Sweating friends at WSOP, playing late night poker, and living the life (LONG)

Reports & Blogs by Parmcat about Bellagio Casino Posted

OK...sohere is my recollection of my 4 night trip in Vegas, as I dont take notes and only have the hand history of ONE hand...

Arive in Vegas via Spirit Air Sat June 7th around 9:00. My sister in Law, who I will be staying with for the trip picks me up, and we are headed back to Henderson. This will be my first bad beat of the trip, as while I was flying into Vegas, by friend (and husband of an AVPer Bugster74) was at the final table of the WSOP 6 handed 1500.00 event, and didnt last long enough for me to see the finish. He took 5th, and a cool 70,000 for his efort, and I am stoked to try to get mine!!!

After dropping my bags off, I get the sis in Law to drop me off at Green Valley Ranch to dive right into the action. I have been travelling for about 14 hours, and am feeling a bit tired...so I know the session will be short. Get seated quickly at the 4/8 half kill game. Get some hands to hold up, and am looking good. I did have a spot where I made 9s full of queens with Q9s in the BB, when a queen hit the river, but was beat all the way when the villian turned over QQ. Still left there in a bit over 2 hrs up 200.00

Back to the house for some sleep. In bed by 2:00, and was wide awake at 7:00 Out for breakfast with the SIL and to some bakery in Henderson, and am feeling good again. I head to the rental place to pick uip my car....Doller Rental at the airport, and get a sweet deal on a midsized car. They say...Mr Parmcat...any car in row 4 is yours...so I go check it our...PT cruiser...no....Caliber...no, AH...what is this...a candy apple red 2008 For Mustang...YEP...This is how I am going to roll...LOL

Bugster starts the WSOP Ladies event today, so I head to the Rio to meet up with her. WSOP Valet the car...this is so choice... She is seated with no named celebs at her table. I watch for a bit, and then check out some of the other action going on. There is a 10,000 stud event and I see almost every pro possible. I could have knocked Doyles hat off he was so close. His take had Raymer, Negraneau, Oppenhiem, and Seidel...fishy table eh...LOL

Head to the Rio poker room and play some 1/2 NL fairly aggressive tble here, with lots of PF raised to 15.00 I play tight, and hammer my decent hands, and fold when I think I am beat....pretty ABC. about 2 hrs later, I hear a voice, and it is Anatoly, who took 5th in the 6 handed event. I rake up to catch up with him. I am up 120.00 for that session, and feel good. We head over the the deli beside the Rio poker room and I order some rediculous sandwich that takes all afternoon to finish...huge, good, and my belly is full. Tony is on cloud nine, and is playing back all his hands from the final table...man he ran decent, and won some critical coin flips...good for him....

Back to the WSOP room to check on Bugster. She is healthy at her table, and now has Linda Johnson " The first lady of poker" at her table. She is the lady in black at the WPT events that does the commentating....what a very nice lady she was.

Tony and I decide to head to the TI to check out the action, and plan on playing the Headhunter tourny. I get there, and at the podium, I say the password (joke from the TI thread) to Dannette. WOW...she was awesome. She got us seated right away, got us a players card, and chips, and made sure we were signed up for the tourny. Took great care of us. Played 1/2 NL while we waited for the touney. The table broke about 40 minuted before the 7:00 tounry, and after about 1.5 hrs of play there, I was up about 80.00 Tony and I got for a walk, and I decide I wanna play some craps....never played before...neither has Tony. We each drop 80.00 bucks on the table and the dealer there was awesome...helped us along...telling what we should and shouldnt do. I lose quickly, but Tony decides that 6 is the number, and tyhe roller hammers it a few times....20 minutes later, I am down my 80.00 and Tony is up 4.00...LOL...good times.

Back to the TI for the headhunter. I think they had 4 tables plus alternates. IO last into the second level, when I over play top pair, and lose to 2 pair....gg me. Tony lasts about an hour longer, but no bounties. I played some 2/4 limit while I waited, and lost 60.00 as good hands were no good at this table...got moved to an open 1/2 NL, where I sat with a few AVPers, and made back about 30.00 from the 2/4 loss.

