My first 10 day Vegas Trip, AWESOME


My trip started at Frankfurt (Germany) on 9 am(Thursday). We had a stop in detroit. Then we entered Vegas on 5.30 pm(Thursday). We went straigt to the stratosphere hotel where we spent 10 nights. I got rid of my baggage and visited the poker room. I bought in at 1-2 $ Cash game for 300$.
I had to check the style of playing in Vegas so i lost about 2/3 of my stack( f.e. I payed on a suited 9 high spade flop 20 dollars with my Q(s) and got there on the turn. Only to see the nuts in my opponents hand.
Then i got dealt AA(130$left). One limper. I raised 25. Only BB calls. Flop came 7 high-rainbow. I bet 40$-Call. Turn J - Moved All in and got a call of 1010. River K and the pot was mine.
4-5 hands later i got A(s)K(c)(about 320$ behind). Made a three bet from 8 dollars to 27$. 4 Callers. Flop: AK3 with 2 spades. Originalraiser bet 45$ and I moved All in. Folded to him and he called with QQ. Turn and River were Spades so i made the Nut flush and got the pot. After a couple of hours i left the table with a profit of about 300$. Nice staff, chairs(really comfortable) and poker room with a nice progressiv High Hand Jackpot for a Royal FLush of 3000$ in these days. So i took a shot on it a few more times. (But I didnt get it).
Next day(Friday)
visited Caesars Palace for breakfast buffet which was really good. We walked back to the Stratosphere and visited a few hotels on the Strip. Just for looking. I played the whole day at Stratosphere poker room. But actually i dont remember any hands. But i made a profit of ~200$.
I went to Caesars Palace poker room. Bought in on the 1-3$ cash game for 200$ and got seated at a table with 4 drunk Skandinavian with about 1-4k in front of them. (Max. Buy in 500$). and another deep stacked American with about 2k who seemed to be a really good player. While playing a few hands i got down to around 95$.
Raise from good player to 11$ with 3 Callers. I found QJ off in BB and pushed All in. Everybody folded.
7-9 later. Same situation. I had JJ and moved All in. Good Player called with AQ. Board: 10 2 10 2 7. Pot around 275 was dealt to me.
The Skandinavian raised nearly every pot. I picked up QQ in 2nd positon and just called. Evrybody else called and we saw a A 10 6 Flop. 1st player bet 15$ and i folded.
Next Hand: QQ again. Again I limped. One Skandinavian raised to 25. Good Player called. I reraised to 75$. Both called! Flop 863rainbow. Good Player Checked in the dark. I moved All in for exactly 181$(dont know why i am remembering this one) . Skandinavian called with A8 and other one folded. Turn: 7 River: 2. And i got this really nice pot with a small sweat.
About One hour(Stack ~400$) later i picked up 85(diamonds) and called the raise to 14$ another one called as well so the BB. Flop 4(s) 6(d) 7(d) BINGO!. BB bet 20$(about even stacks) I raised to 60$. Evrybody else folded. He called. Turn 3 (s). Check- I bet 120$ -he called. River: J(c)- check- i moved after a little think about it all in and he folded 6(s) 7(s). And i got this nice pot. Straight Flush bonus would habe been 350$. I left the room after 8-9 hours of play with about 500$ profit.
Saturday (AVP Event at MGM)
I played at MGM the whole day 1-2$ (200$) cash game. But i only remeber two hands.
Stack about 250. Iam in SB and got 55 and called the preflop raise to 10$. BB called as well. (Both had me covered). Flop 523 rainbow. i check-check-bet 28$. I only called as did the BB. Turn J - I check- check- Bet 48$. Me and BB called. River K. I check-check- Bet 85. After a little time i called and BB folded. He showed a Bluff (Q10). I got it.
A bit later I made a preflop raise to 7$ with Q9(c)(stack~400). One caller with around 200 behind. Flop J 10 8 with 2 clubs. I bet pot and he called. Turn Blank. I bet pot again and he folded after 3-4 minutes and showed K9 off. Should i have bet the turn smaller?
Made about 250$ profit in this really nice poker room with Lion Habitat only 25 meters away. But i was to tired to play the AVP Event. Damn it. I heard it was awesome. Damn it.
