I AM A QUITTER!!!!!!!!

Reports & Blogs by Santa Fe Rail about Horseshoe Las Vegas Posted

session 1 @ TI feb 28 7:15p. 2 tables running both tourney so a 1/3 table was started. cards started flying 'bout 7:30p. we started with 4 players and blossomed into 9 before long. i enjoy seeing all the locals as i did see some players on my last trip. no real excitement just getting started and wanting to increase my comp $$. i was rewarded with a solid? $8 profit. don't spend it all in 1 place.lol

session 2 mirage aces cracked promo 10a-1p again great to see all the locals come out. they r very beatable. oh yea so am i. i lost $51 in 3 hours but your rocket scientist here totally missed played 2 sets of rockets as i raised preflop,forgetting about the promotion,and e1 folded so i deserved that. of course my 3rd set comes @ 1:05p,after the promo,and i am heads up and i saw no danger on the board so we checked the flop but after the turn i say "lets get some action" so i bet $20 and again after the river i mouthed off something again bet $20 this time get called and my rockets held up against a pair of K's,sweet! the woman i was against did not appreciate the way i played the hand.

3rd session: FASTEST SESSION EVER!!!! 5 HANDS ballys 10p tuesday night and we started a new table in back with no auto shuffler and on hand 3 the player next to me "cleans the clock" of a player @ the other end of the table and i was thinking "i wish i could do that". hand 5 i am dealt cowboys and here we go as i raise $40 per flop and get 2 callers. k no A on the flop and we get 8,K,8,excellent!! so i bet $40 again and 1 player drops but the guy who got clocked 2 hands earlier stays with me. mayb he has pocket 8's? turn produces a blank as does river but river bet by me is "all in". and the other players pushed too so here we go SURPRISE PAL COWBOYS and i doubled up and cannot believe it and yes i quit!!!

session 4: mirage aces cracked promo. lost $72 in 4 hrs and biggest surprise was on my biggest losing hand i "hung myself". i was so excited i flopped 2 pair,K,J but the other player had pocket 6's and a 6 also was on the flop. k kool. i asked her after the hand "i was in trouble from the flop" and she said yes. it was a "educational"
beating shall we say and i deserved it too!!

session 5: mirage,4:30p-8:30p. lost $92 most of which was on last hand as my flush got rivered by a boat.:((((((( OUCH

session 6: again ballys graveyard no 5 hands but it took me 53 minutes and again i misplayed? rockets but not raising enough i guess? i get 2 callers,a local and a young punk. after the flop a K was on the flop and local bets $40 and the punk goes all in for $73 so i look @ this and i say "i want to call and raise the $73 bet". i saw no way a flush or straight draw was in play. the local folded so quickly, it was faster than instafold, and the punk looked like a "deer in the headlights". he was white as a ghost!! i turn over my rockets and the punk still cannot believe his bad luck,stupidity, and i clean up well and again I QUIT!!!

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  1. Zin
    • Zin

    I believe that is the object of the game to win money no shame in quitting when ahead. If most gamblers quit when ahead they would be much better off, but greed gets the best of most gamblers sad to see.

  2. Wait until you see my recent trip post - you will see why quitting is a "good" idea...