Back to see Bugster finsish her day at the WSOP event. At around 11:30 they announced that they made it down to 99, and they were in the money. She has a big double up on the third last hand of the day, and when all is said, she leave day one with 23,000 chips....aroun average.

They head back to their hotle, and I start to head home, but the singlr deack BJ table calls my name....quickly loose 100.00 there, and I get the car from Valet, and head home.

Monday was an off day for poker for me. Head to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch, and then to the Rio to watch Bugster. Unfortunatly made it there to see her get busted by the hand she hates most. She pushed with QK ( I think) and was called by 99 and a Q hit the board (I thin it was the queen) but the villian rivered the straight. She is out in 40th, and makes around 3000.00 for her play. She both played their first WSOP events, and both cashed....Pretty sweet.

That night my SIL and her roommate want to go drinking. They also have anouth friend that wanted to come along. So there is me the 38 year old dude, with 3 very nice looking hotties. We jump into the Mustang, and head to the strip. Valet at MGM (I am loving Valet..LOL) and hit Fat Tuesday for some over the top frozen drink called a Cat4. It comes on a huge mug and and decied I am going all in tonight. Stop in at Centrofuge to check it out...very cool also! Head to NYNY for some pizza, and listen to the piano bar. Cool stuff. Then...it gets very hazy. Cab to Mandalay Bay, and go to some bar that has a live cover band playing all the classic rock that I like. Hit the dance floor with my hotties (so I was told) and order more drinks...a lot of drinks I am told. Well...the next think I know...I am waking up back in Henderson. They say what happenen in Vegas stays in Vegas, so I hope that is true, because I can not remember anything after getting there....SIL says it was a hoot, and all was good. I start to do the typical morning check list...wallet...check, phone...check...cash in pocket...Umm...check kinda. After doing inventory, I was down almost 300.00 bones...Plus I had a few pics I dont remember taking on MY cell phone....hehehe...good times I guess. lol

Tuesday is hangover day. I feel like I am walking arouind under water, and everything has a hazy fussy edge around it. I can eat, and am very queezy. We were suppose to go to Zion tiday, but that was scrapped. We decide to do Red Rock Canyon, as I had rented a camera lens for the trip, and needed to use it...pretty cool place for baing so close to the strip...

That night, around 10:00 I decide I am well enought to go out. I head to the Mirage, as I really liked this room on my last trip. Before I sit, I need to eat. The Lakers game has about 8 minutes to go, so I decide to grab a sandwaich, and watch the end of the game. Head into Carnegie Deli....OMFG. I craved Bacon...I got was I wanted....a 2 pound Bacon and chicken salad sandwich, that took 30 minuted to eat, and I didnt finish it. 22.00 later....holy crap...if you like to deli meat...you have to go here....unreal!

Sit at the 3/6 game at it is a good time. Nothing too crazy, and I am up a bit...There is an old sitting across from me, and I assume he is local. I start to notice that he is in almost ever pot, and nothign post flop get checked by him...he is hitting rediculous stuff, and is building a stack. I want to take him down, and dont. He has my number, and before I know it, I am down almost 200.00. Her is one of the oddest things that has ever happened to me at a poker game. Old guy gets up to go for a walk, and is gone for about 20 minutes. In that 20 minutes, I got on a mad run, and when he retures, I am nor up over 100.00. As soon as he sits down, I start to bleed again. I decide he is the poker anti christ, or he was serving me drinks at the Mandalay bar or something, and this was payback. I avoid him here on out. He leave about 20 minuted before tha table breaks, and when I does I win one good pot to put me up about 130.00 for the session.

I leave there when the game breaks, and head to the Bellagio, as I have never played there before. Big game in Bobbys room, and the 4/8 table is right beside the open door. The table is me, and a very drunk guy from Texas, and 7 chineese people. Very slow game, and lots of waiting....vide sucks, and the table breaks about an hr later, with my being up 3.00 The game in Bobby room has Hanson, Antonius, Elezra, Halabos (sp) and some others. 2000/4000 rotatio game. I was abit light to join.

Wednesday is my last day in Vegas, as my flight leaves at 8am Thurs morning. I sleep well into the afternoon to get ready for the long night ahead. Go to the Bellagio buffet with SIL...my fav buffet, and it doesnt disappoint. Go grab some gifts for the kids and Fashion show mall, a dn head home to pack. Say my goodbyes, and take off for the Mirage room again. This is where the wierdest oddest my awesome game I have ever sat in happened.

3/6 limit again...due to an accident in the 15, I get there around 1130, and I have to leave by 5:00. In the first hr, I lose every hand I play, and have to reload for another 100. Then I get short and have cash on the table, and have to pull out anout 100.00 to make a call, which I win...with a set of 8s....4 full days in Vegas...lot od poker, and THIS was my first flopped set....honest!

THEN...a young canadian guy sits to my left...tats, and all in blck...seems like a fun guy though, and shortly there after, 2 ladies sit...One form Canada, and the other from europe. The game is nor on. The Canadies girl in her firsr had puts on the staddle, and says she loves to gamble. It is called raised, reraised, and capped 7 ways preflop....She hits a flush against my top 2 with 5 still in the action and takes a pot over 200 in a 2/6 game...sign of things to some. In the next few hours, I when up and down over 500.00 The carzies stuff was when the table wanted to gamble...small/big/straddle/restraddle/rerestaddle for a call of 12 preflop, and 8 people seeing it...we had pots well over 200.00 for the next 3 hrs...it was just crazy...and the dealers, floor, and rails were just loving it....

SO...here is my one hand of the week. It is literaly 4:55 and I have to leave by 5 to return the rental car and get to the airport...I am deal JQh and the same stuff is going on. I have less then 60.00 in front, and have told the guy beside me I am playing it out, as it is my last hand, and leave down 300 or 240 is no big difference. lots of betting, and the flop is AK4 rainbow...lots of action again by the 7 people in the pot. tuen is a 9. There are 2 clubs on the baord...the guy at the end of the table, who is the huge stack, is betting/raising all he can. 5 to the river. the miricle 10 falls for me. No flushes...only the nuts...we get heads up, and keep reraising untill I am now all in. He turn AL clubs for top 2 and the nut flush draw, and I suck out the straight. He goes NUTS...the derogitory Canadadian comment come flying, and the the challange to kick my ass...luckally the florr was there, and calmed him down...I think he was more pissed that I was racking up, more then anything....racking up 203 chips, to but down 97 on the session...nice recovery.

so...the summery of this trip....

Poker winnings +376
Table Games -280 (a 100 roulette loss with the SIL also)

Over all gambling +76

less the 300 drinking...OH man....

Romm summeries:

GVR...nice room, well run, and good dealers...lots of jackpots to be wona slo...lots of locals

Rio..Well...busy due to the WSOP. Lots of money and lots of loose games. Good dealers...need a 4/8 game

TI...very nice room...bit small, but cozy..very well run, and the BEST LOOKING floor people....lol..I guess it was good that Christopher wasnt thwere that night....LOL...Thanks Dannette for making it a very good night for us!

Bellagio...over rated...cold floor, and the small games get NO attention there....

Mirage...I really like this room. Good dealers. Wish there were some jackpots. spead lots of games. My last night they had a 1/2 PLO game going...next time!!!

I am soooo sorry this was soo long....If you decided to read this all...thanks for hanging in!!!

All the best!


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  1. I must apologize

    I typed this very fast this morning, and didnt really check it after...It looks like hell in some places....

    OK...I have edited it...hope it is better


    PS...also edited the hand the Bugster got knocked out of the WSOP womens event

    Villian raised with 99 and Bugster pushed with QQ

    flop is 578, turn a 10, river a 6

    sucked a lot!

  2. Sounds like a fun trip. Glad the password helped; eh?
