Fun times, less profit


Dec 18-24

Dec 19 MGM 3pm cash game:

Played cash game for about 3 hours, no hands, table was tight. Not used to this kind of action in Vegas, it would be a harbinger of things to come. Played my usual TAG style, but was met by many players with similar style, a couple of donkeys at the table, but I couldn't get the hands to bust them. No memorable hands just a lot of folding pre and bricking on flop after flop when I did have something. Play was much more aggressive post flop than I had seen this summer. -$100

December 20 Golden nugget 7pm cash game:

Played like crap for 4 hours, on top of that I didn't get much to look at. I realizing I'm not in the greatest state of mind so I cut my losses -$225

December 21 Venetian 12pm tourney:

70 runners. Played super tight, but couldn't get any kind of traction. Got short stacked and managed to suck out a couple of big winners from behind to make it to 25th (paid 9). AT vs AQ, Queen flops with a Jack, I get a King on the turn to keep me alive. One hour later, getting desperately low again (17bb's w/o accounting for ante's) I shove from cutoff when folded to me with 55. I get called by button, and BB reraises allin. It doesn't look good when button calls 55 vs QQ vs KK. I catch a river 5 to triple up. About 1 hour later I'm again down to about 15bb's (haven't played a hand since 55 miracle) I get 22 on button and shove, BB calls shows 99, cant get a 3rd suckout and I go packing. I was planning on playing cash game that night but playing over 4 hours with no return has me burnt out for the day. -$150

December 22 Aria 1pm tourney:

80+ runners. Again super tight. Played only 1 significant had before 90min break: 3 limpers in before me, blinds 100/200 QQ raised to 1k, called in 2 spots, flop is K94 rainbow, checks to me, I c-bet to 3k and get shoved by limper, frustrated I fold QQ face up, limper shows KTs! I'm not going to complain about others play . About 1 hour after break interesting hand, guy on left to me 3 bets the same limper who had KT. Flop is Ax4 limper raises and guy next to me raises nearly allin gets reraised by another player. Original raiser folds and guy next to me calls off whats left in his stack with Q4. Gets a miracle 4 on river to take out AK. Original raiser is furious at guys play, but I just laugh to myself as he called 20% of his stack with KT earlier. 2 orbits later I shove with AQ get called by AK, no luck and I'm gone. -$125

December 22 5pm Venetian cash game:

Oh my god! Table is crazy tight and filled with all solid players. I should have asked for a table change, but like a dumbass I stuck it out for 2.5 hours, got no great hands, played the best I could, but no cards whatsoever, cut my losses when I realized table wasn't going to get any better -$45

December 22 Golden nugget 3am:

Table is short handed and super weak, I play solid and turn a +150 profit (thank god!)

December 23 Monte Carlo 6pm cash game:

Originally wanted to play cash at Aria, but wait list was 11 deep with 5 tables running 1/3. I walked down the hall to Monte Carlo. Table was full of weak foreigners who could barely play. It got shorthanded quite quickly, but I was able to extract some chips before table broke. +$65

Started to not feel so well so I took the night off of the 23rd. 24th got worse and I didn't make it out of my room until 9pm. Way to tired and distracted to play.

I had originally wanted to play 6-8 hours a day, but the tourneys took alot out of me. Next time I will line up cash games earlier in the trip and save the tourneys for the later parts.

Trip notes:

Play was incredibly more tight preflop and much more aggressive post flop than the easy action I had seen in the summer. I really need to rethink my game if I intend to beat these games.

When I was with my non-poker playing friends, I took a look at alot of different card rooms. I would have to say I like the layout and structure for Venetian the best, tables are comfortable (larger than average I believe) and well spaced out in between. Seating was prompt and I have no complaints whatsoever.

@ Golden Nugget: You're charging me $4 for a redbull? seriously?

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  1. With tables like you described it might be in your interest to start developing a LAG style for when you run into the rock garden. You should be able to keep yourself going with stealing against the obvious rocks and get paid on a monster when you do flop it since most people will think you're playing tight and couldn't have possibly connected with a 9 10 4 board (but of course you're LAG so you raised with 910 suited :smiling_imp:). A tight player will react one of two ways to you. They'll play back at you (which is fine since you'll be hitting more concealed monsters and seeing cheaper flops hopefully) or they'll go into a shell (allowing you to steal mercilessly from them).