Three days of mostly tournament poker


I arrived on 7pm at MGM Grand, unpacked my bag and rushed to late-reg to the 7pm tournament. It was quite uneventful and then this hand occurred: I had lost 2k of the initial 6k starting stack so I had around 4k. Blinds were 100/200 with 25 ante. CO opened to 500, SB called, and I saw a spot to push all in from BB with T9s. CO folded, SB snapped with QQ. Welcome to Vegas baby!

I went to play cash at MGM. There I had another "Welcome to Vegas"-hand: an elderly lady limp/called with KK and then went all in on A99 board against my AQ. Way to play KK... I was up almost $300 but ended up losing a little by losing a small amount, mostly because this hand: I had QQ and villain had AJ, board was AJ9-Q-A. Not much to do with 100bb effective stack, with less than pot left on the river.

Woke up and went to play Caesar's Palace classic event #31. Buy-in was $130 and it had 330 runners. I had a good start after doubling up with nut straight against a set that didn't fill up and then AK > QQ. After that I pretty much just cruised without any large pots, suffered one quite a big bad beat where I lost 2x avg pot with KK against 44 pfai.

I ended up bubbling the tournament and finished 28th. :( Some would say I had that coming, because just before the hand I busted I had refused to pay the bubble. In the hand, BB was the only stack that covered me and, based on my reads, the only player that was fully aware of the bubble factor and the way to play it. Other players had micro stacks. So, I had A7 in late position, and pushed all-in with 11bb, BB woke up with AK and called. I pushed straight all in since I knew BB would be capable of pushing all in with trash and I would be forced to fold almost everything, if I had just min-raised.

After 9h of sitting with no results I decided to hit the sack... kidding, hell no! I went to Venetian to play the 10pm $120 tournament. Finished 3rd of some 30 runners and had my first cash of the trip. Busted out with AQ

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