
We went to Las Vegas to play poker. We played several tournys, at Ceasers, Mandlay Bay, Golden Nugget, MGM and only took 4th in one. Our group was 3 couples, 2 of us stayed at the Trop and 1 stayed at Ballys. If you dont like hookers trying to pick you up dont go to the Trop...there are many, morning and night. We played live at MGM, Excalibur, Mirage and a few others. I liked the MGM the best, the poker room is top notch, dealers are smart and fast. The action is very good all the time. Had a little problem at the Mirage...a player mucked his cards and after he saw mine he picked them out of the muck and turned them over to have the dealer give him the pot. Didnt seem that fair. Would love to say we all won but I was the only one to come home with some winnings. The Trops poker room seemed to have little or no action 90% of the time, Excalibur had action but it seemed like a whole bunch of locals and very low limit. Caesers is always busy and the tournements are first class. Golden Nugget was a nice place to play poker very friendly staff. We stopped by the Paris poker room a 2 times and it seemed they may have made a mistake moving the room to back room behind the sports book..they had no action whats so ever...We all had fun and will try to stay somewhere other then the the Trop next time.
Fun was had by all..we ate good and played a whole bunch of poker...hope you enjoy your next trip there.

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  1. i agree, once the cards were mucked, they are dead. that was your pot.

  2. No way Mirage should have allowed this if the cards were mucked as you described. That is a simple rule to administer by the dealer. Too bad but never be afraid to call the floor.

  3. Good read, thanks!


    Hell, I don't even have enough left to keep the rubber band from folding over itself, it's back to bankroll building for me....

  4. I agree that mucked cards are dead, but I have found via the forums that this happens in many rooms.

    I agree with you that thr Tropicana is dead until night time, but I made the most funds there. Same as Excaliber, smooth pickings as many hot shot locals don't feel them worth the effort.

    Now; as for those hookers at the Trop...what door was that??? :smile:

  5. I couldnt believe the dealer turned over his cards....i did not have the best hand but thought the pot was mine..I will call the floor next and learn....nothing like a 200+ swing in chips....I had a blast playing at MGM...1/2 NL with 10000 plus on the table...its a great feeling when you have the nuts and someone is betting into you....and for the hookers...MGM to the Trop Bridge..Trop lounge inside the door and at the Elevators in the husband said he was approached to many times to count and I even asked one if this was Hooker Central..LOL...Good Luck..Toni

  6. I played in a local tournament last night (about 45 people). I was in the small blind. UTG calls, and it folds around to me. I call and put my other half of the blind in. The old guy in the BB looks at his cards, and throws his cards into the muck. I look at the UTG, and he looks at me. Then we look at the dealer, and he says "2 playing, pot is good". As he is dealing out the flop cards, the BB realizes he just mucked his cards when he had a free look, and he goes to pull them back. Just as he is reaching into the middle of the table, another player at the table pushes all the discards together and organizes the chips. The BB pulls his hand back, and kinda groans, but doesn't make any commotion. He knows he screwed up.

    Toni, sorry you got screwed on that one hand. That sucks.