The Grind...

Reports & Blogs by yadyaprekop Posted

I started my month long journey on a up note. Hitting my first day on the green felt in Vegas as a profit of $600 plus. Not bad for a few hours of action right off the bat.

Unfortunately the days to fallow have not been so kind. One bad cooler after another. Which I do expect but they never seam to get any easier. Doesn't matter if I lose 20 bucks or 200 bucks on a single hand. It's the fact that I did lose the hand. Picking my spots and dodging bullets. Apparently something I haven't been very good at.

I have already dropped over 5 grand in cash games in the last 10 days. I have spread the action around so I'm sure a few of you have enjoyed stacking my chips.

I really find that my play is usually pretty good and that I consider myself a decent player at the least. Picking my spots, making my reads and fallowing through on my instincts. Well, as I know all so well that just doesn't always pan out as planned.

Plenty of locals who love to push the action and play against a visitor like me as if I'm nothing. I hope to think my play is more than nothing? The edge I thought I might have had maybe isn't there?

I finally had a small win today. It has been my only winning session other than my first session the night I arrived. I still have a long way to go just to get even for this trip. Even would be great at this point and some profit in the next ten days would be great.

I do plan on playing some tournaments to mix things up and see what happens. If I could even score a couple small wins to keep my mind somewhat positive through this time of donating my chips to my many opponents that love to stack my chips up high. So the grind goes one day at a time. One hand at a time and may the river be kind to me this week.

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