March 2013 Trip Day 1

Reports & Blogs by bswanky about Caesars Palace Posted

This is my first trip post, I've read the trip reports for a year or so and decided to jump in. My buddy Phil and I have been doing a yearly poker trip to Vegas for the past 4 years or so. We have one planned for the first week of February 2014 and I'm looking forward to it.

In March 2013 we met his brother Jeff from Alaska at the airport and stayed at the Quad. We got in early from Seattle and were ready to play. We usually like to stay on the cheap and I don't really like the changes to the Quad - formerly the IP - but it will do for a place to flop. We dropped the bags at the Quad and looked for a tourney. Jeff hasn't played much live poker so we decided to start off at the Flamingo 10 a.m. tourney. Ended up being only two tables which was perfect for Jeff. Phil was seated to my left which was not good for me.

Being our first tourney and lower buy in, I was playing pretty loose, raising with a wide range of hands. I got very lucky after raising in early position with 5d7s and flopping a straight against a guy with QQ. He didn't re-raise me pre flop but shoved on the flop with the ragged board and doubled me up. Played for about 40 more minutes and then Phil and I tangled. He raised pre flop and I called with KsQs in the blind. Phil is pretty tight so he had to have a big hand in FP. Flop hit with two spades. Just the two of us and Phil correctly reads my flush draw and goes all in. He has enough chips that I shouldn't call but do anyway - telling him "be prepared to hate me". I roll the spade draw and he shows his KK. We stand and he puts his arm around me and calls me a dick under his breath. I hit spade and he nearly crushes me. I get knocked out ten minutes later because I'm playing way too loose. Phil properly gives me hell for my loose play but we pretty much laugh it off.

We head to Caesars and just make the noon $110. I play much more conservatively, pretty well for my standards, and make it to 15th just three out of the money. Played with much more concentration and lost to a draw similar to the one I put on Phil (karma?) Amazingly, Jeff cashes 6th in only his second tourney.

It's time for dinner and I suggest the Circus Circus Steak House. Phil and Jeff think I'm nuts but I read about it and it ended up being an awesome steakhouse. We drank a few bottles of wine and a martini after and we feeling pretty good. Since we were pretty buzzed I suggested the Flamingo for the 9 p.m. tourney.

Almost all the tables were filled for the Flamingo tourney and we had a ball. Jeff and I made it to two tables but we both busted out and didn't cash. Phil made to a 4 player chop. We decided to drink and play a little blackjack at the Flamingo. After many beers and some more blackjack at Casino Royal it was around 11 p.m. Since we were drunk I suggested the crappy little $30 tourney at the Quad. We entered and I was the bubble boy in a four table tourney and Phil cashed again. We headed to the Mirage for 1/2 NL. Probably a bad idea, but you will soon discover that Phil and I are not good decision makers when buzzed. Jeff went to bed and Phil and I played there for about 3 hours. Luckily I left up about 250 and Phil about the same. The table was verrrrry loose and we both hit some big flops. Off to bed around 6:30 a.m. More in next post.

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  1. I like the sound of this one; bring on the rest.

    Good choice with the Circus Circus steakhouse, I had a great meal there.