strippers, skull rings, and the WSOP

Reports & Blogs by 8perfect about MGM Grand Posted

I saved up for three months to go down and play event #5 this year. The $2500 dollar Omaha/stud hi lo tourney. Me and my friend Bob flew down on Sat. the 2nd. The day before the tourney. We started tanking up SeaTac and continued on the plane. With the alcohol and travel backgammon board we brought, the flight seemed like only a half an hour.
We checked into the Luxor and had dinner in at Fusia. Don't ever go there! We ended up at Planet Hollywood bcause we didn't think it would be possiable to sit at a cash game around 11p.m. on a Saturday night. The games were full at Mandalay Bay and MGM. At MGM 29 people were on the list. So we went to sign up for PH tourney but got in a 1-2 nl cash game. We both lost a few bucks but it was a soft game. We both stayed out of the tourney because there was more money to be had at the cash game.
Planet Holly is surprising nice. Beautiful color scheme, everything. I liked the table we played at too. Not just because it was soft. They were all very cool people, except for some jabronie wearing sunglasses that would give you a stare down when you raised preflop.
Next day was the world series for me. I had Mike Sexton and John Juanda at my table. Aside from them, it was nothing but jackasses at my table. High strung, rude, unknowns that treated the dealers like garbage. Sitting with them for hours almost made me regret playing in the event.
On our first break I really had to use the bathroom. The mens had a long line and I saw some guy talking to John Juanda about another bathroom. I walked up to Juanda and asked him where the other one was. He said he didn't want to tell me bacause I'd beat him there. He told me and I did beat him there. In the bathroom, someone tapped my shoulder. It was John Juanda. He pointed at the sink and said that the sink was open and I could piss there. As soon as we got out of the bathroom, Bob said, "John Juanda just told you to piss in a sink!"