I Played the 11am tourney at Stratosphere (65$ incl. Add on(Stack 8500). 9 places paid. (1st about 1500$ or maybe a bit less). A got bust in 17 th place against huge chipl leader who raised every hand. I (35000) shoved after he raised 7500 (Blind 1.5-3k) with my AK suited and he called with pocket 4s. And i didnt hit.
Then moved to NY but I didint find the poker room there. So i moved to Luxor. They had no Cash Game yet. So i played the tourney with 60$(4500chips). 24 runners. Paid Top 3. Early in tourney.
Preflop raise to 4 BB i called with Q8suited and BB called as well.
Flop AQ4 checked around. Turn 8. -Check-Bet 4 BB- I called - other one folded. River 7. He put me nearly all in and i folded. He showed AA. I knew it. Why check the flop?. Haha.
I got busted in 8th or 9th with blind huge and i had 8-9k left. My AK caught up on K74 flop againt pocket 6s. But a turned 6 sealed my destiny. I shook hands and moved to the 1-2$ cash game. I played about 3 hours. Met a few guys from Germany and had a nice time there and made a profit of 3$ which i gave to the beatiful cocktail lady. I remember one hand in which one i was not involved. My german buddy raised to 8 $ (300$ behind) BB raised to 26(nearly even stacks). He called.
Flop 883. BB bet 38- my buddy called.
Turn Q - Check - Bet 40 - Raise to 120 - All in - call. My Buddy showed K8 suited and BB QQ. ooooops.
River last Q and he got another 100$ for High Hand and of course the pot.
Then i went to bed early this day.
Played the whole day at Stratosphere in 2 sessions. First at 3 am to 6 am. (200$). Moved all in on Q62 rainbow (one club, 2 diamonds). with 96 clubs after a huge preflop war against a really loose player and he called with KJ diamands a got there on the river with the 3.
I dont remeber any hand of the 2nd session but i mad a profit of 200$ and finished the day with +-0.
I decided to play one event of the MGM Series with 340$ buy in at 12pm.
Starting Stack 12k. Blinds 25-50 raising every 40min.
First Hand of the Tourney I got rid of KK (in BB) against a huge preflop war (6bet) and he showed AA(Button). How sick is that. Costed me around 2.5k. But made me happy.
Blinds at 100-200 i found A9 off in BB and shoved(about 4k) against a open raise of 575 and one caller. Agressor called with A10. Caller folded.
Board: AA9JQ Sick one. I know. Managed to get around 14k.
Blinds at 300-600 Ante 50 (I think). Folded to Button. He made it 1675 to go. SB called. Me in BB (AQoff). Moved all in. Button called with KQ(clubs).
Board: JJ25K. autsch and I was out. He paid me Dinner in the next break. He was a really nice older guy but I dont like his call.
Thursday and Friday: I dont remeber any hands of these two days(Statrosphere- Wanted to get the Royal Jackpot- FAIL). I dont know why. I made a profit of about 200$ per day . But i really cant remeber any details.
Saturday: Me and my buddies drunk a lot of alcohol while playing BJ(5-10$) the Whole Day and night. We had a lot of fun. I managed to make a cut to the shuffle the dealer busted the first 7 times in a row. Some guy next to me wanted me to accompany him to his room to show me his penis but I refused gratefully. He showed me his ID and his name was Jonny de la Vegas. I think it was a fake. He told me he is a succesful BJ player. Blahblahblah.
I made a profit of about 100$ and got a nice hangover next day. Sunday morning on 9 am we departed in Vegas. I made a profit of about 700$ after paying everything.(Hotels, flights, Food, Drinks). Maybe I will be back next autumn/winter.
Please excuse my style of writing cause I am only a German who has never been in USA or England before. Any comments are welcome.

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  1. Great report ! Your English was good enough to understand what you were trying to convey.

    How did you like the Stratosphere tournaments?

  2. Any time you can pay for your trip with your winnings = good win! Any time you pay for your complete trip (air, hotel, food, gambling) AND come home with cash = EPIC WIN!

    Congrats man!

  3. @immer-voll

    Too funny!

  4. Sounds like a fun trip. Jonny de la Vegas story is hilarious!!!

  5. nice report. english is very good except the word "meters." i found that very confusing... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: