Poker, Football & Overserved New Yorker's


Vegas Oct. 2-5
Took a 9:30 am flight out of Chicago on Sat. Oct. 2nd. Flew Southwest with no problems and made sure we didn't get "tunneled". Arrived at Bally's around 11:30 and waited in a long line. Used total rewards points, so the room was cheap. The rooms at Bally's are not the most modern, but always clean. Was there with my brother and three other friends from a poker league we play in. Our room was ready and we went right up, dropped our bags off and headed for the Bellagio. Although I get to Vegas about 3-4 times a year, I've never played there before. Waited about 15 mins and got seated at a 1-2 NL game. I really liked the dealers and the room in general, just a little cramped. No games going on in Bobby's room but Eli Elezra stopped by to see if anyone was in there. Played for about 7 hours and left up about $150. Grabbed some dinner and then went to Bally's and played a little before calling it a fairly early night. One of the guys in our group and probably the best player, wanted to stay at Bellagio. He came back to the room at about 5:30 in the morning up $1,100.

Woke up on Sunday and grabbed some breakfast at Cravings in the Mirage. I have always liked their food and this didn't disappoint. After that we placed some bets on the Sunday NFL games and played in their 11am bounty tournament. I believe the entry fee was around $80 with about 40 runners. Was short stacked early and almost out but made a big comeback, finishing 3rd. Payout out was $155 + 5 bounties for a total payout of $280. We dicided to watch the Bears vs. Giants game at Blondie's at the mall in Planet Hollywood. The bar was packed with plenty of tv's but the food and beer selection was less than par. We get seated in a booth next to some other Chicago fans, but next to them were the most obnoxious group of NY fans (go figure) you have ever seen. We were happy to have that buffer between us. They were beyond over served with one guy standing on the table with his shirt pulled over his head drinking a pitcher of beer through his shirt. The Giants destroyed the Bears so this just added fuel to the fire. So everyone was trying to watch the game when we heard this loud crash. The whole bar got quiet and looked over at the drunk New Yorker's. One of them decided to jump off the back of the booth onto the table. The table went totally verticle, beer flew everywhere and the guy was laying on the floor in a daze. After he got up and his friends saw that he was ok, they started high fiving each other and laughing. Security came over and finally threw them out. After that little bit of entertainment we decided to walk the strip and look for a 1-2 game. Not sure how, but we ended up at the Flamingo. My brother and I were the first up to the poker desk and the manager said he had two open seats and to follow him. Wouldn't you know it, we ended up of course, at the same table as the drunk New Yorker's. I was getting annoyed while my brother took the nice guy approach. I guess they were in Vegas for one of their friends 30th B-day. They said that their friend who broke the table was in bed and done for the night. Talking about loose play, they were donking off money like they were a cash machine. One guy went all-in for about $125 holding 6-2 offsuit with a board showing 7-K-A??? I flopped a set of 6's in early position and got sucked out with runner, runner spades for a flush. I left down about $200. Meanwhile, my brother is getting high pocket pairs on almost every hand and was up $700 in the first hour. The rest of our group got seated at other tables but eveyone wanted to get on this table. The next morning my brother said that they also got kicked out of the Flamingo for being so obnoxious.

Woke up Monday and went to play at the Venetian. I have to say that I agree with most posters that this is the nicest poker room in Vegas. I was seated at a 1-2 game and was playing conservatively when I got pocket KK's on the button. Ended getting all my money in against someone holding A-J and the kings held up for a nice $250 pot. After that, I decided to join the rest of my crew and play their $150 noon tourney. I had the most unbelievable blonde woman at my table. She had to of have worked in the "adult entertainment" industry. She had on the tightest fitting dress with her enormous fake boobs just hanging out. No one at the table could concentrate. She was a pretty solid player too. As people got knocked out, they condensed tables. Wouldn't you know it, she ended up at my buddy's table. I got knocked out so I had to go over and watch. A few funny side notes...She bent down to put her purse on the floor and one of her boobs literally fell out. She had to grab her dress with her other hand and pull it back up. Then when there was a break, she got up and asked why no one else was getting up. Someone remarked that they were waiting for her. It was funny because there were two guys who had sun glasses on their heads but weren't using them. When she sat down they pulled them down. One of the guys said, "I can't see anything." To top it off, a new dealer comes in, sees her and kind of stares for awhile. He then shuffles the cards, burns one and deals the flop. He points at the guy who is first to act. The whole table is just watching in disblief when the guy says to the dealer, "are you going to deal us cards?" Laughter breaks out and the dealer says, sorry, I'm a little distracted." My friend got knocked out a little later and said she was one of the chip leaders.

I love "old" Vegas so I decide to go downtown by myself. One of my favorite poker rooms is Binion's. I've never had a bad time here. I get seated at a pretty fun table with a drunk farmer from Washington state who is just running over everyone. He is ready to leave because he has to meet his wife when the following hand occurs...He is on the button and makes a good size raise, one caller. Flop comes 9 10 J rainbow. He makes another hefty bet and thinks no one has called him. He flips his cards up (9d 10K for two pair) and begins to rake the pot. The dealer reminds him that the gentleman to his left is still in the pot. That guy calls his bet. Turn comes 4s and the drunk farmer fires another big bet...guy to his left smooth calls. River is another brick and drunk farmer bets $100..guy to his left raises to $150 and gets called by drunk farmer...guy to his left flips up Q K for a flopped straight. The manager who is watching says, "I guess they don't have beer in Washington." To his credit, he was a very nice guy who just wanted to have fun. He then decided to cash in and go meet his wife. I got on a nice little run and decided that I wanted to eat at the Binion's steak house on the top floor. I have to say that the food and service was excellant. Having taken care of my hunger, I decided to wander over to the Golden Nugget. While I like their casino and hotel, I never seem to have any luck at their poker room. They were just starting a $65 tourney, so I decided to join. I can't remember exactly but the starting chip stack was around $2,500? I was seated next to the most annoying kid who kept telling everyone how good he was. It was a total shovefest and at this point, I justed wanted to bust out. Ended up busting out after the first round and took a cab back to the strip.

Woke up on Tuesday morning and joined the group over at MGM. We had about 3 hours to play before we had to head to the airport. MGM is another favorite poker room of mine in Vegas. The staff and dealers are always very nice and professional. I lost about $120 in this session but didn't mind. We all had a great time with lot's of poker. Can't wait to get back soon! Thanks for reading this long post.

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  1. Nice report. I was in Vegas the same week. Went to spots at almost the same time. Bellagio on fri the 1st (Bobby's room was also dark that night) and the mirage on Sunday. I watched the Giants/Bears game in the Mirage poker room after I got nocked out of the 7pm tourny. There was some really drunk fans watching it there too.

  2. Nice report. Thanks. I was there at the same time and had 3 obnoxious kids @ the B.