Honeymoon with only a little poker


My wife and I went to vegas for our honeymoon. She loves to gamble but doesn't play poker. I knew that my time at the tables would be limited but would try to make the most of it. During the five days there we went to see sin city comedy beatles love and the price is right. When not at the shows spent way too much time drinking. Here is my poker thought over the time.

Wednesday night no poker. My wife lost 200 in a hour on the slots.

Thursday spent the day at the pool and then went to watch the NFL draft at new York new York while the wife slept. Great place too much to drink. Played the 11 pm at osheas. 20 players down to 11 when the blinds forced me to push with ace 9 but ran into ace jack. Wife lost 300 more at osheas and say she will never gamble again.

Friday morning went to the Orleans to play Omaha. I love Omaha can't stand hold Em. Never sat down at the table because one guy at 9 am wad double fisting coots light standing up during hands and announcing what he might have had at every drop. Didn't like that this wad allowed so left. On Friday at Saturday night played 3/6 at mirage and 2/4 at flamingo. Got four hacks for fifty at the flamingo but pretty much was even.

Sunday went to the Venetian to finally play omaha 4/8. I got 6 hours before the beetles show. Doing well and playing with some really good players and one or two who are giving money away. Meet a kid who says he plays tournament Omaha and cash Omaha for a living. I am up about 150 and know I have to go before my blind. We are on a kill pot I am dealt ace ace 5 6. Ace five of hearts. Pre dipped capped with 5 players. (150).flop comes 8 7 4. 87 of clubs. Four players cap when I have the nuts (120). Turns gives a non club 4. Three players cap the fourth all in (214 more). 2 of hearts on river. One guy all in for 6 more fold and I call. My straight holds up and player all in on turn loses his ace deuce low so I scoop the five hundred dollar pot.

Great week but if you count my wife I broke even for the week. Heading back in September for my mother in laws 60

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