First Trip to VEGAS!!!


November 1st
6am – Woke up, left for Grand Forks to catch my 12pm flight, got there checked in had breakfast, flight was on time which was good, but our seats sucked, very back of the plane, no windows. Louder then hell. Arrived at around 1pm, got a cab and went to the hotel, stayed at Imperial Palace, cab ride was expensive, $25 was ripped off. But oh well.

Being my first time in Vegas, we wandered around for a bit, sat in at a Harrah's $1-$2 game, lost $100 when I miss a flush/straight draw vs. TPTK. Left wandered around some more. Then went to the $160 7pm Caesars tourney, good structure, I had a good table, had good reads on everyone at the table except one older guy, who looked like Sammy Farha. There was one asian guy, who was UBER rock, it was funny, he hadn't played a single handin 2 hours. Not his BB anything. I stupidly started talking to him about it, and the next hand he raised and stole the blinds lol, everyone at the table was joking that I woke him up. Anyway a few hands later the same Asian guy raised to $1600 when the blinds were $100-$200, it folded to me in the BB, and I looked down at 10 2offsuit. I know he doesn't have a big pair, I put him on AK, so I call, figuring if I hit big I could stack him. Flop comes 9 6 2 rainbow, I check he continuation bets half pot I call, turn 10, Bingo. I check again, he bets again, I call. River A. He bets, I shove, he calls. I flip over my 10 2 and begin to drag the chips when he flips over A10 for bigger two pair. So sick, I shoved next hand for like 600 and busted out. Wandered around some more, watched the pussycat dances at the tables. And went to bed.

November 2nd
6am – Woke up early, was planning on spending the day downtown, so jumped on the Deuce, and wandered around Freemont street collecting the players card from every casino (something me and my buddy were doing all weekend. Got 15 cards in total) Only place we played downtown was Binions, played the morning $55 tourney, and the 6pm $125 tourney, busted out of both, but made money on cash games, $130 in the morning, and $260 in the afternoon.

There was this annoying yet hilarious drunk next to me, he was the best player in Eerie, Pennsylvania lol, he kept saying how he was the best etc. The rest of the table was weak, so I was just running over everyone else, waiting for a big pot with the drunk. Another player, a pro/semi pro who saw the drunk with $600 in front of him (from donking others out) sat down. We talked a bit, each laughing about the drunks clueless comments. Like how he was a “card player” etc. Got into a huge four-way pot, with a fish, the pro, and the donk, I had K10 hearts, flop 987 with 2 hearts, the pro, and fish both go all in, I flat, and donk flats, turn comes blank, I check, donk shoves for another $300 more I think about it and fold. Pro turns over A high flush draw, fish set of 8's and the donk....Q10offsuit, the river came a 6, making me and the donk the straight, so I would have chopped in with him. So sick that he would shove another $300 on that board. I still think I made the right fold tho. Despite the outcome. Rest of the day was uneventful. More site seeing etc.

November 3rd
7am – Woke up wandered around to a few places looking for a game, couldn't find one going at any of the smaller tourist locals, so went to Bellagio, had one game going with a list, ended up waiting about half hour before they opened up a new table, play was generally good, one asian LAG donk, who gave me 2 horrible beats stacking me both times, onces when I had K9 vs. his 98 on a 993 board, hitting a 8 on the river. Then he stacked another guy, which was the sickest beat i've seen in a while. All in pre, Asian guy had AK vs. KK of older guy, flop comes 557 turn 5 river 5. I played a while longer grinded back up and left with a $7 profit, we left, planning on playing the $350 Venetian Deepstack event, but were running late so played the Caesars $85 tourney.

I shipped it 1st for $1320 not a whole lot of difficult players, me and the 2nd place guy were at the same table same seat entire tourney, he was only decent play, and it was fun playing pots with him, cause he was an actual thinking player unlike most others. I was chopping all my tourneys 50/50 with my buddy so made $575 profit on it.

Went back to Imperial Palace my buddy wanted to play table games, so I sat down at the easiest cash game I have ever played, was sitting between 2 guys from BC, guy to my right was cool, solid player, guy to my left was his buddy, not good player but nice, I was helping him with basic strategy and the tells of other players, it was awesome I was calling everyones hands exactly right, was showing off limping blind every hand for a rotation and still winning 8 of the 10 pots without looking at cards just calling there hands and betting them off them lol. It was great ended up $650 in about 2 hours. Only problem was one dealer they have there doesn't have a clue. About two hands in the players play to river, one guy shows an Ace for a pair, the other player says its good, and the dealer ships him the pot, I say he needs to show both cards to win the pot, he argued and the player who never played before argued. I explained to them the rules, and he still argued so I called the floor over the floor the floor explained to the dealer and player I was right, and his hand was exposed. I also mentioned that he had to show me anyway because I asked. I can ask to see any cards played to the river. Anyway, after the floor left the dealer started saying we were both wrong and started being a dick, saying shit like I run the game etc. I really should have complained and got his ass fired, but was having a good time with the guys from BC.

November 4th-5th

Woke up, hit the jacuzzi, Then was gonna go to Treasure Island but there were no players, so went to the Caesars $85 tourney again, got knock out early when a women wouldn't for her 7's fullhouse on a AA772 board when I raised pre, reraised flop and shoved river. Walked around, stopped at MGM lost $200 then went back to Imperial and lost another $150 when a fish called my shove pre with K8 vs. my pocket QQ So I was tilting, and walked around blew a bunch on table games and slots. Watched the Bellagio water show and went to the eiffel tower. Before leaving for the airport and my flight home.

Overall on the trip I was up $500 after expenses. Which is pretty good for my first time in Vegas. Gonna go play the Grand Forks tourney next weekend, and planning when to go back to Vegas.

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