MGM surroundings suck

Reports & Blogs by harbak about MGM Grand Posted

Not just me, but everyone hates the band that played next to poker room this weekend. I wasnt feeling good shouldnt have gone and paid for it, losin 200. However 150 of it came on a hand where 2 were all in for 150 before me post flop with 60 in pot as well I had nut flush draw and a gut shot so no brainer call but no love. One of the loosest tables i have seen but was card dead and the tourists were calling everything to the river so you had to show a hand. I can't stress how bad the band was and you could hardly hear the people at the other end of the table talk, just bad environment for good players who want to think. When they get it moved back maybe I will go back but if it stays this loud I will be done with MGM.

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  1. Ok, while I appreciate the posts, does each casino commentary really call for a separate trip report?