Vegas birthday trip

Reports & Blogs by debluke about Bellagio Casino, Aria Casino Posted

Left from Newark NJ on Aug 7th for 6 nights in Vegas, for my birthday with hubby
Had upgraded to first class, so was looking for a nice relaxing flight, but of course Continental had other plans
About 10 minutes prior to take off, we see mechanics coming back and forth from the cockpit
Pilot says there are issues, and they are working on it..will be 15 minutes...that 15, turned into an hour and a half..finally it was decided, the plane was not mechanically safe to fly, and we had to get off the plane.
3 hours later, they found a plane to get us to Vegas, and we arrived at 3am...very grumpy and sleepy..

checked into TI
got good rate, plus I like the tournaments there...friendly, not too serious players, and easy competition..perfect

Monday the 8th was my birthday, so we took the day taking it easy
played one tourney at PH
hubby bubbled
I got knocked out early..
did not like the the middle of casino, not a "room"...nice dealers, but the levels moved up too much , too fast, and it was a free for all...never went back rest of trip
Had birthday dinner , at Prime at the Bellagio
Pretty good, but not as good as in the past..not worth the $250

Tuesday....went to Bellagio for 2pm..Tuesday buy in is only $120
first time playing at their poker room
liked the room, but for such a top room, thought the dealers were sub par..kept allowing string bets..very annoying...also, they let you buy back in until level 9, which is too long
hubby got knocked out early, but I wound up finishing in 4th
without rebuying
won about $ first cash of the trip
have to say they had really clean chips...know it may not be a big deal to some...but I usually play in AC, which has the grossest dirty was heaven!!
Wednesday played the 12 noon at Aria
beautiful room, good floor and dealers, and again, really clean chips
made it down to 11 runners, when hand comes KsQd and I am on button
someone else raise, and I call along with 4 others
flop is K, 3, 2, rainbow..everyone checks, and 2 from me bets $5,000
I call..everyone else folds
turn is a King
he now bets $14000
I have 3 Kings with a Q kicker, but , in my gut, I know I am beat..
usually, I can get away from this hand...but I had just been moved to this table, so I did not know how player I called..he pushes me all in on river, 5,
of course he had K, 2, and has a full house..and I am out at 11th out of 80 plus runners, after playing 6 plus hours...
not a happy camper...but go to Olives at Bellagio for dinner, and have yummy Butternut squash all is good

Played 5 tournaments at TO over the next few days
cashed in 3 of them..about $150 per tournament
I love it here
great management, most dealers are nice, and players do not take themselves too seriously..
just a fun $50 torunament
plus, I win alot when I play there, so what is not to like
Husband played twice at Mirage, in mornings, while I did work...I work from home, so as long as I bring my laptop, I can work anywhere
one of the Mirage tournaments, he chopped for about $400

Last day there, we had Thai at Lotus of Siam..yum...and then went to Binions for the 2pm
only about 20 runners
the room is nice, and the structure is okay, but the dealers are the poker police on steroids, and the players are uptight. and think they are in main event...
I got knocked out when my pocket kings lost to pocket queens..
hubby still in, so went to play wheel of fortune $1 slots
never play slots, but was bored
wound up hitting wheel 4 times, for $500...
first at tournament only paid $600 !
Went out onto freak show...put good people watching entertainment
Hubby lost again came in 5th, and 3 spots played

Left Sat morning, and this time flight was, thankfully uneventful

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  1. @debluke

    Did you mean TI? If not where/what is TO? Thanks.

  2. TO iz lol

  3. I'm not a fan of the PH tourney's either since Balley's took over. They sucker you in with the 5K starting chips but start two level higher in blinds and go up faster. Good room for cash games as long as you like loose and aggresive.

  4. Interesting comment on the Binion's dealers. I've never had any issues with any of the dealers. Maybe you got some of the old time dealers. They do like to keep the game moving. Sounds like a great way to spend a birthday.