Vegas Poker Trip Countdown November 4-14th. Pacquia Fight, Real Estate Conference! Pre Trip Fire BET AT CRAPS!

Reports & Blogs by krupdogg about Aria Casino, MGM Grand Posted

Pre Vegas Trip to Niagara Falls Fallsview Casino 2-5: SICK FIRE BET AT CRAPS TABLE

I realize this isn't Vegas however I will continue to blog through my trip next week and thought I'd use this post to provide some background.

I am staying mostly at the Aria from the 4-14th but I may stay a few nights mid week for 30 a night at the Excal when I am by myself in between my friends visiting on both weekends.

I headed up to Niagara Falls while visiting an old friend in Rochester. We had a great run there a few years ago that actually led to a spontaneous (2 Days Planning Vegas Trip after we both crushed the 2-5 a few years ago. I was glad that schedules worked out that I could make a Tuesday-Saturday Trip to Niagara Falls for a week of poker.

Played 2-5 and had planned to move up to 5-10 if things went well. The games were a bit tighter than I am used to playing in NYC and Atlantic City and my image was of one of the loosest players at the table thought I was mostly raising in position and C-betting but limped a number of pots early position trying to see cheap flops since the games were so passive.

Took 2 Terrible Beats with AA and AK both against K3o. The 2nd one was a real stinger for a 2k Pot. AK raised 2 callers, Flop is KK2, Preflop I raised to 25 which was standard and 2 callers.

Flop I bet 75. 1 Caller. I put him on a weaker king as he was a a 40 something, seemed reasonably well dressed for a canadian, mullet with hair gel.

Turn 3, brings backdoor diamond draw.

Hero Bets 100, Villain Makes it $300. Villian has about 600 behind. This is where I think I got a bit spewey but after talking with my friends and a few others I think ultimately it cost me an extra 200 as even if I call this raise and call him down there is a good chance I face an all in call or a 300-400 bet on river.

Hero Shoves the turn all in. Villian Snap calls with K3 hitting his 3 outer on my in this pot.

River doesn't improve my hand and I ship nearly 2k pot to this donkey.

I finish the day down 1200 a little over 2 buyins after the major cooler.

Friday Morning: This was to be the last day of our trip. We are waiting for our 2-5 Seats and I decide to buy in for 200 at the craps table.

1 uneventful roll and I'm down about 50 bucks. It is my turn to shoot and I put 10 on the pass line and a 5 dollar fire bet. For those who aren't familiar with the fire bet it starts to pay once you have set and completed 4 points. Pays 25 to 1 for 4 points 250 to 1 for 5 points and 1000 to one if you set and complete all six points.

I quickly set and hit the 4 and the 6 literally buckshot winners on both points.

I hit the 8 next and within a few rolls make that point as well. I also hit it the hard way 44 for 9 to one payout on my 5 dollar bet.

I hit the six again and hit it within a few points.

Now the table is hot and I have bets on most of the numbers as well as all the hard ways.

I next hit the 10 and immediately the next roll I hit my hard ten so I have 5 of the 6 numbers for the fire bet and am guaranteed 1250 bucks.

I need the 9 for $5,000 at this point! My name is now called for the 2-5 game and I yell over to the poker room to lock it up!

Next roll I set the NINE and if I hit it again I make 5k. At this point my friend is standing behind me silently frustrated that he didn't buy in with me but he is keeping quiet like you are supposed to when a pitcher is throwing a no hitter.

Literally the next roll I hit the Nine for $5,000. The table goes nuts as 3-4 people at the table all had the 5 dollar fire bet!

I now press all my bets since I am free rolling and even hit a $25 dollar horn high 12 for another 400+.

finally 7 out and leave table with 6k on my 200 dollar shot while waiting for my poker seat.

Vegas is less than 2 weeks away and I have a nice addition to my bankroll to bring out to Vegas with me.

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