nothing much happened in the tournament for me. I played one hand of Omaha hi-lo heads up with Mike Sexton. I scooped. The best part was a very short stacked Men "The Master" sat at my table and I knocked him out when he reraised all in durning a hand of stud hi-lo.
Bob got bored standing around so he headed to play poker at the palms. He lost all his money and said it was one of the worst games he had ever played in. He did get drunk playing there slots. He thought they had the hottest, fastest waitresses there. So that makes up for the poor play in there poker room.
I was sitting there miserable when Bob tapped my shoulder. I turned around and he handed me a coors light. Jen Harmen was at the table next to us and I could feel her eyes on us. I turned and at her table, everyone was watching a hand in play except her. She was watching me and Bob. She's better looking in person and has such a kind, calm demeanor. Everytime I lost a hand, I would turn and look at her to settle myself.
The funny thing about Bob bringing me beer was that the tournament area was closed off to the public, but Bob was drunk and kept wandering around. They chased him out of there about five or six times. It annoyed the guys next to me but since they were so rude to the dealers I even let Bob sweat my cards. It really helped my mood. It seemed like everyone in the tournament was a dirtbag, or just plain miserable. Except for Jen Harmen and Greg Raymer. They both seemed happy to be there and both gave off good vibes.
I lasted until 1a.m. and lost when someone made a better low and high in stud. Too make up for the lossBob and I went to Olympic Gardens forlap dances. Don't waste your time there.
The next day was 1-2 nl at MGM Grand. I've always like this room and it didn't dissapoint. Bob and I sat at different tables and both made money. Bob doubled up on his second hand. He had pocket jacks, another guy had aces. Bob flopped jacks full. My game was so easy I even raised with a-4 of hearts in the small bling with four limpers. I flopped the nut flush and led with a bet right there. Only two guys were still in with me. I bet 25. First guy called and the other guy raised to a hundred. I pushed the rest of my money in. That hundred plus another 110. He knew he was beat but called with top two pair. The flush held up.
The best part was his friend was in the bathroom when this happened. He comes back and asked the guy, "What the hell happened to all your chips?!?" His friend mutter under his breath that I raised in the small blind with A-4 suited. I wanted to tell him, I did it bcause the game was weak, which emboldened me. I wanted some of those limpers out of the pot. With a raise in the small blind, I could disguise my hand. If I hit it, I get paid off big, if I miss, I get out cheap.
We then went to the Mirage and had dinner at Samba. My favorite place to eat when in Vegas. Bob thought it was great too. We then hit the poker room. I like the Mirage and it's poker room. I played the 5-10 omaha hi-lo game and drank white russians. Bob played 1-2 nl and a sit n go. I lost 50 bucks in the game. I played it last year too and couldn't win any money then either.
Bob heard good things about the Sahara 11p.m. tourney. So we tried it. It sucked! I was the first one out of 70 or so people. I did the 20 dollar rebuy and was then the second person knocked out! I tried to bully the table. The woman that knocked me out called my raise in the small blind with a 8-10 suited. Then called a bet on the flop with just an inside straight draw. She chck raised when me all in on the turn when she hit it. She claimed she only called my raise because she "already had a 25 in". Whatever...
I went over to the cash game 1-3. 500 max buy in. I didn't have it. Sat down with 350. I did fine. On my second hand I saw king-queen offsuit. Against my better judgement, I raised to 12 in early position. Just wanted to thin the feild, then take it down with a continuation bet on the flop. This big, old, cowboy(sunglasses, cowboy shirt and hat, big ass skull ring) doulded my bet. I call. King comes up on the flop. I had him on ace king or a small pair so I led out to find out. I bet 25 and he calls me in a heart beat. Turn is aten. I bet 40 and he calls me. My heart is beating heavy. I think to myself, "Easy now, easy....brathe in thru your nose, out thru your mouth. You got some chest hair showing, your in a pot with a cowboy wearing a skull ring. This is poker!" The river paired the tens. I bet 30 hoping to make it look like a value bet instead of the weak bet it was. Once it took him a few seconds to think it over before calling, I knew I had him. I showed and he mucked. The play at the table was alittle more erractic than at some other places so when Bob got knocked out, we left.
Playing in the Sahara drained us, so we walked over to the Peppermill and drank in their bar. Details magazine once named it as one of the best bars in America and, once again details was right! We loved this bar. If you have the chance, then you should go. I've eaten at the Peppermill before and I liked that alot too.
On our last day we played a sit n go at the plaza. Some of these people in the sit n go were nuts. They barely knew how to play. What's worse is that they would call all ins with 10-7 and hit their hands!
We went back to the MGM Grand and lost money. But I still like the room. Probably my favorite room.
It was late and I was drunk. I went back to the room while Bob went to the Luxor's 50 buy in table at 5 a.m. we had to check out at 11. At 6:30 he came back to the room and told me he doubled his 50 bucks and really enjoyed himself at the table. Everyone there was just playing for fun and if we didn't have to leave in a few hours, he would have stayed.
The next morning was miserable.

I've been a lurker for the longest time on this sight and have always loved reading the trip reports and room reviews. I felt complelled to give my own report so please discount any spelling or grammar mistakes. Just wanted to put in my two cents and maybe help someone out.

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  1. great report...was there as much chaos at the wsop as reported.....was vegas crazy busy due to wsop.

  2. great report...was there as much chaos at the wsop as reported.....was vegas crazy busy due to wsop.

  3. You knocked out Men! There's a story to tell. Must have been cool to sit at a table with pros. Most don't.

  4. Great read!

  5. I've been a long time lurker too loved your report I hope my trip in 2 weeks goes well. With a little more winning, thats sucks about all the loose garbage play. Meeting the pros had to be a cool expierence, maybe or hopefully I'll get a few autographs when I'm there. GL on your next go around!!!

  6. Great post and trip. The WSOP would definitely be a highlight.

  7. LL
    • LL

    Dude, John Juanda told you to piss in a sink! lol j/k :grin: Good trip report, I also played at the MGM n/l cash game, lots of action, but just ran into too many fish...kept getting drawn out on!