Reports & Blogs by Santa Fe Rail about Horseshoe Las Vegas Posted

first knight Ballys 5:15p only had 4 tables. saw my fav cheifs fan monton as i was walking through Ballys. first stop Mirage 5:30p 7 tables running played 4 hrs +$38. dinner money. i am so so so so cheap. Ballys 10p-1a they had 8n on the list and did open another table. rich did flop me a A high straight and i slow played and picked up $93,sweet!! after day 1 +$138 but a long tall hill to climb yet.
day 2 Aces Cracked @ Mirage and my trip ladies were rivered by a
straight so there went day 1s profit,OUCH!! walked back to Ballys seated right away played 1.5 hrs netted +$73,lunch denero YES!!
relaxed sat knight and sunday morn back to Mirage. 9:15a 2 tables running and i am first on list. time goes by players sign up and a new table opens about 9:45a. DUMBEST PLAY OF WEEKEND as i am dealt rockets and i stupidly raise perflop to $20 and e1 folds. hey stupid it is aces cracked u WANT your rockets beat.:(((( so i play 4 hrs lose $51. sunday aft Ballys 5 tables. played only 1 hr got disinterested and a solid profit of $7 WOW.lol
4got 2 session: sat 4-7p again @ Mirage 3 hrs just dreading H2O,water, with a net loss of $15. went 2 Ballys still treading H2O player 2 hrs with a loss of $3.
sunday knight mixed game @ IP. i had a great time played 4 hrs and walked away -$112,acceptable. i needed brian to give me guidance but i did win a few hands though. 1 player went through $200 in less than my 4 hers and another player went through $300 in my 4 hrs. yes brian i did but in for $300 as u recommend.

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  1. I have a friend who is a copy editor and another who is an English teacher and they complain about the poor grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure of todays youth. The "texting" generation is going to destroy the English language, they tell me. I tried my hand at their jobs below. Unfortunately I couldn't too anything with the last two sentences, they're just that bad.

    @Santa Fe Rail

    It's so bad it seems intentional...

  2. @whodat5

    It's so bad it seems intentional...[/quote]
    What do expect from degenerates like us; PHD dissertations??

  3. Maybe he is "hollywooding" it for affect only to reveal he is the head of the English department at Yale. If you are not sure what I am talking about, see Sante Fe Rail's previous trip reports. He has self esteem issues so go easy on him.

  4. What no slow roll?