MGM, In-N-Out, and Wynn

Reports & Blogs by CFCPoker Posted

A friend of mine and I decided we had gone long enough without a Vegas trip (about 2 months) so come Sunday afternoon we decided to use a comp at the Tropicana my buddy had earned in May. We had planned for nothing outside poker rooms and hotel beds.

Now normally I would never dream of staying anywhere besides Wynn, which by the way is not done justice by the contributors of this site however insightful they may be, but we got a room on the ground level of the old Tropicana (the 3 story building directly across the street from the MGM south entrance) for $50. Basically it took us all of 5 minutes to get from our room to the MGM casino floor.

The first of two sessions began at the MGM at around 8-8:30. Even on Sunday night they still spread 3 to 4 4-8w/ a half kill games, 4 to 5 3-6 games and various NL games (5+ tables). I am mainly a 4-8 full kill player so I paid little attention to the NL tables. The dealers at MGM are of the highest quality and are still able to joke around with us low limit players. I did very well playing ultra selective and relatively aggressive.

The competition here is not as fishy as say Excalibur or Alladin but they are all suckers for low pockets and big-little suited cards. I lost most of my profit after an untimely AQ in a kill pot in which J10 flopped a straight and I flop 2 pair. I was too tired at 4am so I left down $40 about 30 min after my AQ. Got to sleep sometime!
Next morning (2pm) we went to In-N-Out for...uh...breakfast and were seated at Wynn 4-8 table around 4pm.

This is my favorite room ANYWHERE bar-none. we started at a new table and there was almost perfect mix of rich old folks, young big-heads, and clueless hotties. Did very well due to a lucky JJ hand agianst AA and many hours of semi-tight (opprotunistic loose play) and aggressiveness.

Wynn offers great table service that I recommend all players take advantage of. the later the better it seemed that night as many young and old rich drunks filled our game. around 1:30am I got JJ, AA, KK in a row and left after 3am up $180. good 48 hours I suggest everyone visit MGM or Wynn EVERYTIME they visit the strip, next time I hope to check tourneys at both rooms. good luck

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