  17. Great Report even BETTER RESULT!!!!! SSSSAAAAAWWWEEEETTTTTTT>>>good on ya!!!! :grin: