November 4-14th. Pacquia Fight, Real Estate Conference! Part 2

Reports & Blogs by krupdogg about Aria Casino Posted

Just finished day 1 of 10 in Vegas. I flew from New York this afternoon and arrived in Vegas around 8PM Local time. First Bad beat of the trip is it is drizzling in Vegas and actually colder than when I left NY. The taxi line is also about 30 minutes long.

So I get in a cab and head to the Aria. I've been to Vegas 10 times and I know that the better route is generally Tropicana Avenue and not taking the Freeway. Living in New York one of my Pet Peeves is Taxi drivers trying to take you the long way.

Once I realize he got on the freeway I start busting his chops that I've been here many times and he's trying to rip me off.

I am selectively cheap. I'm about to be gambling for 1000s of dollars but a cabbing getting me for 5 bucks really tilted me.

He tells me its worth it to him to go faster and I can pay him a few dollars less.

I take him up on the offer and give him 21 bucks on a 23 dollar ride.

I get a seat at a 2-5 Table. There are 2 guys with 1000 and the rest have about 500. Game seems pretty tight. I don't see a 3 bet pre flop in the first half an hour. I'm up and down 100 for 2 hours. Game is soft, a lot of limping a lot of checking but it seems every Continuation bet I make gets called. I decided to play ABC poker for now until I get a feel for the dynamic here which is different than the Borgata in Atlantic City.

I had bought in for 500 and reloaded 200 more just to stay at around 500 in chips when I got into a huge pot.

My big hand for the session was J7 Spades.

Villian 1: Roughly 60 year old southern guy. Seemed like average tight agressive old guy. I saw him protect his AA earlier with an overbet on the flop.

Villian 2: He is the fish on the table. I picked off a river bluff from him twice with top pair where he just fires the river after check calling twice.

Villian 1 Raises UTG+2 I call and the biggest fish at the table calls behind me.

Flop KQ2 all Spades.

Villian 1 was the pre flop raiser. He bets out 50 on the flop. I smooth call and the fish calls behind. I wanted to see a turn make sure the 4 flush doesn't hit and the board doesn't pair. The older guy was protecting his hands so I was pretty sure I could re raise his bet on the turn.

Turn is a ace of hearts.

Villian 1bets 100, I raise to 200 trying to build a pot and chase away the ace of spades.

Villian Number 2(the big fish) shoves for 300. Before he shoved he made a big scene and showed the dealer his cards. He was sitting in seat 1 so it was easy to show.

Villian 1 calls.

Now I am almost positive Villian 2 is on the draw since he seemed to be making a scene and showing the dealer his cards like he can't fold. Since the K and Q of spades are out there I figure I am good.

I shove for about 450. I honestly don't know if this was technically a legal raise here more than half of my raise but he insta calls and the dealer lets it go.

River is 8 of Diamonds.

I turn over the flush. Villian 2 has the Ace of Spades and misses his draw.

Villian 1 shows 2 pair. Ship myself a nice 1,000 pot.

I play another hour but now is it about 3AM and the table seems to be prepetually short handed.

Cash out 1547 with 700 invested. +847 for the trip this far.

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  1. In defense of the cab driver: I also avoid the surface streets -- especially a Friday night near the strip. It seems that he wanted to get you to your destination as quickly as possible. Thus getting you settled at your hotel twenty + minutes sooner, while simultaneously freeing up his taxi for another fare. Who knows, maybe the extra cabs on the road helped alleviate that thirty minute wait back at the airport. Just a thought. Welcome to Vegas and hope your trip is a winner. Enjoy the's looking to me like it could be a classic!

  2. Like the way you discribe the other players and the way they play.
    Looking foreward to reading the next part.

  3. Nice day 1 report.

  4. Great 1st day report. Jazzed that you're there for the Pacquaio fight. Will be staying at Aria for NYE weekend and plan to play there often, so looking forward to the rest of your posts.